Blood pressure 140 to 100: symptoms, causes, treatment

It is difficult enough, but most likely it is impossible to find a perfect healthy person in our world. Most people who consider themselves to be completely healthy do not know that they have a particular disease. This applies primarily to people who are prone to hypertension. On average, of the entire adult population of the planet, 35–40% are prone to hypertension, only 20–25% are aware of this, and only 1.5–2% are taking drugs to treat it. Hypertension means that the heart is working with a load that is higher than normal. Typically, hypertension can be said in cases where the pressure is 140 per 100 or 140 to 90, provided that the pressure is measured in a calm state.

Pressure 140 per 100 characterizes the work of the heart at the time of exertion and relaxation. The number 140 characterizes the force that the heart exerts to push blood into the vessels, and the number 100 describes the speed at which the filling of the cavity of the heart muscle occurs after contraction.

Hypertonic susceptible to serious diseases. For example, if the pressure of 140 per 100 is observed for several days in a row with little physical activity and emotional calm, then the risk of getting diseases such as myocardial infarction, heart failure, stroke increases 6-7 times compared to normal pressure. On average, life of hypertension is reduced by 10-20 years, so it is extremely important to diagnose this disease and treat it.

What complaints and symptoms are signs of high blood pressure?

Dizziness, frequent headaches accompanied by nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, flickering β€œflies” in front of the eyes, throbbing in the temples, fatigue, heart palpitations not caused by physical exertion or stress, pressing heart pains that last from 25 minutes - precursors of hypertension. However, often hypertension passes without the above symptoms, especially at an early stage. As soon as at least one of the listed symptoms has been identified, it is necessary to measure blood pressure. Observe the pressure in this situation at least once a day. If the pressure is 140 to 100 and above, then you need to see a doctor. However, there are situations when the pressure is 140 to 50, and a person feels bad, in this case, specialist advice is also needed.

Diseases that cause high blood pressure (BP)

Often there are cases when elevated blood pressure is not hypertension, but is associated with any disease that causes its increase. There are a lot of such diseases.

The first group of diseases that cause an increase in blood pressure include kidney disease. Urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, narrowing of the renal arteries. In this case, it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound of the kidneys and pass a urinalysis.

The second group includes heart disease. Various malformations, vegetative-vascular dystonia. For diagnosis, ECG, Holter monitoring, ultrasound are performed.

The third group includes diseases of the thyroid gland. Starting with a simple increase to nodes and cystic formations. It is also necessary to conduct an ultrasound and take tests for hormones.

Causes of High Blood Pressure

The first reason is a hereditary predisposition. If someone in the family, for example, mother or grandmother, very often had a blood pressure of 140 per 100, then children and grandchildren are likely to have hypertension.

The second reason, or rather a group of reasons - bad habits, malnutrition, stress, lack of sleep.


Unfortunately, if we are talking about hypertension, and not about the diseases that cause it, medical attention is needed. The main drugs prescribed by doctors are papazol, enalopril, captopril. However, they do not treat hypertension, but only reduce blood pressure, so often these drugs have to be drunk daily. A patient with hypertension needs to give up bad habits, perform physical exercises, stay as much as possible in the fresh air, reduce salt intake to 1 teaspoon per day.

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