How to deliciously salt the cabbage? A recipe for all time

As you know, from the end of autumn until the first harvest almost all vegetables that can be seen in stores are of greenhouse origin. They can only be called good for health with a stretch of the imagination, except perhaps โ€œnot harmfulโ€. But these are not the same thing, agree. Where can we get vitamins and other valuable elements vital for the body? Of course, from the blanks made in the warm season and stocked up for the cold months. And now we will find out how to deliciously salt the cabbage according to recipes inherited from our mothers and grandmothers.

how delicious salted cabbage

First, let's find out what ingredients we need. So, for a 3 liter jar it will be enough to take:

  • 3 kilograms of cabbage;
  • 2 tablespoons (no slide) of non-iodized salt;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1 liter of boiled cool (but not cold) water;
  • some carrots to taste.

As you can see, all products are inexpensive and readily available. And now it's time to move on to how deliciously salt the cabbage.

First, pour water into a jar previously washed with baking soda (inside and out). Add salt and sugar to this water, and then mix thoroughly so that they completely dissolve.

how to salt delicious cabbage quickly
Next, you need to chop the cabbage itself. This can be done with an ordinary knife, but it is very convenient in such cases to use a food processor with the function of cutting vegetables. Especially if you are going to prepare not one such jar, but several - then the cooking process will go much faster. If you decide to also add carrots, then it must be grated on a coarse grater, and then mixed with cabbage.

At the next stage, we transfer the resulting mass to a pre-prepared jar of brine. It is advisable to lay the cabbage as densely as possible, but it is important to ensure that the liquid does not spill around. Now you have almost understood how deliciously salt the cabbage is, the matter is left to the small.

We lay on top a whole cabbage leaf. This will help the top layer of vegetables not to wind. The jar itself should be placed in a wide and fairly deep container. Soon cabbage will wander, and it is in this tank that the brine will pour. Within 2-3 days the jar should stand at room temperature. The end of the fermentation process will be told by the top layer of cabbage that has begun to settle. When he settles completely, the brine will need to be transferred back to the bank.

how tasty salt sliced โ€‹โ€‹cabbage

Now you know the general tips on how to salt delicious cabbage. Having quickly dealt with this, try to remember one more important point. If you find that your pickle has become cloudy, thickened or even covered with a mold film, you should not use it again, otherwise the cabbage may turn out to be too soft and will be bitter. If this situation occurs, the brine should be prepared again. The same thing should be done if everything is in order with the solution, but it was not enough to fill the jar to the top.

Jars with sauerkraut are stored in a cool place (cellar or refrigerator). The brine level should be monitored regularly - if it becomes less, when the cabbage settles, a little more liquid should be added.

There are many recipes regarding how deliciously salt the cabbage with slices or straws. One of the variations on the topic of the proposed method is to add grated raw beets to the carrots and cabbage that we use (1-2 fruits per jar are enough).

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