"Eugene Onegin": a summary of the novel in verse

Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich is considered a genius, a pioneer in creating the literary language of our people. He left behind a multivolume collection of works and made a truly revolution in Russian versification. One of his most famous and outstanding works is the novel "Eugene Onegin", written in verse. This work is brilliant.

Eugene Onegin Short term
It had such a huge impact on subsequent poetry that even the special terms “Onegin size” - 4-foot iambic and “Onegin stanza” - 14 lines (3 quatrains with three types of rhyming in a row - cross, double and girdle), and then - couplets).

The novel "Eugenia Onegin", a brief summary of which does not take up much space, truly stands almost in first place in the list of Russian classics, which must be read. It can be read at any age.

"Eugene Onegin." Summary

The action begins with a direct speech of the protagonist, Eugene Onegin, who goes to his dying uncle - a rich and tedious old man. But Eugene discovers his uncle "already on the table", and himself - the heir to a rich, but troublesome estate. The following is a story about the life of the protagonist. Eugenia Onegin (a summary of the image) - a secular man, a loafer, a smart guy, a fashionista.

novel eugene onegin
In the morning he makes a very thorough toilet, then goes to ride a wheelchair, changes clothes for a long time, for dinner, often attends the theater in the evenings, where he is interested not in a play, but in young ladies. Usually Eugene finishes his day with a trip to a ball or a lush banquet.

But suddenly, our fireman is bored by the high society, and he decides to settle in the village. Soon, however, the hermit life bored him, and Eugene goes to visit his neighbors, Larin, with his friend poet Lensky, whose bride is the youngest daughter of the Larin. Larins are a provincial traditional landowner family. The family has two daughters - Olga and Tatyana. Tatyana is the eldest. She is a melancholy and a little strange girl. Olga, the bride of Lensky, is a bright, healthy beauty. Tatyana, until this day indifferent to men, falls unconscious in love with Eugene. Overwhelmed by feelings, she writes him a letter of recognition, but Eugene remains indifferent. For fun, he begins to care for Olga with the skills of secular red tape. Lensky Lensky is jealous and challenges him to a duel in which Eugene kills his village friend.

After these events, Onegin has to leave these places for a long time and, in general, from Russia. He travels a lot, but cannot find peace anywhere. Finally, tired of traveling and not having received relief, he returns to Petersburg. There he meets at the ball Tatyana Larina, now the wife of a wealthy and noble nobleman. Onegin falls in love with her, but she refuses to cheat on her husband, although she does not hide the fact that she still loves him.

Pushkin Eugene Onegin

As already mentioned, many great works were written by Pushkin. “Eugene Onegin” is a book for all time; every cultural person must read it . The novel "Eugenia Onegin", the summary of which, of course, cannot convey the whole charm of the original, can be re-read endlessly. They even say that every self-respecting person should know the first stanzas of "Eugene Onegin" by heart. Having read only a brochure entitled "Eugene Onegin, a brief summary", he will not be able to fully appreciate the beauty of Pushkin’s syllable, the richness of rhymes and means of artistic expression, and he will also not be able to recognize allusions and easily quote lines from Eugene Onegin.

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