Glycerin candles after childbirth with seams

Along with a joyful event, the birth of a child, some women have new problems. Often during pathological birth there are gaps, after which there is a need to stitch. Glycerin suppositories after childbirth can provide an invaluable service. Before using the drug, it would be good to familiarize yourself with its pharmaceutical properties.

The composition and effect of candles

The effectiveness of the drug lies in its instantaneous action. Candles slightly irritate the intestines, which in turn improves its peristalsis. With the help of a reflex reaction, defecation occurs without problems. Glycerin has a softening effect on feces, which is another positive feature of the drug.

The composition of the candles includes glycerin, stearic acid and crystalline sodium carbonate.

glycerin candles after childbirth

Instructions for use

The drug is prescribed for constipation of any nature, as well as for people with reduced mobility, and those who should not take oral laxatives. The method of applying glycerin suppositories after childbirth is quite simple, which is important for a woman who has experienced emotional and physical shock.

Using. The procedure should be carried out 15 minutes after eating. You need to put on a glove, remove the suppository from the foil and insert it so that it passes into the rectum. It is necessary to hold the candle for 5 minutes so that it does not come back. The slippery texture allows you to smoothly and painlessly inject the medicine. Thanks to this property, suppositories can be used in any position. Bowel movement should be expected in a few minutes. The rest of the medicine comes out with feces.

Contraindications Hemorrhoids at the acute stage, inflammation of the intestines, cracks and oncological diseases of the rectum and inflammation.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, suppositories are prescribed if necessary and under the supervision of a doctor.

Side effects. Stomach pain, upset and inflammation of the intestines. With such manifestations, the drug is immediately canceled.

Sometimes gynecologists prescribe glycerin suppositories after childbirth. The following are two main reasons why a medicine is prescribed.

glycerin suppositories after childbirth

In what situations can glycerin suppositories help after childbirth?

Violation of intestinal motility is a common occurrence in women in labor. And if perineal sutures were applied, then pain creates new obstacles. Psychological stress is a strong factor that exacerbates the situation. Due to the fear that the sutures may open, the woman is afraid to strain, and bowel movement does not occur on time. Over time, the established rhythm is lost, and the urge to defecate may no longer appear at the usual time. Glycerin suppositories help to cope with this problem after childbirth. The instructions mentioned that they affect reflexes and cause bowel movements.

The second reason is stagnation and hardening of feces, which is a consequence of malnutrition. If a woman eats a lot of flour, sweets and fatty foods, and at the same time drinks little water, then constipation is inevitable. Usually the problem originates in the last stages of pregnancy. As a rule, young mothers, realizing their responsibility for the health of the child, do not deny themselves anything. The leading factor in this matter is preference. The constipation continues to bother after childbirth. Glycerin suppositories contribute to the proper formation of feces and affect their consistency. Defecation proceeds without discomfort.

glycerin candles after childbirth with seams

Glycerin candles after childbirth with seams

After the woman in labor was stitched, she should not be strained. For normal tightening and healing of the skin, it is important that the muscles of the pelvis and perineum are at rest. There is a risk that the seams may break. What matters is the area in which the breaks occurred or were cut.

Most often, stitches are placed in the perineum. For women in labor, going to the toilet turns into a test. In such a situation, gynecologists consider the use of glycerin suppositories after delivery with sutures to be the best option. The method of application of suppositories does not differ from that indicated in the instructions.

This drug should not be used with open cracks or wounds. Therefore, if the seams are in the anus, then candles can cause harm. It all depends on the degree of healing and the period of suturing. In some cases, sutures can become an obstacle when introducing a suppository. The doctor will determine in which situation you can use a glycerin agent.

Gynecologists advise starting the use of suppositories after 2-3 days from the time of constipation. The best way out is to achieve a bowel movement naturally. To do this, you need to drink plenty of water and consume fermented milk products. In the diet of a woman in labor, vegetables and natural fiber should be present.

glycerin suppositories use after childbirth

Positive aspects in the application of glycerin suppositories

If a woman in labor experiences pain due to constipation, this exacerbates an already difficult situation. In addition to the natural postpartum pain in the lower abdomen, a woman may be disturbed by newly applied stitches. Glycerin suppositories after childbirth are indispensable helpers. They act quickly, which is just necessary in such a situation. Glycerin is easily absorbed by the mucous membranes, but is not absorbed by the skin.

During childbirth, there is a lot of pressure on the hemorrhoids. If feces accumulate in the intestines, then the load increases, and this can lead to an exacerbation of the problem. The use of glycerin suppositories after childbirth helps to cleanse the intestines and thus prevents blood stasis, which will further protect against thrombosis.

After birth, hemorrhoids may worsen. In this case, it is strictly forbidden to use candles.

postpartum glycerin suppositories reviews

Glycerin for lactation

The use of glycerin suppositories after childbirth does not harm breastfeeding. The main active ingredient is absolutely safe. Glycerin suppositories in small dosages are developed even for infants.

In its natural form, glycerin is transparent and quite oily. It mixes well with water, and due to this softens. After introduction into the rectum, its oxidative reaction takes place, and glycerin passes into the form of carbon dioxide and water. It is because of these properties that he found his application in medicine. In many drugs, it is used as a component that softens irritation. That is why glycerin suppositories are prescribed after childbirth, without fear for the baby. They do not penetrate into breast milk.

glycerin candles after childbirth with sutures

Negative sides

Sometimes the use of suppositories is accompanied by a burning sensation in the anus. In such cases, one should not be overly involved in glycerin.

After using glycerin suppositories after childbirth, some women experienced symptoms such as irritation and severe pain. With such symptoms, individual intolerance makes itself felt. In this situation, you can take advantage of microclysters. Vegetable oil significantly reduces pain.

It is important to consider that with prolonged use of glycerin suppositories after childbirth, addiction can occur. In the future, it will be necessary to make a lot of efforts so that the body is accustomed to independent bowel movement.

method of using glycerin suppositories after childbirth


Many women in labor are familiar with the remedy in question, since they have encountered the problem of constipation. From reviews of glycerin suppositories after childbirth, it is clear that they are effective. However, their different effects are described. Sometimes you had to wait for the result longer than expected. There was a case when the effect came so fast that the candle came out almost whole. Some young mothers emphasize the negative effect of the drug, which is mentioned in the instructions. With the constant use of candles, the body quickly gets used to them and relaxes.


Try to use natural methods to combat constipation. You should resort to the help of medicines only when necessary and it is better to use less intensive means. Many laxatives have side effects. Glycerin suppositories after childbirth is an effective and harmless remedy. Therefore, if it was a matter of drugs, then a drug developed on a natural basis will be the best.

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