Lenten dishes with beans: recipes with photos

At a time when you need to observe some restrictions on the use of heavy foods with meat components, it will be useful to unload your body a little with the help of lean foods. One of the best products that can replace meat in its composition is beans.

Lenten dishes with beans: recipes with photos

Red beans

Today we suggest recalling some simple but nutritious culinary masterpieces using beans. More than one generation of families knows these simple and tasty lean bean dishes and passes them on to their descendants, adding changes that suit the tastes of households to the recipe. We hope that you will remember your recipes, maybe you can get something from this collection. In most cases, many people know simple recipes for lean bean dishes, but do not dare to cook them. And some do not want to eat this vegetable in the absence of meat supplements to the dish. For the first category of doubters, as well as for the second, the time has come to change something in their established categorical opinions.


Lobio recipe

Let's start with lobio - a traditional dish of Georgian land. A delicious lean bean dish has become a favorite treat for many. Cooking does not require specific conditions and the same skills. We will see this right now.

We take products:

  1. The most important ingredient is, of course, beans. 0.5 kg of red beans will be enough.
  2. Four fresh onions.
  3. Half the head of garlic.
  4. Vegetable oil. Take according to circumstances, that is, as much as the dish takes.
  5. All seasonings. For example, bay leaf, any ground pepper, coriander and a bunch of cilantro.
  6. Salt. Mandatory. The proportions of salt are purely individual.

Here you need to make a small note. The fact is that this lean dish of green beans can also be prepared according to the same recipe. If red beans do not suit you for some reason, feel free to replace it with green beans.

We begin to prepare a delicious dish:

  1. We wash the beans in cold water and set them to soak for 10 hours.
  2. The beans must now be filled again with water, but already in the dishes in which it will cook. During heat treatment, red beans increase in volume. Consider this nuance when you begin to cook it. In a pot of beans, throw a bay leaf for a more fragrant aroma. Cook the lobio base for about an hour or two. Time is counted out only after boiling water.
  3. Pour the onions, peeled and chopped with neat thin half rings, into a preheated pan with high sides. Do not forget to pour vegetable oil on its bottom. Now sometimes itโ€™s worth stirring the onion, do it until the moment when it acquires a pleasant goldenness.
  4. While storing the onion, add crushed garlic and cilantro to it.
  5. Knead the finished beans with a wooden pestle or other suitable tool.
  6. Next, add this crushed bean to a pan with onions.
  7. Now it's time for pepper and salt. Send them to the vegetables. Stir the dish and cook for another three minutes at medium temperature. All this time the pan needs to be kept under the lid. The lean bean dish called lobio is ready!

How to cook a chilli?

Beans for this dish are simply boiled for half an hour, cutting the pods into pieces about two centimeters each. Then with such beans do all the above manipulations (except crushing).

The next recipe for lean bean dishes is bean zrazy

Product Set:

  • 2 glasses of finished (boiled) beans;
  • about 200 grams of fresh cabbage (you can take sauerkraut);
  • small onion - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil;
  • breadcrumbs for breading;
  • black pepper (ground);
  • salt.

Cooking zrazy:

Bean Zrazy
  1. Freshly cooked beans must be kneading very carefully with a wooden pestle. Instead of a crush, you can use a blender or a meat grinder.
  2. The mass obtained after these manipulations should be seasoned with pepper and salt to your liking.
  3. Test the stickiness of the finished bean mince. If itโ€™s difficult to sculpt from it, add a little flour to facilitate the process.

Now do the stuffing

The manufacturing option of the cabbage filling will depend on which cabbage you will use. If sauerkraut, then you need to extinguish it to a pleasant taste and condition. And if the cabbage is fresh, then it must be finely chopped, add the onion, processed in the same way, and fry until soft, sprinkled with salt and pepper.

We form zrazy

Take a small portion of the mass from the beans and distribute it on the cutting surface. In the middle, put the stuffing made from cabbage. Sculpt zrazy as if sculpting small cylindrical cutlets. Now the cylinders should be generously cracked. The next step in preparing this lean bean dish is to fry the zraz in boiling vegetable oil.

By the way, for those who do not like fried in oil and fatty foods, there is an easier option - this is the preparation of bean zrazy in the oven. Cook in this way they need to be at a temperature of 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

Potato salad

For this lean dish of beans and potatoes you will need:

  • 1 cup beans;
  • 2 or 3 potatoes - depends on which ingredient you want more in the salad;
  • a bunch of onion greens;
  • a bunch of fresh dill;
  • lemon juice - to taste;
  • salt is also to taste.

We cook the beans as usual - with soaking for some time and subsequent cooking. Then add cooked and cooled potatoes to the finished beans, cut into medium cubes. Next, mix potatoes and beans. Salt the salad, sprinkle lemon juice into it to taste and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Bean Plate

Since we are talking about everyoneโ€™s favorite potatoes, the next lean bean dish will also include this popular vegetable. Meet me!

Bean stew with potatoes

Green onion beans

Need products:

  • a glass of dry beans of any color;
  • potatoes - about 0.5 kg;
  • 4 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 4 full tablespoons of tomato;
  • ground pepper and salt to taste.

Cooking step by step:

  1. First, cook the beans according to the classic recipe mentioned above. Ready cooked beans set aside.
  2. Pour the prepared potatoes, cut into bars, with the water remaining after cooking the beans.
  3. Cook the potatoes on moderate heat almost to the finished state.
  4. Fry the onion in a pan, finely chopping it. Add to the onion during cooking in vegetable oil the whole norm of tomato puree.
  5. The resulting sauce is the time to sprinkle with pepper, put spices. Bay leaf is also a good idea.
  6. After five minutes of stewing, you need to transfer this sauce to boiling potatoes.
  7. Now we pour a glass of hot water into the stew being prepared and pour the cooked boiled beans there.
  8. Let the dish boil softly for about 10 minutes, while covering it with a lid.
Boiled beans

So our potato and bean stew is done. Now you can serve it, sprinkled with fine herbs.

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