"Fukortsin" with chickenpox: instructions for use, reviews

To alleviate the condition of the patient with chickenpox, as well as to avoid infection of the vesicles, it is recommended to treat the rashes with antiseptic drugs. The most popular means include "Fukortsin." The features of the drug will be discussed in the article below.

The composition of the drug

Why is Fukortsin so popular with chickenpox? The basis of this therapeutic agent is effective components. The composition of "Fukortsin" includes:

  • 95% solution of ethyl alcohol. It contributes to the disinfection and drying of wound surfaces.
  • Boric acid. Thanks to it, an additional disinfection of the bubbles occurs.
  • Acetone. Provides blood flow to infection sites, thereby enhancing the immune response.
  • Magenta. Thanks to this component, Fukortsin received its rich maroon color. It has antimicrobial properties and effectively fights fungal pathogens.
  • Phenol. The main active ingredient of the drug has antiviral properties.
  • Resorcinol. A component of the drug, which also has an antimicrobial effect and disinfects chickenpox papules.

All components of "Fucorcin" with chickenpox contribute to the disinfection of the skin, dry wounds and combs. The drug belongs to the most effective remedies for such a disease.

Despite its healing effect, it is not recommended to use it for a long time to treat large areas of the skin due to the high concentration of phenol and acetone. Substances have increased volatility and easily penetrate the dermis. Together with the blood flow, spreading throughout the body, they can cause headaches, dizziness, and other symptoms.

Reviews about "Fukortsin"

Form release and effect of the drug

Currently, Fukortsin used in chickenpox is available as a solution for external use. The drug in the form of ointment does not exist.

The solution "Fucorcin" is a liquid colored in dark red color and having a specific smell. The solution is available in 10, 15 and 25 mg vials. Some of them are equipped with stoppers, droppers or traffic jams with brushes for the convenience of applying the solution.

The substances that make up Fucorcin have a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity, especially in case of damage to the skin and mucous membranes. The drug gives a positive effect in the treatment of mycoses.

Is it possible to smear chickenpox with Fukortsin? Most often, experts recommend treating rashes with a disease with this particular remedy. This is because the main purpose of Fucorcin is to prevent further infection, as smallpox vesicles burst gradually and sores appear that can suppurate. The drug also has a pronounced drying effect.

With chickenpox, the patient is constantly worried about itching, and when combing the vesicles, bacterial infection may occur. This can lead to the appearance of scars on the site, which will remain for life.

"Fukortsin" with chickenpox

Mode of application

According to the instructions, "Fukortsin" with chickenpox has a positive effect, which affects the outcome of the treatment of the disease. This is due to the correct composition of the drug.

The solution is applied 3-5 times a day. The product is applied to dry and clean skin. It is enough to dip a cotton swab in "Fukortsin" and lightly process chickenpox vesicles. After they dry, an auxiliary agent (cream or ointment) can be applied to the surface of the sores.

Can I smear chickenpox with Fukortsin? Sure. The duration of treatment with the drug is no more than 14 days. Usually, the positive effect of its use occurs much earlier. The drug is not prescribed in combination with other disinfectants.

Do not artificially increase the area of ​​damage, so as not to cause the appearance of adverse reactions.

After applying the solution "Fucorcin" with chickenpox in children, itching or burning in the treated places may occur. You should not cancel the medicine, because this is a natural process. On a large area of ​​skin "Fukortsin" is not recommended.

How to use "Fukortsin"


Like any drug, Fukortsin has the following limitations in use:

  1. Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  2. The period of pregnancy and lactation. The active substances of the drug can penetrate the blood of the mother, and then into the body of the child.

Parents should take into account that the use of Fucorcin for chickenpox is strictly prohibited for children under 12 years old due to the presence of toxic substances in its composition. Allergic reactions may occur to some components of the drug (fuchsin).

Before use, a small amount of the drug is applied to the skin to assess the immune response.

Is it possible to smear "Fukortsin"

Adverse reactions

According to the instructions for use, Fukortsin with chickenpox can lead to the development of side effects. Adverse events include:

  • Allergic reactions. Most susceptible to them are children and patients prone to autoimmune diseases. Fukortsin is not recommended for use in children under 12 years old. Due to the positive effect, experts prescribe it to children who have not undergone 12 years of age, which sometimes leads to redness and rash.
  • The lack of the necessary effect. The use of the drug for 14 days does not contribute to the pharmaceutical effect.
  • Local reactions. Itching, redness, swelling of the skin at the site of application of Fucorcin.
  • Symptoms of general intoxication. These include drowsiness, weakness, nausea, vomiting, and other symptoms.

If such reactions occur, the use of the drug should be discontinued and consult a specialist for the appointment of a safer drug.

"Fukortsin" with chickenpox in children

What is more effective for chickenpox: Fukortsin or Zelenka

With a variety of bactericidal agents, these two drugs are most often used to treat the disease. Fukortsin and greenback have their advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Zelenka is allowed for use in the treatment of children at any age. Fukortsin - only after 12 years.
  2. Both drugs with chickenpox dry the skin and heal the wounds, that is, they have the same positive properties.
  3. “Fukortsin”, due to its potent components, is able to penetrate deep into the skin and dry itchy pimples. Zelenka has a superficial effect and is quickly washed off from papules.
  4. Fukortsin can be easily removed from the skin and it does not stain bedding. Zelenka lasts on the skin for up to 10 days, leaves green marks on clothes.
  5. Due to its toxicity, “Fukortsin” must be applied to the vesicles precisely, without affecting large areas of the skin. Zelenka does no harm to the human body.

Which drug is most preferred for the treatment of chickenpox should be decided by the attending physician. The main advantage of greenbacks is the ability to use it in children under 12 years old.

Features of the use of "Fucorcin"

How to wash off the drug from the skin

To remove traces of "Fucorcin" with chickenpox on the skin, you can use the following tools:

  • Vitamin C in powder form. Dilute with warm water, soak a cotton pad and treat the spots on the skin.
  • Laundry soap and ammonia. Grind the bar of soap with a grater and combine with ammonia. The resulting mass grease stains that have arisen during the use of "Fucorcin." Wait 5-10 minutes and rinse with warm water.
  • A mixture of ethyl alcohol and salicylic acid. Mix the medicines in equal proportions, dilute with warm water. Remove stains on the skin with gauze or cotton wool.
  • Fat baby cream. Cover the skin with a thick layer, and after waiting for several minutes, remove the product.
  • Calendula extract Using a cotton swab, apply to skin.

The active substance "Fucorcin" - fuchsin needs some time to completely wash off the skin.

Contraindications "Fucorcin"


Opinions about the drug are mostly positive. According to reviews, "Fukortsin" with chickenpox is an effective tool, which is associated with the simplicity of its use and low price.

One group of patients was satisfied with the use of the drug in the treatment of the disease. After the use of Fucorcin, the therapeutic effect of its use occurred within a few days.

The second group of patients noted such disadvantages of the drug as a bright red skin color at the site of application and an unpleasant odor.


Fukortsin is a drug that effectively helps in the treatment of chickenpox. It must be used strictly according to the instructions and prescription of the doctor. Compared with brilliant green, Fukortsin has several advantages, which include deep penetration into the skin and a quick effect on the infection.

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