Cooking White Night Salad: Recipe Description

white night salad

When there is nothing tasty in the refrigerator, many may lose their mood. Today we will fight this situation and prepare the White Night salad. This delicious dish will take its place of honor both on the festive table and in everyday life. In addition, this salad is so satisfying that it can easily replace the main course at dinner. Keep this in mind. True, those who are on a strict diet, White Night salad is still contraindicated. It contains a lot of fats and proteins, although today we will try to prepare a less high-calorie option.

Product selection

white night salad step by step recipe

We do not give a simple list of ingredients for salad, but we advise you to approach very carefully the choice of products. Indeed, in a salad, each component should sound differently. Replacing any of them or saving on its quality, you will get a completely different taste. Here is a simple example. For the White Night salad, it is better to take pickled mushrooms. They should be sour, crunchy, without the taste of pepper and bad smell. When choosing mushrooms, pay attention to the pickle and the date of manufacture. The water in the jar should be transparent. And they should be made in the fall of the next year. In this case, your choice is right. Do not take a jar in which various mushrooms are mixed. And if you try to replace such mushrooms with homemade ones, you will get a completely different taste of the whole salad. Try for the sake of experiment.

salad white night photo

So, the list of products: 1 can of pickled mushrooms, onions (2 pieces), raw carrots and 2 boiled potatoes, 300 grams of any kind of meat, 250 grams of hard cheese. For dressing, you need mayonnaise, and for frying onions - vegetable oil. Of course, it is better if the potatoes are young and not crumbly, and the meat is well cooked. Cheese should not be taken too salty and spicy. Neutral taste will do. So, let's start cooking.

Cooking White Night Salad: a step-by-step recipe

The salad is not made as fast as we would like, but it can be prepared in advance. Grind the mushrooms with a knife as possible. Chop the onion very finely and fry in vegetable oil. Boiled potatoes must be grated. We will do the same with carrots, only we will grind it on a smaller grater. The meat is cut into small cubes. The harder the meat, the smaller the cube. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Everything is prepared in order to lay out the White Night salad in layers. First mushrooms, then onions, potatoes. Lubricate everything with mayonnaise. Next is carrot and meat. Again a layer of mayonnaise. Sprinkle all with cheese. It is because of this white powder that the salad bears such a name.

white night salad

Low calorie option

White Night salad, the photo of which you see above, is made less nutritious. But his taste is a little different. So, instead of mayonnaise, we take sour cream, add lemon juice and balsamic vinegar to it. This sauce will look like mayonnaise. Garlic can be added for pungency. We won’t fry the onions, but simply beat them with boiling water and pickle them a little in water with vinegar. We use chicken breast as meat, and choose hard cheese with a low percentage of fat content. Everything we could, we saved on calories. Enjoy your meal!

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