Tangerine cake: recipe. Mandarin cake in a slow cooker

With today's low citrus prices, it’s no big deal to bake a tangerine cake. You can choose a recipe for every taste and budget - from a simple and inexpensive biscuit to a complex one that requires attention, labor and special culinary skills. Common among them is the presence of mandarins and simply the divine taste of baking.

tangerine cake

Tangerine cake

For this recipe, we describe only the basis - cakes. You can lubricate them with any cream, jam, condensed milk, or even everyone in turn, if you bake two cakes and each cut into thinner ones. This kefir tangerine cake accepts any accompaniment. For it, take a small piece of soft butter (about 75 g) and grind to the final homogeneity with the egg and sugar (one and a half glasses). Next comes a glass of kefir with a pinch of salt, everything is knocked out to smoothness. Six tangerines are rotated through a meat grinder with a peel, but without seeds, and added to the mixture. After the obtained viscous liquid is mixed, poured into three glasses of flour, whipped until all lumps are eliminated. It remains to add a spoonful of quenched soda, knead the last time and put in a greased form. Do not send immediately to the oven - let it stand for forty minutes.

tangerine cake recipe

Light tangerine cake

Five eggs are beaten with a glass of sugar, a 200-gram pack of butter is added (margarine should not be replaced - your tangerine cake may not work or will get a specific smell), the mass is brought to puffiness. Two and a half glasses of flour mixed with a spoon of soda are added, and the dough is kneaded with a spoon until smooth. Finally, the tangerine knocked out in the blender is poured - whether to remove the skin from it, decide the hostess, but it will turn out more aromatic with it. Korzh goes to the oven for half an hour. At this time, the cream is cooked: a pack of oil is brought to the air with a mixer; gradually, a little bit, condensed milk (0.5 cans), vanillin and tangerine mass obtained from one citrus with a blender are added to it. Cakes are cut parallel to the ground in half, both parts are smeared with cream, stacked on top of each other. Top with tangerine cake sprinkled with crushed nuts, and after an hour of standing in the refrigerator, it can be served on the table. If you don’t like nut powder, you can add crumbs to the cream along with tangerines.

tangerine cake paradise

"Orange mood"

Very interesting and delicious tangerine cake. The recipe, however, requires attention and trouble. But then you can’t drag the children and guests by the ears from the goodies. First cake: pieces of five tangerines are ground in a blender or meat grinder. A third pack of butter (about 75 grams) is melted and mixed with one and a half glasses of sugar and an egg. After gaining homogeneity, a glass of kefir, several grains of salt and a spoon of baking powder are added. The mass, mixed to smoothness, is poured into sifted three cups of flour along with tangerine puree. A homogeneous dough for half an hour or forty minutes settles on the table, after which it is baked until blush and ready (checked by a match). After cooling, the cake is divided into two thinner parts. A jar of canned tangerine is drained; the syrup mixed with a spoon of rum or brandy is soaked in the lower cake, then smeared with half the cream (beat the butter with an equal amount of condensed milk, vanilla and a spoon of brandy). On top are placed mandarin slices from a jar. The second cake is placed, smeared with the rest of the cream. Citrus slices are laid out on it again - fresh, canned, can. On the edge and sides of the product is sprinkled with coconut. Before serving, tangerine cake should be soaked in the refrigerator for two hours. But then it is eaten instantly.

tangerine cake in a slow cooker


Before preparing this tangerine cake, a glass of dried apricots is finely chopped or ground. Juice is squeezed from a dozen tangerines, chopped apricots are added to it, and boiled for about ten minutes. Then, while they cool, four eggs are beaten with a glass of sugar, a packet of butter, flour (0.5 cups) and finely chopped almonds (one and a half cups). The contents of both containers are combined and kneaded. The dough is placed in a form covered with parchment, sprinkled with almond flakes and sent to the oven for three quarters of an hour. The taste is simply delicious; if you want to cover the tangerine cake with something extra, whipped cream is an ideal option .

"Mandarin Paradise"

There are several desserts with this name. We offer you to cook "Tangerine Paradise" - the most tender cake of all that can be found. Squirrels of six eggs beat to steady peaks with a spoonful of sugar, yolks - until whitening with a half glass of regular sugar, a package of vanilla and a spoonful of lemon peel. In yolks sifted half a cup of flour with a teaspoon of baking powder and 2 tbsp. l starch (preferably corn). Then gently, in parts, the proteins interfere with the mass. When the appearance of the dough satisfies you, it is placed in the form and placed for forty minutes in the oven. The cooled cake is halved and soaked in tangerine syrup. Gelatin is soaked in it (20 gram packaging). A cream is made from two packs of dietary cottage cheese mixed with half a glass of yogurt, three tablespoons of powdered sugar and vanilla. Swollen and heated gelatin is introduced into it; when the mass begins to thicken, a glass of whipped cream is added. The lower cake is covered with slices of canned tangerine and cream, the upper is left only with impregnation. Almost ready cake "Tangerine Paradise" hides in the refrigerator for the night. The next day, it is sprinkled with powdered sugar, decorated with figures of whipped cream and slices of citrus - and you can start celebrating.

kefir tangerine cake

Tangerine lemon cake

Its taste is interesting because sour citrus goes into the dough, and sweet is used for impregnation. Plus also dried fruits! Raisins with dried apricots (“by eye”, as much as you like) are soaked, 150 grams of soft butter are ground with half a glass of sugar, and then beat with three eggs, half a glass of milk, half a lemon rolled in a meat grinder, and flour (two and a half glasses) with baking powder. At the end, strained and cut dried fruits are poured. The dough is kneaded, poured into a greased multicooker bowl. The “Baking” mode is selected, the timer is set for 80 minutes. While the tangerine cake in the multicooker reaches the condition, the impregnation is done: five tangerines are cleaned, slices are not cut large. Lemon breaks through a blender, mixes with half a glass of sugar and tangerines. After a quarter of an hour, the mass is placed on the stove and boiled for 10 minutes. Then, swollen gelatin is added to it, and after five minutes the impregnation is removed from the fire. Depending on the height of the cake, it is cut into 2-3 parts and soaked in citrus jelly.

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