"Nazol Kids": instructions for use, composition. Spray and drops from the common cold for children

Each child has a runny nose repeatedly during the year. More often they suffer from children of kindergarten and school age. A pathological symptom may appear for various reasons: it is an allergy, infection, irritation, swelling in the nose and so on. There are many different remedies for the treatment of the common cold - drops and sprays. Today's article will introduce you the drug "Nazol Kids." Instructions for its use and additional information about the medicine will be described later.

nazol kids instruction

Form of production and composition

The drug "Nazol Kids" is available in the form of a spray. The solution has a light shade: from transparent to yellowish. It contains notes of eucalyptus. The medicine is placed in a plastic bottle with a spray nozzle. This design has a screw cap. The medicine is sold to the consumer in a cardboard box. In the pack is the tool "Nazol Kids" itself, instructions for it.

A medicine is sold without a special prescription. It contains the main active ingredient - feinlefrin - with a volume of 0.25 grams for every 100 milliliters of solution. Eucalyptol, glycerol, macrogol, benzalkonium chloride, sodium hydrogen phosphate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, disodium edetate and water are also present in the preparation. For spray "Nazol Kids" the price varies from 150 to 200 rubles. For this amount you can purchase a bottle of 15 milliliters.

nazol kids instructions for use

How does the Nazol Kids work?

Means "Nazol Kids" application instructions are positioned as a vasoconstrictor drug of rapid action. The main substance is a sympathomimetic. It stimulates receptors in the nasal mucous membranes. Due to this, the vessels narrow and the swelling gradually disappears. Also, the drug reduces hyperemia on the inner lining of the nose, restores respiratory ability.

The drug "Nazol Kids" (spray for children) eliminates existing congestion in the nose quite effectively. Mucus liquefies and is easily excreted naturally. Also, the medicine slightly dries the shell. Because of this, a copious dense runny nose is eliminated. Almost immediately after use, air permeability in the nasopharynx is restored, and this, in turn, prevents the development of complications.

What is the medicine for?

According to the instructions accompanying the Nazol Kids preparation, a solution is used to facilitate breathing during a cold in a child. Also, the drug is prescribed for the purpose of prevention in order to prevent possible complications. The following indications for the use of the drug are prescribed in the annotation:

  • flu and colds that cause nasal congestion;
  • rhinorrhea;
  • allergy to flowering plants;
  • sinusitis and sinusitis;
  • otitis.

Use a nasal spray and drops only on the recommendation of a doctor. Self-medication can be dangerous for the child.

from the common cold for children


Before using "Nazol Kids", the consumer needs to familiarize themselves with the contraindications. If the child has at least one, then treatment with a nasal remedy should be abandoned. Otherwise, the condition of the crumbs can noticeably worsen, new symptoms of the disease will appear.

Do not use the drug if the patient has hypersensitivity to the active substance or any other component. The medication is contraindicated in heart disease and some thyroid pathologies. Do not prescribe a medicine for arterial hypertension, as well as for diabetics. Children under 4 years old should not use the "Nazol Kids". The instruction recommends caution when using the drug in children under 6 years of age. If it is necessary to treat infants, a phenylephrine-based medicine is used in a lower dosage: 0.125 grams per 100 milliliters. The trade name of this product is Nazol Baby.

nazol kids Price

"Nazol Kids": instructions for use

The drugs "Nazol Kids" and "Nazol Baby" are administered intranasally. Medications are used as needed, but not more often than every 4 hours. Spray "Nazol Kids" is injected into each nostril 2-3 times. Children from 4 to 6 years of age are shown the minimum dosage of the drug. If possible, doctors advise replacing the medicine with a safer drug called Nazol Baby. This drug is prescribed in accordance with the age of the child:

  • up to a year - 1 drop up to 4 times a day (with a break of at least 6 hours);
  • from 1 to 6 years, 1-2 drops are introduced into each nasal passage;
  • after 6 years, use 3-4 drops.

The duration of therapy is always set individually. If the doctor has not given separate prescriptions, then you can use a vasoconstrictor medicine for no more than 3-4 days. With more prolonged use, there is a risk of addiction and the development of drug rhinitis.

nazol kids reviews

Adverse reactions that the medication can cause

The drug "Nazol Kids" composition is selected in such a way that there are as few unexpected negative manifestations after its use as possible. Indeed, medication rarely causes unpleasant consequences. But they can still happen. It is known that some people have developed an allergy to the drug. It was manifested by severe burning in the nose, itching, sneezing. A rash may appear in the face of patients. With this side effect, you must immediately stop using the vasoconstrictor and show the child to the doctor.

There are clinical cases of overdose. If you use the drug in large volumes and for a long time, drug rhinitis may occur. As a result, the baby’s nose will simply not breathe without drops, and they, in turn, will help less and less. If during treatment there is an increase in pressure, headaches, sleep disturbance and tachycardia, then further therapy is not recommended.

nazol kids spray

Additional guidance

If your baby is forced to take MAO inhibitor drugs, then treatment with Nazol Kids should be postponed. The combined use of these medicines is unacceptable. Even if you stop using monoamine oxidase inhibitors, at least two weeks should pass before the vasoconstrictor component is administered. With the simultaneous administration of thyroid hormones, there is a risk of coronary insufficiency.

The medication should not be prescribed during pregnancy and lactation. But if the expected benefit outweighs the risk, then a spray or drops may be recommended by your doctor. The peculiarity of the drug is that it can be used as a spray or in the form of drops. With a vertical arrangement of the bottle, pressing it leads to the release of a stream of medicine. If the bubble is turned with the nose down, the medication will stand out drip. Individual use of the spray is advisable. If there is a need to introduce the drug to another family member, then the spray nozzle should be wiped with an alcohol wipe.

Alternative medications for the common cold for children

A vasoconstrictor can be replaced with a similar one. If we talk about drugs with the same active substance, then we can mention "Vibrocil". This product is available in the form of drops (for children from birth) and spray (for children from 6 years old and adults).

From the common cold for children, medications can be used that have a vasoconstrictor effect, but containing other substances: xylometazoline, naphazoline, oxymetazoline and so on. Their trade names are “Snoop”, “Galazolin”, “Naftizin”, “Sanorin”. The use of certain medications is allowed only from a certain age.

To treat a runny nose, doctors also prescribe drugs that act directly on the cause of rhinorrhea. These are antiviral compounds, anotibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and other drugs. Salt compositions are widely used.

nazol kids composition

Consumer Reviews

About the tool "Nazol Kids" reviews can be heard in the majority of good. Consumers say the drug is starting to act quickly. In the first minute after administration, a positive effect is noted. The drug spreads through the mucous membrane and corrects the pathological condition. The advantage of the solution, according to consumers, is its cost. For example, an analogue with the same active substance is much more expensive. Convenient and use "Nazol Kids." It can be used as drops and spray. After all, there are situations when spraying in the nose is contraindicated for the child.

There are moms and dads who were not very satisfied with the drug. As you already know, medication can be addictive. This happened in some children. Parents used the medication for a long time, they pursued an exceptionally good goal: to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease and ease the baby’s breathing. But as a result, the crumbs were increasingly laying their spouts. When mothers and fathers showed the child to the otorhinolaryngologist, it turned out that the nasal mucosa was used to the constant maintenance of blood vessels. Therefore, without drops, severe swelling occurs. It is possible to cure such a problem, but the therapy is long and expensive. This is also reported by consumers.


From the article you were able to learn about the effective vasoconstrictor "Nazol Kids". You can buy the drug in almost all drugstores. You do not need a recipe for this. But do not flatter yourself. Do not rely on positive reviews. Before using the medication, always read the instructions. Pay attention to contraindications and duration of use, because for vasoconstrictor formulations there is a limited period of use.

Before using medications for the common cold for children, think a few times. Self-medication can lead to unpleasant complications in the form of otitis media, sinusitis, bronchitis. To not only eliminate the symptom, but also to influence the cause of the disease, you need to see a doctor. Show the child to the pediatrician and find out if you can use the “Nazol Kids” tool in your case to relieve signs of rhinorrhea. Good health!

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