Preserves: what is it. Preserves and canned foods - what is the difference between them

Not so long ago, fish preserves appeared in large numbers on the shelves of our stores. What it is, not everyone knows. Many are sure that this is just another, more fashionable name for canned food. However, this is not at all true. What is the difference between visually identical banks, we will explain in this article.

preserves what is it

Preserves: what is it and how do they differ from canned food

Canned fish, at least occasionally - on a camping trip, in the country, on fishing - is consumed by everyone. Even if not directly from the can, then in salads. Few people are interested in the manufacturing process, because for most ordinary consumers, preserves and canned foods, as they say, "on one face." But the main difference between them is precisely in the methods of processing fish. When preserving it, it is necessarily subject to thermal sterilization: temperature and provides such a long shelf life of products. Preserves are another matter. What it is? These are canned goods rolled up without boiling and scalding. Suppression of the activity of bacteria is provided by salt and antiseptics. Due to this, the taste of the fish is more vivid, it retains its useful qualities, but it is stored, respectively, not so long.

fish preserves

The use of preserves in cooking

Any hostess will promptly dictate to the curious recipes of at least three salads with canned fish. Many can teach a novice cook how to cook first courses with her - they are also many. In this regard, fish preserves are again different from canned fish. Due to the peculiarities of their preparation, the rich taste of fish is not very suitable for participation in salads and other things. Most often, preserves act as an independent snack - on sandwiches or with onions and vegetable oil. Fans often replace the oil with mayonnaise - and the combination is completely good.

What raw materials are used in preserves: popularity rating

Note that at the moment, not all fish species are used for such products. The most common preserves from herring. By the way, it is they who are most willing to buy: they taste like a natural β€œherring from a barrel,” which is very attractive to consumers. In second place in demand - red fish in preserves. It may be expensive, but on the festive table many people allow it to themselves. Preserves are also made from capelin, mackerel, saury and sprat. However, their production volumes are lower, and popularity lags behind herring.

herring preserves

Varieties of Preserves

You may get the impression that fish preserves are made only from salted fish and are filled exclusively with sunflower oil. However, it is not. Manufacturers have developed many gas stations, so there are plenty to choose from.

By cutting fish, preserves are divided into two categories:

  1. Unfinished carcasses. Can be canned or spicy salting. They are made from herring, mackerel, capelin, and horse mackerel. The filling is based on brine, which includes sugar, spices, salt and sodium benzoate.
  2. Chopped fish. Anchovies are suitable for such preserves, again - mackerel and herring, and different types of salmon. Cutting can be on filet, slices and slices.

For preserves from cut fish, these marinades are most often used:

  1. Gastronomic sauce. It is based on vegetable oil, mustard, vinegar, salt and sugar. The ingredients can be complemented by herbs and spices.
  2. Sour cream sauce with horseradish. Shredded horseradish is poured with a decoction from a set of spices; after insisting, the filling is diluted with sour cream.
  3. White sauce: mayonnaise plus sour cream, seasoned with spices. As a preservative - citric acid.
  4. Fruit sauce. The juice can be any, although apple (usually with lemon) and tomato are usually used. Spices - at the discretion of the manufacturer.

Pickled onions are sometimes added to cans with preserves; for raisins, supplements of cranberry, juniper, etc. are found.

preserves and canned food

How do preserves

Since these products do not require heat treatment, the production of preserves begins with the obligatory salting or pickling of fish - either whole carcasses, or cut into fillets or slices. Depending on the composition of the fill, the fish is kept in it from several hours (when using brine with vinegar) to a month (if the brine is made on the basis of lactic acid). To ensure that the shelf life of preserves is not limited to a couple of days (fish, as you know, deteriorates quickly), a preservative antiseptic is added to the marinades. The most commonly used role in this role is sodium benzoate, although advanced manufacturers are increasingly replacing it with carboxylic acid salts as safer compounds.

production of preserves

Packaging for preserves

Another common misconception - preserves are necessarily packed in plastic. Most often, without a doubt, just such a package is found. This is due to the fact that tin containers need varnishing of the inner surface - marinades are quite aggressive, and can oxidize pure metal. Such processing increases the cost of filling material, and so expensive. You can often see fish preserves in glass jars on the shelves. However, such containers are gradually abandoned - breaking material increases losses during transportation and storage.

fish preserves

It is worth considering that canned food producers also begin to use plastic containers, especially for high-demand products, which obviously will not be stored for long. So, if you are looking for just preserves, read the labels, and do not trust the prevailing myths.

Fish lovers must pay attention to preserves. What is it, we said, described the benefits. Just remember to keep them in the refrigerator - and not too long. Since the product was not processed with heat, at insufficiently low temperatures it quickly deteriorates.

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