Sauer beets: recipes and cooking features

Sauer beets, the recipes of which are quite similar to the description of pickling cucumbers, are ideal for a tasty and fragrant snack. By the way, such a blank is not necessary to roll up for the winter. After all, it is done in just three days, and you can use it almost immediately.

It should be noted that pickled beets (recipes will be discussed below) are less popular than pickled beets. But in vain. After all, a vegetable harvested using acetic acid loses all its beneficial properties. Moreover, such a marinade is contraindicated for those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. As for the pickled product, it is prepared only on the basis of natural ingredients, and its benefits are undeniable.

pickled beetroot recipes

Tasty and aromatic pickled beets: recipes

As mentioned above, this preform becomes fully usable only after three days after preparation. During this time, the beets are well saturated with brine, it will become incredibly tasty and fragrant.

So, to create 1 liter of snacks we need:

  • fresh beets not very large sizes - 500-700 g;
  • filtered drinking water - 500 ml;
  • small table salt - 1 large spoon without a slide;
  • bay leaves - 2-4 pcs.;
  • allspice peppers - 5-7 pcs.;
  • fresh garlic - 2-3 medium cloves;
  • dried dill (umbrellas with seeds) - 2-3 pcs.;
  • hot red pepper - add to taste.

Vegetable preparation

pickled beets
Before fermenting beets, it should be carefully processed. For this, it is necessary to take medium root vegetables and wash them thoroughly using a rag. Next, vegetables are required to be placed in a pan with water and boiled until soft for 1-1.5 hours. At the same time, it is extremely undesirable to cut the tails of the ingredient. Otherwise, the whole saturated color of the vegetable will go into the broth, which will make the snack less tasty and beautiful.

After the beets are cooked, it must be completely cooled, and then peeled and cut into slices up to 7 millimeters thick. If you decided to prepare such an appetizer for the festive table, then you can beautifully chop the vegetable with the help of a relief cheese knife.

Cooking brine

Marinade for such a simple but very tasty snack is prepared quite quickly and easily. To do this, mix drinking water with small table salt and ground pepper to taste, bring them to a boil, let stand on the stove for three minutes, and then remove from heat and cool completely. By the way, this is a very important point, because if you pour the boiled beets with hot brine, then you will not get an elastic and beautiful snack, but a porridge-like mass of incomprehensible taste.

how to ferment beets

Snack Formation Process

After the brine and beets are prepared, you should immediately proceed to pickling the vegetable. To do this, you need to take a clean and dry liter jar, put in it whole cloves of garlic, umbrellas of dried dill with seeds, allspice and bay leaves. Next, in the same container, you need to place slices of boiled beets, and then completely fill them with cooled brine.

In this condition, the workpiece should be kept at room temperature for three days. In this case, the jar is recommended to be tightly closed with a glass lid.

Cooking features

If you comply with all the requirements for the preparation of such a workpiece, you will definitely get tasty and aromatic pickled beets. Recipes for this appetizer may include other additional ingredients. For example, some housewives add fresh leaves of currant, cherry and apple tree to the vegetable with brine, as well as various spices and spices.

It should also be noted that pickled beets for the winter are prepared according to a similar recipe, but with the only difference being that all the components are not placed in an ordinary glass jar, but in a sterilized container, which must then be rolled up using a special device. In this state, the appetizer can be stored in a cool room for six months or more.

Pickled beets: the benefits of a delicious and fragrant snack

pickled beets for the winter
The finished snack retains all the useful substances of the main vegetable, namely: organic, tartaric, malic and citric acids, vitamins B1, C, A, E and B2, beta-carotene, PP and B9. It should also be noted that pickled beets are saturated with a huge amount of valuable trace elements, including phosphorus and potassium.

Proper serving

After three days, pickled beets should be placed in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. After this, slices must be put in a deep bowl (without brine), add rings of sweet onion to it and flavor with unrefined sunflower oil. Having thoroughly mixed all the components, they must immediately be presented to the table as a tasty and fragrant snack. In addition to this homemade preparation, it is recommended to serve mashed potatoes, fried meat and other hot dishes. Enjoy your meal!

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