Two cake recipes for a 2 year old girl

A cake for a girl for 2 years old is an original dessert. Every child dreams of a beautiful and delicious treat for his birthday. And in order for the childhood dream to come true, each mother needs to prepare and make the holiday for the little princess unforgettable.

Birthday party

A hallmark of a birthday celebration is a treat with candles. Their number on the cake depends on the age of the child. This tradition dates back to ancient Greece. And more specifically, with the celebration of Artemis’s birthday. So the custom appeared to light candles on a honey cake in the shape of a circle.

cake for 2 years old girl

Children's birthday cake for girls

In order to prepare a delicate delicacy for the little princess, you can use a simple recipe. A cake for a girl for 2 years old is prepared on the basis of children's cottage cheese, yogurt and cookies. Also, the resulting work of art can be completed with decorations made of fruits or berries.

Essential Ingredients:

  • children's cottage cheese - 250 g;
  • yogurt - 150 g;
  • sugar - 5-6 tsp;
  • gelatin - 5 g;
  • baby cookies - 200 g;
  • berries or fruits at will.

Practical part

A cake for a girl for 2 years is prepared as follows. It is necessary to take a small size container, on the bottom of which it is worth putting a layer of cookies, previously covering it with cling film. In another bowl, mix yogurt, cottage cheese and sugar. Then you should pay attention to gelatin. The powder must be poured with 50 ml of water and do not touch for 10 minutes. Then heat it, and then completely cool it.

children's birthday cake for girls

Next, pour the curd over cookies and put the container with the treat in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. After the specified time has elapsed, you need to get the cake out of a cool place and circle the cookie cutters in a circle, bandaging them with a red ribbon if desired. The treat is decorated with fruits or berries.

When using the ingredients in proportions, according to the recipe, 4 servings are obtained.

Cake for the girl for 2 years

Cream cake takes the main place among the favorite desserts in children, since it is such a delicacy that can create a unique atmosphere of celebration. A young princess or a little lady will certainly be delighted with a beautiful dessert with delicious toppings. In order to prepare a cream cake for a girl for 2 years, you will need the following products:

  • can of condensed milk;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 150 g;
  • baking powder package;
  • powdered sugar - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • canned peaches.

First you need to break 2 eggs. Then add condensed milk to them. Then pour the flour, baking powder and mix thoroughly. The contents should be consistency like thick sour cream. The test should be allowed to stand for 20-25 minutes. After the specified time, bubbles should form on the surface.

2 year old girls cream cake

To properly bake cakes, you should draw a circle with a diameter of about 25 cm on each sheet of baking paper. After that, 2 tbsp. l dough and smudge over the entire surface. Each layer should be baked for 5 minutes at 180 Β° C. The result should be 7 cakes. While the workpieces are cooling, this time should be devoted to whipping cream with powdered sugar, as well as slicing peaches. A treat is formed as follows: the cake is smeared with cream, sprinkled with peach. And this is done layer by layer.

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