Collagen membrane is the best substitute for animal guts. It is used in the manufacture of sausages, sausages, sausages, sausages. By its properties, it is close to the natural shell and is its excellent replacement. Collagen material can be stored for at least two years, while the natural shell is a perishable product. Let us consider in more detail its features and several recipes.
What is a collagen membrane? Basic properties
It is made only from natural fibers, which are obtained from split - a mesh layer of animal skins. That is why the collagen membrane is edible.
The process of its production is simple. After processing, the βsplitβ is sorted and subjected to chemical and mechanical processing. But you do not need to be afraid of this process. During the chemical treatment, the ballast substances are removed and the structure softens. The quality of the final product will depend on this. During machining, the material is crushed, divided into fibers and mixed. Next, the resulting collagen mass is sent to the production of the shell itself, dried and conditioned at a certain humidity and temperature. The product is ready to use.
The main advantages we will now consider.
Firstly, such a shell is more durable than natural. There are practically no pathogenic microorganisms on it, thanks to chemical and thermal treatment.
Secondly, the collagen membrane is simply clip-on. It differs in good vapor and gas permeability, elasticity and fixed forcemeat, as it is available in different diameters.
Thirdly, as noted, collagen material has a long shelf life.
The only drawback is the unstable strength of the shell, if heated above eighty-five degrees. Therefore, broth edema appears in the semi-finished product.
Where can I buy a collagen shell for sausages and sausages
This is currently not a problem. Collagen casing in Moscow and other Russian cities is sold in specialized retail and online stores. And for the consumer they offer a product of different diameters. This allows you to produce at home ordinary sausages, sausages and thin sausages for frying.
How to work with the collagen membrane
It is much easier than with natural.
Before use, the collagen sausage casing must be soaked for twenty minutes in warm water (up to thirty-five degrees). This treatment will give the product elasticity.
Then we stretch and start stuffing with minced meat manually, or using a special nozzle for a meat grinder. Bandage sausages or sausages.
It is further recommended that they be suspended and chopped in several places in order to βetchβ the air that has fallen.
Ready-made semi-finished product can be frozen, and it is necessary to cook at a temperature of no more than eighty degrees.
Homemade sausage in a collagen shell. Cooking
Homemade sausages are a great treat for the whole family. It is not difficult to prepare them if there is a collagen membrane of large diameter. To begin, we begin to cook the stuffing.
Half a kilo of beef and a kilogram of pork cut into pieces. Chop the bacon into the fridge and put in the refrigerator. First skip the beef. This must be done through a meat grinder with a large grill. Stuffing the salt, pepper and mix thoroughly. Next, in the same way we do with pork. Gently introduce it into the minced meat and mix thoroughly. Lastly, add seasonings, bacon and ice cubes. Fill with minced meat shells, dress, hang for six hours and make punctures. You can cook this dish in different ways: boil, fry, bake in the oven and grill.
Homemade sausages in a collagen shell. Minced meat
In the production of homemade sausages, several rules must be considered.
Firstly, sausages in their texture should be more uniform than sausages. Therefore, when cooking minced meat, it is recommended to scroll it through a meat grinder at least two times, and preferably more.
Secondly, in the semi-finished product for sausages, it is necessary to add pork fat. Thanks to this, the dish will become more juicy. The ideal ratio is the following: two parts of lean pork, one part of beef and bacon.
Thirdly, salt and seasonings are recommended to be added at the very end. Stir the stuffing thoroughly and leave it in a cool place for several hours.
Next, we stuff the shell, bandage it and hang it overnight. Before cooking, make a few punctures in each sausage. The semi-finished product prepared according to this recipe is ideal for cooking and baking in the oven.
Grilled sausages
Stuffing for this dish must be made from pork and chicken breast in a ratio of 1: 1. Turn the meat in a meat grinder through a fine wire rack several times. Minced salt, add pepper and herbs. Mix everything thoroughly. Chop the bacon into large pieces and carefully introduce into the minced meat. Then you can fill the collagen shells. Chop the semi-finished product over the entire surface and hang for several hours. Next, cook the semi-finished product on the grill. The collagen shell for sausages will help them brown and gain a shiny surface.
Thanks to her, she will crackle when bitten. The dish is very tasty and juicy.