Boiled beets - not only tasty, but also healthy

Beets are known for their taste and healing properties. Since ancient times, it has been used to treat fever, anemia, malignant ulcers and other "malignant" diseases. Nowadays, beets also have a well-deserved popularity in folk medicine, it has a positive effect on blood formation and metabolism, as it contains a "treasure" of vitamins and nutrients. Boiled beets stand out among other vegetables an important property - it retains all its useful qualities.

Boiled, overcooked, baked beets - there are many options, even more options for beet dishes, invariably one thing - beets are tasty and healthy. Beets contain vitamins of group B, PP, C, A. Trace elements and substances: iodine, magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron, cobalt, betaine, phosphorus, copper. The root crop contains bioflavonoids (antioxidants), fiber and pectin fibers. Beetroot juice removes toxins from the body, it contributes to the prevention of the appearance and growth of cancer cells. If you are obese 1-3 degrees, then beetroot helps to get rid of excess fluid in the body, has a beneficial effect on bowel function. With heart diseases, it promotes the formation of hemoglobin in the blood, prevents anemia and leukemia. Folic acid rejuvenates the body at the cellular level - this whole rich spectrum contains both raw and boiled beets .

Each housewife knows the salad recipe from this wonderful vegetable - this is a vinaigrette. In Russian cuisine for classic vinaigrette: boiled beets, pickles, onions or green onions, sauerkraut, boiled beans or green peas, potatoes and carrots. Dressed with mayonnaise or sunflower oil, although in the old days, dressing was done using oil, mustard and vinegar. To prepare the salad, we take three large beets, three medium-sized pickles, three large potatoes, three carrots, three hundred grams of sweet sauerkraut, green peas (in a jar), medium-sized red onion, pepper, salt, olive or other vegetable oil. Rinse beets, carrots, potatoes well, put in a pan and pour water. After the water boils, cook for some more time and check for readiness (pierce with a knife or fork). Peel the vegetables and cut them into cubes, chop the onion finely, chop the cucumbers as well as vegetables. Sauerkraut should be slightly squeezed from the juice. Boiled beets are laid out first, which is immediately seasoned with oil, so that other ingredients do not stain with beet juice. Next, combine other vegetables and season with a small amount of oil, add salt and seasonings to taste.

Dishes from boiled beets are varied, the main rule is to boil the vegetable in advance, since it is cooked for about 45 minutes. After the beets are boiled, you can cook a variety of salads that will surely please your guests. Beetroot β€œratings” are headed by: vinaigrette, herring under a fur coat, borsch, beet salad with walnuts and prunes, and many others.

For those who adhere to the beetroot diet, it is no secret that this vegetable is rich in betaine, which is in the red pulp and contributes to the active burning of fat. Betaine is a lipotropic agent that oxidizes fat cells by thinning them. That’s not all, the β€œmagic” beets contain curcumin, which acts as a powerful antioxidant that prevents the formation of new fat cells. Such a powerful double effect is fat burning and control over the formation of new fat cells.

The conclusion is clear, beets are a wonderful and useful product, which, in addition to a variety of useful properties that have a positive effect on the body as a whole, is useful in the fight against excess weight.

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