The drug "Glucophage": instructions and warnings

The drug "Glucophage" belongs to the group of oral hypoglycemic drugs. Its active substance is metformin hydrochloride.

In what forms is the drug Glucophage produced? The instruction says that the drug is a biconvex tablet of white color. At the fault, they should look like a uniform white mass.

Different packaging is possible: tablets of 500, 800 mg, which are sold in blisters of 10, 15, 20 pieces.

Glucophage 1000 tablets are encapsulated in pure opadra.

Excipients in all types of tablets are magnesium stearate and povidone. The drug "Glucofage 1000" in the film coating may contain hypromellose and macrogol.

Who is commonly prescribed Glucophage? The instruction says that the drug is prescribed to non-insulin-dependent patients with type 2 diabetes (sugar), especially with severe obesity.

The dosage of this drug is prescribed individually, most often they start with 0.5 g per day. Then it is possible to increase the dose, but the maximum daily dose of the drug "Glucofage" (instructions indicate this) should not be more than 3 g per day. Usually it is divided into several methods.

This drug accelerates the absorption of glucose by the muscles, increases the susceptibility of peripheral receptors to a substance such as insulin. The drug has a good effect on lipid metabolism, delays the absorption of carbohydrates in the intestines, lowers cholesterol, but does not stimulate the production of insulin.

The medicine "Glucophage" (the instruction warns) may have side effects. This is nausea, the taste of metal in the mouth, sometimes vomiting, diarrhea. At the beginning of treatment, a complete lack of appetite, abdominal pain may occur. Most often, these last symptoms quickly go away and do not require the withdrawal of the drug "Glucofage". The instruction also indicates the possible occurrence of a rash, itching.

Typically, the drug is prescribed when the expected benefit from it exceeds unpleasant side effects. In order to relieve or reduce nausea and pain, antacids or antispasmodics may be additionally prescribed to the patient.

Glucophage has many contraindications, therefore it is impossible to take it without the knowledge of a doctor.

The drug can not be prescribed to people suffering from diabetic ketoacidosis, who are in a coma or have serious liver or kidney disease. In case of diseases of the lungs or bronchi, renal or other infections, fever, dehydration and hypoxia, Glucofage medicine should not be drunk either.

It is contraindicated in lactic acidosis, alcoholism, pregnancy.

When planning pregnancy, the patient must warn the doctor about this, because he is obliged to cancel the drug several weeks before pregnancy.

Prolonged use of this medication can lead to hypervitaminosis, which adversely affects the general condition of the patient.

People often ask whether glucophage can be used by those who are not diabetic but who want to lose weight.

The answer is categorical: "It is impossible!". Glucophage does not have a hypoglycemic effect on healthy people.

However, side effects from the drug may occur in them. In addition, taking the medicine by healthy people can completely upset the body: cause diarrhea, dyspepsia, and upset metabolism.

They produce medicine in France. There are other drugs with a similar effect. These are bagomet (Argentina), korglikon (Ukraine), glyformin (Russia), siofor (Germany), Richter metformin (Russia), and some others. Their action is similar in the same way as the active substance.

But excipients can be different. Therefore, when replacing one drug with another, it is necessary to consult with your doctor.

In addition, like any medicine, this drug can be taken only after examination and on the recommendation of a doctor.

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