The drug "Tetracycline" (eye ointment): instructions

Eyes are often infected by various microorganisms. Infectious diseases of this organ must be taken very seriously, since they can not only cause some discomfort, but even lead to blindness. For their treatment, a broad-spectrum drug is needed, proven and effective. A medication such as Tetracycline (ophthalmic ointment) is quite consistent with these requirements, the instructions for use of which provide such a list of indications for its use:

- trachoma (infectious eye pathology, which is quite capable of leading the patient to blindness);

- conjunctivitis (an inflammatory disease in which the outer shell of the eye is affected);

- blepharitis (an inflammatory disease, the localization of which is the edge of the eyelids), as well as many other eye diseases.

The method of using this medication is as follows: it must be laid under the lower eyelid from three to five times a day.

Side effects of the drug "Tetracycline" (eye ointment) instructions for its use describe the following. In some cases, there is a deterioration in appetite, nausea, vomiting, intestinal disorders, such as mild to severe diarrhea, inflammation of the tongue (glossitis), oral mucosa (stomatitis), gastric mucosa (gastritis), rectal mucosa (proctitis), allergic reactions of varying intensity manifestations (from urticaria to Quincke's edema) and more.

This medicinal substance, however, like all other drugs related to this series of pharmaceuticals, can significantly increase the sensitivity of human skin to sunlight (photosensitivity effect).

In the case of long-term use in the treatment of children in the first months of life, when the process of tooth formation is in progress, the Tetracycline drug (eye ointment), the instruction for its use notes the possibility of staining their future teeth in dark yellow due to the deposition of the drug in dentin and tooth enamels.

With prolonged use of this medication, there is a likelihood of developing complications that are caused by the appearance of candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes, as well as septicemia (blood poisoning by microorganisms) caused by yeast from the genus Candida albicans. Antifungal agents are used to treat these complications (for example, Levorin or Nystatin).

During therapy with a drug such as Tetracycline (ointment), the instructions for use recommend that you carefully monitor the patient's well-being. If signs of hypersensitivity to the components of this drug and / or side effects are detected, you should temporarily stop taking it, and, if necessary, change it to another antibiotic that does not belong to the tetracycline group.

Contraindications for the appointment of the drug "Tetracycline" (eye ointment), instructions for its use include the following:

- hypersensitivity to antibiotics of the tetracycline group, as well as related groups (doxycycline, oxytetracycline) and / or other components included in its composition;

- fungal diseases;

- pregnancy;

- children under the age of eight.

Caution should be exercised if the patient has pathologies of the kidneys and / or leukopenia (a decrease in the number of leukocytes), an allergic reaction in history.

This drug is produced by several pharmaceutical companies under different brands, for example, Tetracycline-Akos Ointment, Imex, Tetracycline-Teva, Tetracycline (eye ointment), and Tetracycline Ointment.

The release form of this medication is aluminum tubes of three, seven and ten grams, containing 0.01 grams or 10,000 units of action per gram of ointment (one percent ointment).

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