What is a wen and what is it dangerous? Signs and methods of treatment

Lipoma (in the people it is often called a wen) is one of the widespread cosmetic defects. The appearance of such neoplasms on the body most often scares patients, and they are looking for a way to quickly get rid of such a pathology, however, first of all, you need to find out what a wen is and how dangerous it is. The selection of therapy always depends on the symptoms of the pathology and the size of the neoplasm.

Basic concept

A lipoma is a benign tumor that is most often localized in the subcutaneous adipose tissue. Hence the popular name โ€œwenโ€ appeared. Theoretically, these neoplasms can appear on any part of the body (on the legs, arms, back, neck). Exceptions are only the feet and hands.

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Most of all, people are afraid of the danger of a wen on the head and face, but even in these cases they do not do much harm. Often, lipomas are found on the internal organs of a person (on the lungs, stomach, liver). In some people, during a routine diagnosis, lipomas are found in the tissues of the brain.

In itself, such proliferation of tissues does not cause unpleasant symptoms and is considered by many people as a cosmetic defect. When asked whether wen on the body is dangerous, many doctors will answer negatively. However, with such indicators, the question of the need for treatment of lipomas remains open. It is noted that benign tumors of this type can be harmless to humans only in certain cases.

Causes of lipomas

Doctors call several main reasons why wen can appear on the human body.

  1. Improper nutrition. Unlimited consumption of fatty foods, canned foods, processed foods and fast food leads to metabolic disorders. This is explained by the entry into the body of harmful substances that accumulate in the tissues and contribute to the growth of lipomas.
  2. Age. Most patients with this diagnosis are people over 30-40 years old. At a young age, such neoplasms also occur, but the risk is much lower.
  3. Mechanical damage. Lipomas sometimes occur in places of soft tissue damage (burns, severe bruises). Such changes occur with malnutrition of cells.
  4. Genetic predisposition. The risk of finding a wen on the body increases in those people whose close relatives also suffer from this disease.
  5. Diseases of the internal organs. When wen appear, it is worth checking the work of the liver, kidneys, and organs of the endocrine system. In such cases, questions about whether wen are dangerous on the body, usually fade into the background, since the priority is the treatment of underlying diseases.
  6. Sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work. Due to stagnation of blood, the nutrition of tissues is disturbed, which can lead to the appearance of neoplasms.
    wen on the head is it dangerous

Symptoms of Lipoma

A feature of this pathology is that a person has no pain or discomfort in the field of lipoma formation. If the wen is located on the arms, legs, back or other part of the body, then it has the appearance of a tubercle that rises above the surface of the skin. On palpation, the relative softness of the neoplasm can be noted. The lipoma capsule is movable. When pressed, a person does not feel pain or discomfort.

With lipomas located on the internal organs, a person also does not have complaints related to a malfunction of this body. Such neoplasms can be detected only during ultrasound or computed tomography.

Despite the fact that lipoma often does not cause inconvenience, a person should undergo an examination to clarify the analysis. This need is explained by the fact that the appeared neoplasm may turn out to be not a lipoma, but another pathology. For example, atheroma at the initial stage of development or an inflamed lymph node. Such manifestations have more serious consequences compared with the fact that adipose on the human body is dangerous.

Lipoma on the head or face

Doctors are often asked about whether a wen on the head is dangerous. This manifestation does not have big differences from neoplasms located on other parts of the body. For this reason, there should not be cause for concern. A cosmetic defect can be dealt with using modern methods of treatment. However, this applies only to those cases when the wen does not hurt or become inflamed.

What if a lipoma causes pain

Lipoma itself does not cause pain or inconvenience, therefore, if this area bothers a person, there is a risk of complications. This happens in one of the following cases:

what is dangerous wen on the body
  1. Inflammatory process. If bacteria enter the lipoma capsule, inflammation can begin here. Such a development of events often occurs after an attempt to independently open the wen.
  2. Incorrect diagnosis. In some cases, an inflamed lymph node can be taken as a lipoma.
  3. Rebirth in a malignant tumor. Under the influence of certain factors, lipoma cells can transform into cancer cells. This is one of the explanations for what is dangerous wen on the body.
  4. Compression of nerve endings. If a lipoma has formed in the spine, it can cause intervertebral hernias and compress the nerve roots, which in turn causes pain. The danger of a wen on the back is that with the growth of the tumor, the personโ€™s condition will worsen.

When to treat a lipoma

Many people with the appearance of small neoplasms on the body do not go to the doctors because of the absence of unpleasant symptoms. Women with this problem often visit beauticians to remove wen with a laser.

Doctors advise against delaying treatment in several cases:

  1. Lipoma causes pain. Pain can occur as a result of touching this area, or at rest.
  2. Large sizes of the neoplasm. In this case, the tumor disrupts normal blood circulation and tissue nutrition.
  3. An unaesthetic look. When asked about the danger of a wen on the neck, doctors answer: nothing, but its appearance on open parts of the body causes discomfort and self-doubt.
  4. Restriction in movements. If a large tumor is localized in the armpit, neck or groin, this constrain movement.
  5. Genital neoplasm in men and women. In this area, the skin is much thinner, so there is a big risk of a wen breakthrough. In this case, most often pathogenic bacteria that cause the inflammatory process fall into the open wound.

Minimally invasive methods of removal

After covering the issues of what a wen is and how dangerous it is, one should consider ways to remove the neoplasm.

Small lipomas (up to 3 cm in diameter) can be removed using a special preparation. Such a procedure should be carried out only in medical offices or in specialized salons.

are wen on the body dangerous

In order to get rid of the neoplasm, an injection containing a drug is injected into the lipoma cavity. Under the influence of this tool, the contents of the lipoma dissolves. The advantage of this approach is that traces of medical intervention will not be noticeable. However, there is a risk of lipoma recurring in the same place.

For larger tumors, other methods of therapy should be used:

  1. Liposuction During this procedure, the doctor makes an incision about 5 mm long. A lipoaspirator tube is inserted into this hole, with which all contents are pumped out of the capsule. Due to slight damage to the soft tissues, the suture remains almost invisible, however, doctors cannot guarantee the absence of relapse.
  2. Laser removal. This procedure is carried out with anesthesia and gives a good effect. A plus of this approach is the absence of a scar at the site of removal. For this reason, laser treatment is recommended for lipomas on the face and open areas of the body. However, this procedure is not suitable for removing lipomas located in the deep subcutaneous layers.

After removing the contents of the capsule, it is sent for histological examination. It is necessary to study the features of the neoplasm. Thanks to this analysis, it is possible to identify whether adipose tissue is dangerous on the human body and whether there is degeneration into a malignant tumor.

Surgical removal

Many patients categorically refuse surgical intervention, as they are afraid of complications. For this reason, doctors are often asked whether it is dangerous to remove the wen on the body through surgery.

what is dangerous wen on the head

To understand this, we should name the features of surgical removal. Among the advantages of this procedure are the following points:

  1. Removal of lipomas of any size. If minimally invasive methods can get rid of only small neoplasms (3-5 cm in diameter), then only surgery is suitable for larger tumors.
  2. You can even remove those wen that are deep in the tissues. The laser cannot cope with such cases.
  3. Lack of relapse. After surgery, at this place there is never a re-occurrence of a wen.

At the same time, the disadvantage of such treatment should be indicated - after the operation, a scar remains on the skin.

Lipoma treatment at home

There are several ways to get rid of lipomas yourself, however, doctors warn that at home this should not be done. Speaking about whether it is dangerous to remove a wen, first of all, it is necessary to mention a possible infection. At the slightest suspicion of an inflammatory process, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The principle of treatment is to apply the drug to the affected area with a sufficiently thick layer, and then stick a patch on this area or apply an occlusive dressing. In the form of a compress, the medicine should be in contact with the skin for a long time, for example, all night.

Repeat this procedure daily until the lipoma is opened. After that, a small wound will appear on the skin, from which liquid (capsule contents) will protrude.

Doctors warn: a bandage is the main requirement in the treatment of wen at home. It performs several functions at once:

  • retains ointment on the skin;
  • prevents the contact of the drug with air (this helps to achieve the maximum effect);
  • blocks the access of pathological microorganisms that can cause inflammation.

Treatment with Vishnevsky ointment. The composition of this drug contains an antibacterial substance. This is important, since the medicine will protect the wound from the penetration of pathogenic microflora. Birch tar activates blood circulation in the affected area and improves tissue nutrition. Castor oil helps soften tissues and improves drug penetration.

The ointment is applied in a thick layer to the area of โ€‹โ€‹the lipoma and a bandage is applied. The duration of therapy is 6-7 days, during which time the neoplasm will open.

Ichthyol ointment. The activity of the drug is due to the presence of ichthyol in the antibacterial component. It is able to penetrate deep into the soft tissues and eliminate the foci of inflammation, fight wen.

Apply the drug by analogy with the Vishnevsky ointment, however, the duration of the course in this case needs to be increased. A good therapeutic effect is achieved in 10-14 days.

what are the dangerous wen on the human body

"Asterisk" treatment. About 30-40 years ago, doctors also knew well what a wen was and why it was dangerous. This pathology was often treated with an asterisk. This recipe can be used now. Such a drug has a low price and good efficacy. The therapeutic effect is achieved thanks to extracts and essential oils of medicinal plants. The duration of use in each case may be different. Sometimes it takes about a month for the lipoma to resolve.

The use of hydrogen peroxide. This is an affordable, simple and cheap tool that helps get rid of small lipomas. Due to its active composition, the product quickly dissolves the capsule of the wen with its contents.

To combat the neoplasm, a small piece of cotton wool is moistened in peroxide and applied to a sore spot. Glue the patch on top. Such a compress should be on the skin for about 40 minutes. Repeat the procedure every day.

Treatment of lipoma with folk remedies

Before starting an independent treatment, a person should know what a wen is and why it is dangerous. It is also important to visit a doctor to clarify the diagnosis. All of these traditional medicine recipes can only be used to treat lipomas. Other diseases with similar symptoms are not recommended to be treated in such ways.

Aloe leaves. To combat neoplasms, you can use aloe leaf. To prepare the medicine, a small piece of the leaf is cut, it is peeled, the pulp obtained is crushed. Aloe is applied in the form of a compress for the whole night. Repeat this procedure every day until the problem goes away.

what is dangerous wen on the back

Onion with soap. The medium onion is peeled and baked in the oven until soft. After that, it can be crushed (for example, knead with a fork) and add 1 tsp to the gruel. grated laundry soap. After thorough mixing, the mass is applied to the area of โ€‹โ€‹the wen. Itโ€™s best to do it at night. Many people ask whether it is dangerous to remove a wen in this way. Doctors recommend carefully monitoring the state of lipoma when choosing this method.

Tincture of burdock roots. This tool is different in that it must be taken not in the form of compresses, but inside. To prepare the drug, 100 g of burdock roots will be required. Raw materials are ground and poured into 150 ml of vodka. The liquid is placed in a glass container (bottle or jar). In this form, stored in a dark place for 30 days. Periodically, the can is taken out and shaken vigorously. Take the finished tincture 3 times a day, 30 ml before meals.

Oil with vodka. In a small container, the same amount of vegetable oil and vodka are mixed (approximately 30 ml each). The resulting composition is applied to a sore spot and coated on top with cling film. This procedure is best carried out at night, as the composition must be in contact with the skin for a long time. In the morning, the remnants of the product must be carefully washed off with water. Do not rub the skin intensively in this place, as the skin becomes thinner and it is easy to damage.

It is impossible to completely protect against this pathology, however, there are effective ways to reduce the risk of tumor formation. To do this, you need to consume less harmful food, lead an active lifestyle and reduce the amount of alcoholic drinks and cigarettes consumed.

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