Laryngospasm is a pathological process that is characterized by an unexpected contraction of the laryngeal muscles. This contraction is unconscious. Often, laryngospasm in adults can occur simultaneously with tracheospasm. This condition is accompanied by a reduction in the simultaneously smooth muscles of the trachea. Attacks of this type are very dangerous, people get panic.
Currently, thanks to the studies, several main causes of laryngospasm in adults have been identified:
- a change in the reactivity of the human body;
- increased excitability of the neuromuscular reflex apparatus of the larynx;
- a sharp deficiency in the patient's body of vitamin D and calcium salts;
- disturbances in normal material metabolism.
The disease can appear against the background of chorea, dropsy of the brain, spasmophilia, rickets, bronchopneumonia, psychological trauma.
In addition, laryngospasm in adults often appears reflexively with pathological changes in various organs: the trachea, pharynx, lungs, pleura, larynx, and gall bladder. In addition, with sensitization of the body due to pathologies of the infectious type, with the influence on the nasal mucosa of a number of medicinal components, for example, adrenaline.
So, the main causes of the disease in adults are as follows:
- Metabolic disease.
- Deficiency of calcium and vitamins.
- The presence of certain diseases.
- Various birth injuries.
- Severe fright, cough, psychological trauma.
- Disorders in the respiratory system.
- Allergy.
- Swelling, inflammation, or irritation of the larynx.
- Aneurysm.
- Severe stress or nervous breakdown.
Laryngospasm also has a number of other primary sources of occurrence:
- The effect of air that contains irritating components (e.g. dust).
- Infringement of tumors of a tumor type.
- The effect of all kinds of drugs with the help of lubrication on the larynx.
- Inflammatory and edematous process in the larynx.
- Various diseases: eclampsia, tetanus, unrest, spinal cord, hysteria.
- Irritation of the laryngeal or vagus nerve (aneurysm, tumor, goiter).
The clinical picture with this pathology
With laryngospasm in adults, difficult, wheezing, noisy inhalation, cyanosis or pallor of the skin epithelium may suddenly appear, the accessory muscles of the respiratory system are attached, and the muscle groups of the neck are strained.
Another attack of laryngospasm is most often distinguished by a head, thrown back, open mouth, threadlike pulse, the appearance of a cold sweat, even respiratory arrest from time to time.
In the future, due to the carbon dioxide accumulated in the body, severe irritation of the respiratory center is noted, it is restored. The attack of laryngospasm during coughing in adults in simpler cases is not time-consuming and reduces in the end to a few seconds, ends with an extended inhalation, then rhythmic and deep breathing begins, in some cases an instant sleep. With laryngoscopy during laryngospasm, you can see how the vocal folds are pressed tightly against each other and even lie on top of each other, while the right voice process of the arytenoid cartilage often goes beyond the left.
When do seizures recur?
In this case, attacks can be repeated periodically several times a day, mainly during daylight hours. Also among the reasons that can cause laryngospasm are the following diseases: various pathologies of the pleura, pharynx, gall bladder, larynx, trachea; chorea; spasmophilia.
Adult laryngospasm is a serious disorder that can have a variety of causes. The doctor can determine the origin of the pathology, consultation of which is mandatory.
Symptoms of this disease
The very first symptom of laryngospasm in adults is a noisy breath, which is very difficult. Against the background of this symptom, skin cyanosis forms (especially in the area of ββthe lips), which causes tension in the neck muscles. Symptoms of seizures: the patient constantly has a fairly wide open mouth; excessive sweating is noted; filamentous nature of the pulse; Due to the rapid increase in carbon dioxide in the human body, irritation of the respiratory center occurs, and the respiratory function itself becomes stable.
When the laryngospasm becomes severe, in addition to the main clinical picture, the following symptoms are added: convulsive syndrome, which spreads throughout the skeleton of the muscles; fainting; there is a discharge of foam from the oral cavity; the patient may have involuntary intestinal emptying of the bladder and intestines; cessation of heart activity.
In patients with hysteria
In adults, the symptoms of laryngospasm are quite specific. Hysterical ailment is characterized by a simultaneous course with convulsions of the limbs, esophagus, and pharynx. In patients with hysteria and other neuroses, laryngospasm may occur when a laryngeal mirror is inserted into the pharynx, however, such an attack itself passes quickly. Sometimes it resembles epilepsy. If the case is less serious, laryngospasm may be characterized by a short-term narrowing of the glottis, a long breath with a distinctive whistle, blue or pale, noisy breath, sobbing, shortness of breath.
Emergency care for laryngospasm in adults is very important.
Pathology can occur along with tracheospasm, in which the smooth muscles of the membranous posterior region of the trachea are simultaneously reduced. Especially dangerous is laryngospasm due to a possible fatal outcome from asphyxia during an overly long time attack. Just for this reason, you need to know what complex of measures for first aid for laryngospasm exists.
An attack in adults can differ by redness of the face and severe cough.
Alleged complications of pathology
If the seizures are severe and long enough, then severe cramps can occur. In the absence of the necessary timely assistance, a simple attack can be fatal due to the onset of suffocation. It is precisely because of this danger that all close people should be familiar with the preventive complex and the rules for providing assistance against the background of laryngospasm. However, although the syndrome has severe manifestations, deaths are more often recorded in weak patients. That is why you need to strengthen your immunity.
How to relieve laryngospasm in an adult?
First aid
The first and most important manipulations in providing emergency care against the background of laryngospasm in adult patients are expressed in the following: you need to put the patient on a flat, solid surface; then facilitate the access of air to the lungs, moreover, removing the outer clothing from the person; create conditions for fresh air, ventilate the room where the patient is (ventilate the room). Eliminate the effects of possible irritants and ensure complete silence. An attack can be affected by spraying water on the face, causing a gag reflex. Then you need to call emergency room.
Ambulance specialists with laryngospasm in adults will carry out the necessary measures for the victim, it will be as follows: injections with calcium gluconate are administered intravenously; intubation or tracheotomy is used if all previous measures are ineffective; indirect cardiac massage is done when the organ stops; oxygen therapy is carried out.
Drug treatment
How is medication treated for laryngospasm in adults? If the ailment occurs due to an insufficient content of vitamin D and calcium in the body, you need to adjust the diet, as well as follow a diet. If the seizures become more frequent, then the use of warm baths and the internal use of a solution of potassium bromide helps to relieve the aggravation. It is important to understand that in adults, getting rid of laryngospasm is adjusted and monitored by a specialist individually. An effective method of countering frequent attacks is inhalation using pharmaceuticals or mineral water. The drug is prescribed by a doctor:
- patient inhaling ammonia vapor;
- anticonvulsants are injected into the body (enema from chloral hydrate - from 0.3 to 0.5 grams per glass of water).
If the cases are long, then warm baths are used.
Twice a day, a teaspoonful of potassium bromide solution (0.5%) is used internally.
Dosages of the funds listed for children are determined by age. Both adult patients and children should take drugs with a high concentration of calcium, they are also prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures (ultraviolet radiation), hardening of the patient's body and long walks in the fresh air. In addition, you need to take as many fresh vegetables and dairy products as possible.
Attacks of laryngospasm can be eliminated by means of traditional medicine. The main criterion for choosing a drug is safety and effectiveness.
Inhalation. If frequent seizures occur, they can be eliminated with the help of soda inhalation: for procedures, add soda (two tablespoons) to hot water (a glass of boiling water). Effective treatment steam should be inhaled for at least fifteen minutes; this method is used for one month.
Inhalations can be carried out while sitting in a steam-filled bath. For these purposes, it is necessary to fill the basin or bath with boiling water, wait until the steam has spread throughout the room. To enhance the effect, herbs such as thyme, sage, and mint must be added to the bathroom. In this case, the inhaled steam will be therapeutic. If you cough, inhalation can be done with Ambrobene.
Tincture. Wine herbal tincture helps to facilitate breathing and eliminates many of the causes of laryngospasm. To cook it, you need: thyme; larynx grass; a sprig of rosemary; mint leaves; grass of a boletus; grated ginger root; ground red pepper; fortified red wine (one liter). All herbs are mixed, poured with warmed wine, then for two days they insist, filter and drink 50 milliliters before bedtime. The course of treatment is repeated with a break for a month.
Pine resin. It is advisable to absorb pine resin (fresh) in the mouth in the mornings and evenings. The procedure is preferably performed on an empty stomach. For an adult, the amount should be equal to one teaspoon. Also, gum can be dissolved in warmed milk and drunk every day at night.
Chamomile. Simple and common chamomile tea will strengthen the nervous system and the body as a whole. With laryngospasm, it is recommended to brew the drink not in plain water, but in hot milk.
Warmed milk. Every evening, you need to give the patient warm milk, adding a spoonful of honey, nutmeg, cinnamon, propolis or cloves (to your taste).
Each of these components helps to soften the respiratory tract, the body is strengthened. Any prescription of traditional medicine is aimed primarily at eliminating the root cause of the pathology, and not its consequences.
Preventive measures
In the treatment of laryngospasm, prevention is one of the most important stages. It is recommended to carry out all necessary measures constantly, even if the attacks are weakened or completely absent. They include: the use of dairy products; intake of vitamins; airing of rooms; balanced diet.
We examined the symptoms and treatment of laryngospasm in adults.