Alexei Uchitel's film "Matilda": actors and roles

Matilda is a 2017 film that provoked indignation in Russian society. The scandal flared up in November 2016, and has not subsided to this day. However, the article will not discuss the discussion of the historical reliability of the film by Alexei Uchitel " Matilda " . The cast is the theme of today's story.

actors matilda teachers


The film " Matilda " in 2017 was watched by few. The social conflict became so widespread that arson was organized in some cinemas. Film distributors have repeatedly received threats in their address. All this contributed to the growing popularity of the film " Matilda " Teacher. Actors played in this film, both famous and unknown to Russian viewers.

The picture is about the love story of Nicholas II and the primaries of the Mariinsky Theater Matilda Kshesinskaya . The last Russian emperor met the ballerina before his coronation. However, as one of the characters in the film said: "the king can afford everything except love. " A certain Count Vorontsov is also in love with the main character. A strange love triangle forms. But as you know, the son of Alexander III marries Alice of Hesse-Darmstadt .

The main role of Alexei Uchitel in the film " Matilda " actor invited a foreign. According to viewers, this is a rather strange choice. And it's not that the German actor previously starred exclusively in adult films, as one of the opponents of the film claims . And the fact that he has no resemblance to the king .

matilda movie 2017

The film "Matilda": actors

The teacher initially offered the role of a ballerina to the famous actress Keira Knightley . She liked the script. However, when filming began, Knightley was expecting a baby . The director considered more than three hundred candidates and opted for a graduate of the Warsaw Theater Academy M. Olshanska .

The role of Alexandra Fyodorovna was played by Louise Wolfram , a German actress whom Teacher saw in the play of one of the Berlin theaters. The director first offered Lars Aidinger to play a doctor. When he arrived at the test, he was put on makeup with a beard. And then the director suddenly decided that Eydinger is surprisingly similar to Nicholas II.

Danila Kozlovsky in the film " Matilda " played Count Vorontsov, in love with a ballet dancer. The role of this character in the plot, according to the opinions of the audience, is unclear. However, the participation of such an actor as Kozlovsky, of course, increased the number of people wishing to watch a resonant film.

Alexander III was played by Sergey Garmash . Maria Fedorovna - Ingeborga Dapkunaite. Evgeny Mironov played the role of director of the Imperial Theater. Also played in the film: G. Tyunina , G. Dobrygin, V. Kovalenko, V. Tishchenko, T. Ostermayer , K. Zheldin , S. Stern.

Mikhailina Alshanskaya

Mikhalina Olshanskaya

The future performer of the role of Matilda was born in 1992 in Warsaw. From the age of seven she has been playing music. In 2001, Olshanskaya graduated from a higher musical school, after which she entered the University named after Frederic Chopin.

As a teenager, Mikhalina wrote a book, as a result of which she became famous in her homeland. Has been acting in films since 2012. To date, her filmography has 16 roles. In 2015, she played in the film " I, Olga Gepnarova . " This historical drama was created with the participation of Czech and French filmmakers. The rest of the work of Mikhalina Olshanskaya - roles in the films of Polish directors .

Lars Edinger

L. Aidinger

The future actor was born in 1976 in Berlin. Lars's parents had nothing to do with theater and cinema. Nevertheless, from an early age he showed interest in acting. Aidinger began her career in the theater. The actor is still involved in many Shaubune performances. By the way, the performer of the role of Alexandra Fedorovna also plays in this theater.

After the trailer for the film "Matilda" was released on Russian television, the German actor became the subject of attacks by individual activists. Eidinger began to be called nothing more than a porn actor. Lars suggested that rumors gave rise to a small role in the 2012 German film, where he appeared naked in one of the scenes. He didn’t come to the premiere for security reasons. Films with the participation of this actor: "Little Einsteins", "Foyle War", "Berlin, Berlin", "Personal Buyer", "Eighth Sense".

Louise Tungsten

L. Wolfram

The actress was born in 1987. She graduated from the Ernst Bush School of Art. Until 2015, Louise Wolfram played on the stage of the Schaubune Theater, where she was involved in many performances, including in Eugene Onegin. In the production of Pushkin's work, the German actress played Olga. She performed her first film role at the age of seven.

actors matilda teachers

Sergey Garmash

The famous Russian actor in the film of Alexei Uchitel first played a historical figure. Sergey Garmash began acting in films in the mid- eighties. Then he played mainly representatives of the working class. The role of Korotkov in the series " Kamenskaya " brought him fame. Today Garmash is one of the most sought-after actors in Russian cinema. Only in 2017, he starred in six films: Companion , Upward Movement , Attraction , Cold Tango , Devotee and, of course, Matilda .

Sergey Garmash already had experience working with director Alexei Uchitel. In 2010, he starred in his film " The Edge. " To criticize the creators of the picture " Matilda " the actor takes it calmly, urging him to watch the film before making hasty conclusions. Indeed, many angry reviews are based on the trailer.

Ingeborga Dapkunaite

In the filmography of this actress, roles in films of Soviet, Russian, foreign production. Ingeborg Dapkunaite debuted in 1984. In the USSR, she became famous five years later, after the release of the movie " Intergirl " . The actress gained worldwide fame thanks to her role in Mikhalkov’s film " Burnt by the Sun. " Ingeborga Dapkunaite played in the films " Sherlock Holmes " , " Heavenly Court " , " New Earth " , " Night seller " and many others.

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