Cystitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder wall. The disease is more common in the female half. Cystitis is divided into chronic and acute. Acute cystitis most often occurs after hypothermia. Its main signs are pain below the abdomen and the presence of purulent discharge in the urine. Sometimes acute cystitis disappears after a few days, but, in the presence of prostate adenoma and other similar diseases, even with timely initiation of treatment, it lasts up to two weeks. The chronic appearance occurs as a result of improper treatment of acute, in which the entire mucous membrane of the bladder is exposed to inflammation. Symptoms of chronic cystitis are the same as in acute.
After realizing that you have acute cystitis, treatment should begin with folk remedies, which include hot tea with milk, infusions of herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort, etc.). In acute cystitis, treatment and tablets should be chosen correctly, in order to avoid the appearance of a chronic appearance. Therefore, it is best to find a disease, consult a urologist and get detailed advice on the choice of medicines and treatment method.
There are times when it is not possible to visit a specialist, and pains become more intolerable. The best way out of this situation is to take pills. To alleviate the pain caused by acute cystitis, you should take no-shpu, which is recommended to take 1-2 tablets several times a day. A good remedy is phytosiline, which should be taken strictly according to the instructions. In addition to the listed remedies, ketonal and monural are good painkillers for acute cystitis. Taking these pills is easy to tolerate and is allowed even during pregnancy. In addition, with proper administration, they do not cause side effects and the effect manifests itself after 1 tablet. If you have chronic cystitis, treatment and pills at home can only help for a short time, alleviating the sensation of pain. In the chronic form, it is recommended to take no-shpa, cystone and phytolysin. It is impossible to fully recover from chronic cystitis with the help of these drugs, therefore, it is better to contact a specialist who will prescribe a course of treatment.
To get rid of cystitis, treatment methods are selected and carried out exclusively under the guidance of a doctor. These include laser treatment, magnetotherapy, the use of medications and others. Also, in chronic cystitis, treatment and tablets may consist of such agents as prednisone, hydrocortisone, the use of heparin therapy , which include infusion therapy and instillation. In addition, silver preparations, sea buckthorn oil, liquid paraffin, dibuzol liniment, fish oil and methyluracil are often used.
In medicine, cases of interstitial cystitis treatment and tablets are very common, from which they include physiotherapeutic procedures (diathermy, ultrasound, electrical stimulation, electrophoresis), novocaine blockades, analgesics (meloxicam, levomethadone, metamizole, diclofenac, etc.), antihistamines ( loratadine, suprastin and prednisolone), anidepressants (doxepin and amitriptyline) and antagonists (ranitidine, cimetidine, famotidine). Often this form of cystitis leads to surgical intervention, when it becomes necessary to conduct ilecyoplasty, unilateral nephrostomy and ureteroanastomosis.
In order to avoid serious consequences when a symptom of cystitis occurs, it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately. A specialist will help to study the degree of the disease and prescribe the right treatment, which will help cure cystitis in the shortest possible time and effectively.