Apricot Jam with Kernels

Throughout the summer, fresh fruits come to our table. When the time of one fruit passes, the period of ripening of other garden crops immediately begins. And in the interval of time when the cherries have already "departed" and the peaches are still very "green", the apricots are ripening. This fruit culture is very ancient, it was known long before our era. And now she takes the first place in taste among all the fruits that ripen in a temperate climate. This is primarily due to the fact that apricot fruits have a lot of useful substances - organic acids, sugars, pectin substances and vitamins. In this regard, it is widely used in cosmetics, medicine and in the food industry.

Apricot is also β€œrespected” by many housewives who make compote, jam and jam from these fruits. Apricot jam is also tasty and healthy. Fortunately, there are many recipes for this product.

For example, according to the following recipe, you can cook apricot jam, using the kernels extracted from its seeds. To do this, take 3 kg of fresh apricots, 1 lemon, 1 orange and 2.5 kg of sugar. The fruits, of course, must be washed and poured onto a towel to dry them. Next, you need to carefully inspect them, find rotted fruits and discard them. Then each apricot is divided into two halves and a bone is taken from it. These bones cannot be thrown away, they will still be needed in the future.

Then a jam basin is taken and prepared apricots are added to it. A lemon with an orange must be thoroughly washed, cut into slices and, together with the bones and peel, drive through a meat grinder. The resulting porridge is added to the apricots in the basin and all this is filled with sugar. Then you need to shake this basin well to mix its contents. Now for a couple of hours, apricots can be left alone to let the juice go.

In the meantime, you can begin to extract kernels from the seeds. They must be pricked with a hammer and done carefully so as not to damage the core. They will also go to apricot jam and give it a special taste. Two hours behind this lesson will fly by, and it will be possible to start cooking apricot jam. To do this, put the basin on a medium-power fire and bring the apricots to a boil. Throughout this process, jam should be periodically stirred and foam collected from its surface with a slotted spoon or spoon. And when it boils, the fire becomes very weak.

Further, it is possible to get light and liquid jam if you cook it after boiling for no more than 10 minutes. And if this process is extended to 20 minutes, the product will turn out dark and thick. Here everyone already chooses to their liking. After cooking, remove the bowl from the heat and for 8-12 hours give the jam "rest". After this break, put it again on a small fire and bring the product to a boil, stirring it at the same time. This time there is very little foam. Then again β€œrest” for the same period, and then for the last time we bring it to a boil.

And while apricot jam is cooked in the third round, you can prepare half-liter jars for it. They need to be washed thoroughly and very carefully sterilized. you should also boil and lids for them. After the third boil, the turn reaches the nuclei. They should be poured into jam and boiled for another 15 minutes. And when it is ready, the jam should be poured into banks, roll them with lids and wrap them with a coverlet or towels. So they should stand until they have cooled. Everything, jam is ready to eat!

Also, in addition to jam, you can cook apricot jam. It cooks easily for one hour. For this jam you need to take ripe apricots in the amount of one kilogram and 200 grams of unripe fruits. Also for this product you will need 800 grams of sugar, 200 ml of water and half a teaspoon of lemon juice or citric acid.

Apricots need to be thoroughly washed and sorted. Ripe fruits are divided into two halves and the bones are taken out of them. And unripe apricots are cut into small pieces. We start making jam with ripe apricots. They combine with water, put on a stove and brought to a boil. During cooking, remove the foam. Then the container with apricots is covered with a lid, and they are boiled for another 10 minutes on low heat. After this time, the fruits recline on a sieve.

Then the apricots must be driven through a blender or meat grinder, put them back in the pan and add sugar to them. And until the sugar is completely dissolved, this mixture needs to be mixed regularly. Then comes the turn to hard fruits. They pour out in mashed potatoes, and the whole mixture is again brought to a boil. Then again a small fire is made and another 20 minutes should be cooked with constant stirring. Citric acid is added to the jam before the final.

And this jam is still hot pouring into clean jars that are covered with lids. They are placed in a large pot with boiling water for sterilization. Sterilization of half-liter cans takes 10 minutes, and liter - 15 minutes. Then you need to roll up the lids, turn the cans upside down and leave them alone until completely cooled.

There is still a simple recipe, following which you can cook jam from apricots. It will require 4 kg of these fruits, a glass of water and 2.5 kg of sugar. Before starting to cook this jam, apricots should be cut in half and take out the seeds from them. Then the remaining pulp is combined with water and cooked under a lid over low heat. Apricots need to stir from time to time. And when they are completely softened, they must be rubbed together with the juice through a sieve. The mashed potatoes that result from this need to be boiled for another 10 minutes, and then add sugar to it. This mass must be mixed well and cooked until of its original volume remains. In this way, after 1.5 hours it will turn out to be jam. It should be laid out hot in jars and left alone until it has cooled. Then these cans are closed with nylon lids and stored in a cool and damp place.

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