Oven turkey medallions: recipe with photo

Turkey meat is a valuable dietary product. It is rich in easily digestible protein, vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. The turkey contains no more than 200 kcal per 100 g, which makes it possible to classify this product as indispensable for obesity and overweight. The effect of such a diet will be guaranteed. In our article we will present photos and recipes of turkey medallions in the oven. This method of preparation will make the dish low-calorie and preserve the maximum in the meat of healthy substances.

How to make turkey medallions?

How to make turkey medallions

Diet turkey meat, which is widely used in clinical nutrition and in the diet of people who support a healthy lifestyle, can not only be boiled and served with low-calorie vegetables. It is easy to make a tasty and healthy holiday dish in the oven from poultry fillet - medallions from turkey. According to the recipe, in a pan it needs only to be slightly browned, as if to seal all the meat juice inside, and then bring it to the desired state in the oven.

When preparing a dish, it is recommended to take into account the following nuances:

  1. In many housewives, turkey often turns dry when baked. To avoid this, it is recommended to marinate meat in apple cider vinegar or soy sauce before cooking in the oven.
  2. If the baked turkey still turned dry, cream will help to correct the taste of the dish. It is enough to fill them with medallions and again send the dish to the oven for 15 minutes. Thanks to the creamy sauce, the meat will again become tender and soft.
  3. To preserve the meat juice inside the medallion, the turkey can be rolled in breadcrumbs breaded before frying in a pan. After that, bring the dish to readiness in the oven.

List of ingredients

Turkey Medallions

According to the recipe, for cooking turkey medallions in the oven, you will need the following set of products:

  • turkey fillet - 600 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic in cloves - 6 pcs.;
  • apple cider vinegar - 50 ml;
  • sour cream - 150 ml;
  • mustard - 1 tsp;
  • hot peppers - 2 pcs.;
  • turmeric - Β½ tsp;
  • dry adjika - 1 tsp;
  • Provencal herbs - Β½ tsp;
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • salt - ΒΎ tsp;
  • black pepper - ΒΌ tsp.

The breast of the turkey must be cut across the fibers into medallions at least 1.5 cm thick. In advance, you need to prepare the dishes for marinating and a pan with a thick bottom and walls for roasting and baking medallions in the oven.

Step by step recipe

Turkey medallions in a pan and in the oven

There is no need to beat turkey medallions with a hammer. Thanks to the marinade, they are already juicy and soft. A spicy sour cream mustard sauce will bring to perfection a symphony of taste and aroma.

A step-by-step recipe for cooking turkey medallions in the oven includes the sequential execution of the following steps:

  1. Cut the fillet across the fibers into pieces 1.5 cm thick. Using a sharp knife, give them a round medallion shape.
  2. Chop the onion into half rings and garlic into thin slices. Put the ingredients in a container for pickling medallions.
  3. Add vegetables to the spices: turmeric, adjika, bay leaf, Provencal herbs, hot pepper pods. Salt to taste and pepper.
  4. Pieces of meat on top of spices.
  5. Pour turkey over apple cider vinegar. Stir the meat with spices, mix and let it marinate for 2 hours at room temperature.
  6. After the specified time, put the medallions on a well-heated pan with a non-stick coating. Fry the turkey over medium heat until golden brown. Vegetable oil or other fat does not need to be added.
  7. As soon as the meat is browned, it is necessary to pour the marinade along with onions and garlic. Stew the medallions with vegetables until the liquid evaporates almost completely.
  8. Now is the time to preheat the oven to a temperature of 180 Β° C.

Cooking sauce and baking medallions

Turkey Medallions in Mustard Sauce

Sour cream mustard dressing will help to bring the taste of almost finished medallions to perfection. Making turkey sauce is very simple:

  1. Combine sour cream and mustard in a deep bowl.
  2. Add 50-70 ml of water.
  3. Add salt, pepper to taste and mix well.
  4. Pour the meat in a pan or in a refractory form with the cooked dressing and send it to bake.
  5. According to the recipe, turkey medallions should be cooked for 10 minutes in the oven. During this time, the sauce will become thicker, and the meat more tender. When serving, sprinkle it with parsley, garnish with sprigs of rosemary and thyme.

Oven Turkey Recipe Medallions Recipe

Turkey medallions in honey sauce

The main secret to preparing the next dish is a special honey marinade. It is thanks to this that the ingredients of the meat acquire an interesting taste and a golden brown. Turkey is baked in the oven with almost no drops of fat, which means this recipe is also suitable for supporters of dietary nutrition.

  1. Prepare 1.5 kg of drumstick medallions, rinse them and pat dry with a paper towel. You can take the turkey fillet, but then the meat can turn out less tender.
  2. In a deep dish, prepare the marinade from olive oil (8 tbsp.), Apple cider vinegar and soy sauce (2 tbsp.), Honey (1 tbsp.), Salt, pepper, dried rosemary (1 tsp. .) and orange zest (optional).
  3. Dip each piece of turkey in the marinade on both sides. Fold the medallions in a clean container, fill with the remaining marinade and leave it in this form at room temperature for 3 hours. If time is running out, 40 minutes will be enough to marinate the meat.
  4. Preheat the oven to 190 Β° C.
  5. Bake medallions for 40 minutes in a sleeve or in a mold, having previously tightened it with foil on top. Open the meat 10 minutes before cooking to brown.

Turkey medallions in sour cream sauce

Turkey medallions in sour cream sauce

The next dish has a spicy taste of cheese and an appetizing aroma of garlic. It can be prepared for dinner and served with a side dish of rice or mashed potatoes. Learn at the same time satisfying and useful.

When cooking, you must follow the following step-by-step recipe for turkey medallions:

  1. Preheat the oven to a temperature of 190 Β° C.
  2. Prepare medallions (600 g) by cutting the turkey fillet into portions. Salt them, pepper, sprinkle with seasoning for the bird.
  3. Fry the medallions in hot vegetable oil (2 tbsp. L.) Until a crust forms on top. Transfer them to a deep pan.
  4. Sour cream (150 g) put in a small bowl. Add grated cheese (50 g), 4 cloves of garlic squeezed through a press, sweet paprika (1 tsp), salt to taste. Add half a glass of water.
  5. Pour the medallions on a baking sheet with sauce.
  6. Bake the dish for 40 minutes. To check readiness, pierce the meat with a knife. Clear juice should stand out from the section.

Turkey medallions with tomatoes and cheese

Surprisingly juicy and tender it turns out meat cooked according to the following recipe from turkey fillet. The medallions in the oven are baked with rings of onions and tomatoes under a cheese cap. The dish turns fragrant, beautifully festive and very tasty. Well, and everyone can cook it without exception:

  1. Cut the turkey fillet across into pieces no more than 1.5 cm thick. Pickle it in soy sauce (3 tbsp. L.) For 30 minutes.
  2. Cut onions into rings, and tomatoes (1-2 pcs.) In thin circles.
  3. Put the medallions in the baking dish, greasing it with vegetable oil (1 tbsp. L.). Sprinkle meat with salt and pepper.
  4. Put onion rings on top of the turkey pieces, and then distribute them in a circle of tomatoes.
  5. Cover the baking dish with foil and send it to the oven preheated to 180 Β° C for 30 minutes.
  6. After a while, open the medallions and sprinkle them with coarsely grated cheese (100 g). Send the form to the oven for 10 minutes or until cheese crust is formed.

Recipe for turkey medallions in the oven with mushrooms and cheese

Turkey medallions with mushrooms and bacon

Thanks to strips of bacon and juicy stuffing, sufficiently dry meat turns out to be unusually juicy. It turns out so delicious that it literally melts in your mouth, even though it is baked in the oven.

Prescription turkey medallions are prepared according to the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. Prepare 4 medallions 2 cm thick each.
  2. Finely chop the mushrooms (200 g) and fry in vegetable oil along with chopped onions. Cook in a pan until the liquid evaporates completely.
  3. Add 100 ml of sour cream to the mushrooms and onions. Continue cooking for another 5 minutes.
  4. In the medallions, make vertical through cuts and stuff them with mushroom filling.
  5. Wrap turkey slices with bacon strips (4 pcs.).
  6. Put the rest of the mushroom filling on top of the meat.
  7. Bake medallions for 25 minutes at 200 Β° C. Then sprinkle cheese on top of them and put in the oven for another 5 minutes.

Roasted turkey meat

The turkey drumstick is perfect for the next dish. Medallions are much juicier than fillets. They can be served with any side dish or separately with sauce. The recipe for cooking is very simple:

  1. Put the medallions (3 pcs.) In the marinating dish. Pour them with lemon juice (1 tbsp.), Olive oil (20 ml), add spices to taste (1 tsp.). Squeeze a clove of garlic here. Stir the meat with the marinade. Cover the dish or tighten with foil and leave it in this form for 30 minutes.
  2. Prepare large squares of foil. Lubricate them with butter on the inside.
  3. Put medallions on them. Wrap the foil tightly in the form of an envelope. Lay the blanks on a baking sheet.
  4. Send medallions from the turkey to the oven. According to the recipe, bake them for half an hour at a temperature of 180 Β° C.

Prepare mashed potatoes, boiled vegetables or rice for the finished dish. You can serve medallions with arugula or Beijing cabbage salad.

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