"Kapilar": reviews, instructions for use

Kapilar is not a drug. It is based on Siberian larch, which has an antioxidant and tonic effect. The drug is actively used in the prevention of problems that are associated with vascular disorders, and is also used in the complex treatment of many diseases.

Drug properties

"Kapilar" - a medicine containing plant components, namely the extract of Siberian larch. Active trace elements of this biologically active supplement have antihistamines, vasodilators, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. It lowers blood viscosity, regenerates its circulation throughout the body, eliminates thrombosis and reduces cholesterol, and also normalizes metabolism. The drug is effective in the complex treatment of cardiac arrhythmias, ischemic disease.

โ€œKapilarโ€ penetrates deep into the skin, while providing an antioxidant, tonic, capillary protective effect. Increases vascular lumen in the capillary bed, improves blood circulation in tissues and improves tissue nutrition. In addition, judging by the reviews, โ€œKapilarโ€ helps to remove toxins from the body.

capillary reviews


The drug is available in two forms:

  • gel;
  • tablets.

One tablet contains:

  • dihydroquercetin - ten milligrams;
  • sorbitol - two hundred and forty milligrams.

The package contains from fifty to two hundred capsules.

The gel contains:

  • taxifolin;
  • fir oil;
  • gum turpentine;
  • terpene ketone.

The drug is available in an aluminum tube of seventy-five milliliters.

capillary instruction reviews


Tablets are used as part of complex treatment for various diseases, here are some of them:

  1. Heart failure (a disease caused by myocardial damage).
  2. Pathology, which is characterized by a complete or partial violation of the myocardial microcirculation.
  3. Heart disease, which, with progression, leads to chronic heart failure and heart attack.
  4. Hypertension (a complex disease characterized by a persistent increase in blood pressure).
  5. Pneumonia (inflammation of the lung tissue, usually of infectious origin with a primary lesion of the alveoli).
  6. Stroke (acute cerebrovascular accident causing damage and death of nerve cells).
  7. Bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchi that affects the mucous membrane of the walls of the bronchi).
  8. Heart attack.
  9. Acute respiratory infections (a group of ailments of viral or bacterial origin).
  10. Migraine.
  11. Eye diseases.

And also, according to reviews, โ€œKapilarโ€ is used in the prevention of complications associated with smoking and weakens the effect of toxic drugs. Recommend it to slow down the aging of the body.

capillary application reviews

"Kapilar" (according to doctors) is used to improve mental and physical abilities, as well as reduce fatigue and increase immunity.

The gel is used for:

  • hematomas (accumulation of liquid or clotted blood inside the human body resulting from rupture of blood vessels);
  • tired legs;
  • violation of the outflow of blood through the venous system;
  • varicose veins (pathological expansion of the walls of peripheral veins);
  • cramps.

And also, as is known according to the instructions and reviews for โ€œKapilarโ€, the drug is used to reduce pain in joint pain. The gel is not recommended to be applied to the mucous membranes, as well as damaged skin, open sores and eczema.

capillary doctors reviews

Instruction manual

For prophylactic purposes, Kapilar tablets are taken three times a day from one to two pieces. The duration of treatment is three weeks. Therapy can be repeated after a short break of ten days.

According to the instructions and reviews, the use of Kapilar as a complex treatment is carried out depending on the disease:

  1. In case of heart disease, it is necessary to take two capsules four times a day throughout the treatment.
  2. In the treatment of a serious chronic disease, which is characterized by a persistent increase in blood pressure, you need to take the drug in the same dosages. The duration of therapy in this case increases to one month, it can be repeated if necessary after a week and a half.
  3. For bronchitis, heart attacks, it is recommended to use the drug three tablets a day, four tablets.
  4. When ARI "Kapilar" is used during the entire treatment period, two tablets four times a day.
  5. To eliminate migraines, it is recommended to take immediately from five to eight tablets. For diseases of the visual organ, patients are allowed to use two capsules twice a day.

How to apply the gel?

As a rule, the gel is applied to the cleansed skin of the legs with massaging movements until completely absorbed. In this dosage form, the drug is used several times a day. Patients in reviews of "Capillary" in the form of ointment note the high effectiveness of the drug among many venoprotective agents.

The cost of โ€œKapilarโ€ varies from 150 to 400 rubles, depending on the form of issue.

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