"Arthra": reviews, instructions for use

In the article, we consider the instructions, analogues of Arthra tablets and reviews about them.

This is a combined medical product belonging to the group of cartilage and bone tissue reparants. It is used to treat degenerative pathologies that affect the spine and joints. Reviews about "Arthra" are abundant.

arthra instruction reviews

Pharmacological forms

The manufacturer of the drug "Arthra" is available in the form of tablets that have a film coating. Packed in white bottles made of dense polyethylene and having a screw cap. Under the cover there is a foil safety valve. Each bottle can hold 30, 60, 100, 120 tablets. Additionally, it is wrapped in plastic wrap and placed in a cardboard box.

There is no such form of release as injections. Reviews about "Arthra" consider below.


The composition of the drug contains two active ingredients: 500 mg of chondroitin and 500 mg of glucosamine.

Additional components are:

  • magnesium stearate;
  • disubstituted calcium phosphate;
  • stearic acid;
  • MCC;
  • croscarmellose sodium.

The film shell is made of titanium dioxide, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, triacetin.

The effect of the drug is aimed at normalizing metabolic processes that occur in bone and cartilage tissues.

Feedback on the use of "Arthra" is mostly positive.

artra injections reviews

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The drug is a stimulant of the recovery process in cartilage tissues. The active substances in the medication take part in the formation of connective tissues, stimulating the regeneration of cartilage and preventing its destruction.

With the introduction of exogenous glucosamine, the production of an intercellular substance (cartilage matrix) is enhanced, non-specific protection of the cartilage tissue from damage by chemicals is provided.

The glucosamine in the form of sulfate salt present in the preparation is a precursor of hexosamine, which is necessary for the synthesis of glucosaminoglycans (mucopolysaccharides) of connective tissue.

Another function that glucosamine performs is protective. The substance protects the damaged tissue of the cartilage from metabolic damage that occurs when using NSAIDs / GCS. He is also able to have a mild anti-inflammatory effect.

This is confirmed by the instruction and reviews to "Arthra".

Chondroitin (regardless of its absorption form) is an additional substrate for the synthesis of a healthy cartilage matrix.

In addition, under the influence of chondroitin:

  1. The synthesis of proteoglycans, collagen of the second type, hyaluron is stimulated.
  2. The activity of free radicals is suppressed, hyaluron is protected from its cleavage under the aggressive influence of free radicals and enzymes.
  3. Cartilage tissue repair mechanisms are stimulated.
  4. The activity of enzymes capable of cleaving cartilage (elastase and hyaluronidase) is suppressed.
  5. The required viscosity of the synovial fluid is maintained.

The drug is able to alleviate the condition of patients with osteoarthritis, stopping unpleasant symptoms, and thereby reduce their need for the use of NSAIDs.

With oral administration, the bioavailability of glucosamine is at 25%. Its highest concentration is observed in the tissues of the liver, articular cartilage, and kidneys.

About a third of the entire dose taken is stored in bone and muscle tissue for a rather long time. A significant part of the substance is evacuated from the body without metabolic changes through the kidneys, the rest - through the intestines. Half elimination takes 68 hours.

With oral administration of chondroitin sulfate at a dose of 800 mg, the concentration of the substance in the plasma increases sharply within 24 hours. The absolute bioavailability of this substance is at 12%.

About a tenth of the taken amount of the drug is absorbed in the form of high molecular weight derivatives, about two tenths of the amount in the form of low molecular weight derivatives.

Chondroitin sulfate is metabolized mainly by desulfurization. The metabolites are evacuated by the kidneys, and half elimination takes about 5 hours.

Tablets are indicated for use in the treatment of osteoarthritis, affecting the peripheral joints and located in the first three degrees of its development.

arthra instructions for use reviews


Patients should not be prescribed medication if they have an individual increased susceptibility to the main or any additional components that are part of the drug.

The use of "Arthra" for the treatment of patients suffering from phenylketonuria, renal dysfunction is not allowed.

Extreme caution must be exercised when using the drug in patients with bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus, having bleeding or a tendency to their appearance.

Negative impact

According to reviews of Arthra, when using glucosamine, some negative reactions may develop, including:

  1. Tachycardia.
  2. Pain in the legs.
  3. Peripheral puffiness.
  4. Allergic skin manifestations.
  5. Headaches.
  6. Insomnia.
  7. Drowsiness.
  8. Dizziness.
  9. Epigastric pain.
  10. Diarrhea.
  11. Constipation.
  12. Flatulence.

When using chondroitin, hypersensitivity manifestations may occur.

Instructions and reviews about "Arthra" also confirm this.

If any of these negative manifestations occurs, the patient should inform the specialist.

artra application reviews


In accordance with the instructions for use of the medication, you should take it per day for 1 tablet for the first three weeks. Then the multiplicity of applications should be reduced by half.

It is allowed to use a medical device in the treatment of patients from 15 years old. The therapeutic effect and absorbability of the active ingredients are not dependent on food intake and time of day.

A stable therapeutic effect from the use of the drug develops with course use for six months or more.

As an additional element of the main therapy aimed at improving the functionality of the musculoskeletal system, Arthro-Active tablets can be used.

Instructions and reviews confirm that the effectiveness of treatment in this case is increased. The recommended dosage is up to 6 tablets per day.

Therapy using "Arthra" should be carried out in courses (at least two weeks). The most optimal duration of therapy is 14 days.


Currently, clinical practice has no data on the occurrence of overdose. When it occurs, the appointment of symptomatic therapy is indicated.

So it says in the instructions for use of "Arthra." According to reviews, when the dosages are observed, no side effects are observed.

Interaction with other medicines

When combined, the effect of anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents is enhanced, the absorption of tetracycline drugs is increased, but the effect of medications based on semisynthetic penicillin is reduced.

Special instructions for use

With the development of negative reactions from the gastrointestinal tract, the patient is recommended to reduce the dosage. If visible improvements do not occur, the drug is stopped.

According to reviews, the analogues of Arthra are no less effective.

arthra reviews analogues


If necessary, "Artra" can be replaced by a drug whose composition or therapeutic effect is similar. The most popular analogues of "Arthra" in active components are:

  • “Arthra MSM Forte”;
  • Chondrogluxide;
  • Chondroflex
  • Teraflex
  • Tazan
  • "Kondronova."

The following medications also have a similar mechanism of action:

  • Chondrotek Forte;
  • Sinoart;
  • “Target T”;
  • Rumalaya;
  • "Trazmel S";
  • Synovial;
  • "Diskus Composite";
  • Gamma Plant;
  • Biartrin
  • Alflutop;
  • Adgelon.

Another well-known analogue of Arthra is Don. The main component of this drug is glucosamine sulfate. Arthra, in turn, also contains sodium chondroitin sulfate, which can enhance the effect of glucose hydrochloride. However, clinical studies suggest that with arthrosis of large joints glucosamine sulfate has been shown to exhibit its structurally modifying properties. The advantage of Dona is the presence of a large number of pharmacological forms. The manufacturer produces the drug in powder form (used for the manufacture of oral suspension), injectable and tablet.

No less popular analogue of "Arthra" is the drug "Teraflex", produced by the manufacturer in capsule form. The active substances in its composition are D-glucosamine hydrochloride and sodium chondroitin sulfate. Thus, the composition of Teraflex is almost identical to Arthra, which also indicates identical effectiveness.

Often, as a drug similar to Arthra, Structum is used, which is a hard capsule and containing chondroitin sodium sulfate as its active substance. The action of the drug is similar to the action of Arthra, but the latter has two active substances in its composition, and therefore it can be considered as a more effective means of therapy.

It is important to remember that each of the analogues of "Arthra" has its own series of specific contraindications and is able to provoke the development of negative reactions. That is why any replacement of the drug should be agreed with the attending physician. This will make the therapy more effective and at the same time avoid undesirable consequences and complications.

It is better to familiarize yourself with patient reviews about Arthra in advance.

arthra patient reviews


The average cost of "Arthra" in Russian drugstores is about 750 rubles per bottle, containing 30 tablets. A package with 60 tablets will cost an average of 1,200 rubles, from 100 to 1,600 rubles, from 120 to 1,650 rubles. The cost of the drug may also depend on the pricing policy of the pharmacy network that implements it and the region of distribution.

Reviews about "Arthra"

Feedback on the experience of using this medication for the treatment of osteoarthritis is very common, but their nature is rather controversial. Some patients report the effectiveness of the drug after a three-month course, while others say that the drug is completely useless and often develop negative reactions.

Manufacturers claim that against the background of the use of the drug, the patient’s need for NSAIDs decreases, but many patients in reviews of “Arthra” do not confirm this fact, and experts in turn indicate that clinical trials also did not prove this characteristic of the drug. Thus, the drug is better to use as an auxiliary technique, and not as the main means of therapy.

arthra analogue tablets reviews

It is important to note that “Arthra” is just a medicine, and not an active supplement, because the requirements for the quality and testing of drugs are much higher.

It is important to remember that the active components of Arthra are capable of provoking negative manifestations and have certain contraindications. In this regard, you should not take the drug without the advice of a doctor.

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