Pills for menstrual pain: choice, instructions, composition, dosage, indications and contraindications

Every woman knows the pulling pain in the lower abdomen. This is a faithful harbinger of menstruation. In addition to pain, nausea, discomfort in the lower back, dizziness, and weakness often occur. What are the most effective pain relievers for lower abdominal pain? And is there a drug that can fight premenstrual syndrome?

Why the stomach hurts on the first day of menstruation

About 65% of women are familiar with pulling, painful sensations during menstruation. They are especially strong on the first day. Approximately 10% of women experience such severe pain that this reduces their ability to work. This pain is associated with individual characteristics of blood circulation and muscle tissue reactions.

What pills to drink for pain during menstruation? It all depends on the severity of the pain. Each woman has a different one. With severe pain, not every analgesic can help. In an extreme case, injectable painkillers will come to the rescue.

stomach ache during menstruation

What is algodismenorea?

In medicine, there is a special term - algodismenorea. This is a symptom of menstruation for those very 10% of women who have unbearable pain and have to resort to serious anesthetics. Algodismenorea is also accompanied by fever, chills, weakness, dizziness. This condition is caused primarily by the immature hormonal system: the body does not yet know how to respond to hormonal storms in the female body. After the age of 21-22 years and the beginning of regular sexual activity, algodismenorea passes irrevocably.

The second common cause of severe pain during menstruation is diseases of the female reproductive system. It is imperative to be examined: to do an ultrasound of the ovaries and uterus, to pass a general and biochemical blood test. After diagnosis, treatment will be prescribed. These will be not just pills for menstrual pain, but hormonal drugs.

menstruation hurts what to do

What is expressed premenstrual syndrome

In addition to pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, the following symptoms may be observed a couple of days before the onset of menstruation:

  • increased irritability;
  • an increase in body temperature by a couple of degrees;
  • increased swelling (not without reason, many women notice an increase in weight by two or three kilograms before menstruation);
  • unmotivated aggression.

From these unpleasant manifestations, you can also find a cure. It is worth consulting with a gynecologist or a neurologist - they will write a prescription for the necessary drugs.

what pills to treat pain from menstruation

Pain relievers

The most radical way to get rid of menstrual pain. They help quickly, within 10-15 minutes, since the active substance of the drug enters almost directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract. In order to properly carry out intramuscular or intravenous injection of the drug, a medical professional is needed. It is undesirable to do injections yourself. since you can get into the nerve.

Here is a list of injectable drugs that most quickly relieve pain:

  • "Baralgin";
  • "Novocaine";
  • Midokalm;
  • Ketonal;
  • Diclofenac
  • "Analgin";
  • Ibuprofen

What pain pills for menstruation are better to choose if there is no way to give injections? The list of the most potent drugs and the list of the mildest drugs is just below.

Prescription painkillers with maximum effectiveness

With severe antispasmodic pain, some drugs are weak. What pills for menstrual pain are most effective? Here is a list of the most powerful tablet drugs:

  • The complex analgesic "Spazmalgon" consists of several active elements: a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent, antispasmodic and a substance that enhances their action. Due to inhibition of prostaglandins and a decrease in the release of calcium into smooth muscle cells, an effective and rapid reduction of spasms is achieved and relief from pain comes. The effect occurs approximately 15-20 minutes after taking the pill. In order for the pain to pass as quickly as possible, it is not recommended to take Spazmalgon menstrual pill immediately after eating.
  • Tramal is a prescription drug. It has a powerful anesthetic effect. Affects opioid receptors. Able to block areas of the brain that are responsible for the sensation of pain. Causes drug dependence. Use this drug is possible only in cases where no other tool helps.
  • "Promedol" is another powerful drug for pain. Sold by prescription, as it is a potent opioid. With constant use causes a strong dependence. The principle of action of this drug is similar to Tramal.
  • "Ketanov" - pills for menstrual pain, belong to the class of NIP. This is a powerful analgesic among non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This medicine is used not only for pains in the lower abdomen due to menstruation, but also after surgical interventions, migraines, oncological pains and other unbearable pain.

"Paracetamol" for menstrual pain

Pills known to everyone. A lot of drugs as the main active substance contain paracetamol. There are tablets "Paracetamol" in its pure form, without additional components. This drug effectively reduces temperature, gives vigor, normalizes perspiration, and has a noticeable anesthetic effect. Hundreds of thousands of women are looking for a way to get rid of pain during menstruation. Paracetamol tablets can be a reliable assistant for this unpleasant symptom. But you canโ€™t take them all the time.

paracetamol for pain in menstruation

The fact is that the active substance paracetamol is very toxic to internal organs. Primarily for the liver. Did you know that in the UK, Paracetamol, which is familiar to Russians, is banned for free sale? This measure was introduced because many people intentionally poisoned with this drug. So you can use โ€œParacetamol" as a pill for menstrual pain from time to time - no more than once a quarter, no more than one pill at a time. With an increase in dose, each person risks getting a serious toxic effect primarily on the liver, and then on the kidneys.

Pills for menstrual pain "Tamipul"

Tablet preparation "Tamipul" is a complex drug with analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity. Most often it is prescribed specifically for stopping menstrual pain. Practically devoid of side effects and slightly toxic effect on internal organs. It is approved for use by people with liver diseases, since the active substance is concentrated in the kidneys. It is also effective for the treatment of toothache and headache, with rheumatoid arthritis, to get rid of pain after surgery.

You can also use the drug for children from the age of twelve. So with primary algodismenorea, this remedy is perfect.

Tempalgin for pain

Another common and relatively safe analgesic with a minimum of side effects. These are pills for menstruation from abdominal pain, which will also relieve fever and relieve headaches. Patients often look for a similar remedy: to help from all problems at once.

Contraindications to the use of Tempalgin:

  • chronic renal failure;
  • chronic pyelonephritis in the acute stage;
  • cirrhotic conditions;
  • fatty degeneration of the liver;
  • hepatitis and hepatosis at any stage of development.

Tempalgin effectively relieves pain. With menstruation, the effect is noticeable already twenty to thirty minutes after taking the first pill. The drug is also effective for the treatment of toothache and headache, with rheumatoid arthritis, to get rid of pain after surgery, with angina and burns.

Will Citramon help with pain due to menstruation?

This drug is known to many. Rarely is anyone serious about his analgesic effect. Meanwhile, it is one of the most effective and cheapest tablets for menstrual pain. In addition, it alleviates the condition:

  • in the period after surgery;
  • with a hangover and withdrawal syndrome;
  • with migraine;
  • with toothache (even if its source is pulpitis);
  • helps with burns and skin diseases - reduces pain.
Citramon for pain during menstruation

What pills for menstrual pain are cheap and effective? Try Citramon. It does not help all women, but if your receptors turn out to be sensitive to it, consider yourself lucky. This is an effective drug for pain with a minimum of side effects and contraindications. It is forbidden to receive only in case of individual intolerance to the components.

Antispasmodics in the fight against pain in the lower abdomen and in the lower back

Antispasmodic drugs act as anesthetics only if the main source of pain is cramping. If a woman suffering (in her opinion) from menstrual pain develops inflammatory processes or there are other chronic gynecological diseases, then the medicines listed below will not bring relief.

  • Papaverine is commercially available in both tablet and injection forms. Effectively relieves pain caused by spasms. Of the contraindications, liver failure should be especially noted, with an overdose or constant intake, toxic effects on the liver and kidneys cannot be avoided. Compared with Paracetamol, Papaverine is a fairly harmless drug in terms of contraindications and side effects.
  • Buscopan relaxes internal organs, relieves colic and cramping due to a recent menstruation.
  • Drotaverin is a cheap analogue of No-shpa domestic production. Pregnant women are allowed to take pain relief from labor pains. Reduces the tone of the uterus. It helps from menstrual pains, but do not expect the pain to go away right away. Unlike analgesics, antispasmodics for a long time gain the necessary concentration in the blood and begin to act only after half an hour.
  • No-shpa is a mild, safe antispasmodic. There is a cheap domestic analogue called Drotaverin.
No-shpa for pain in hemp

Analgesics for pain during menstruation

Many women prefer to use pain pills for menstruation from the drug group of analgesics. These are the following drugs:

  • Peretin;
  • "Analgin";
  • "Baralgin";
  • "Minalgin".

These drugs have a rapid reduction in pain due to effects on receptors. After taking the pill, the pain goes away after about fifteen to twenty minutes. There are few contraindications for these drugs, but people with chronic liver diseases and women prone to allergic reactions should be taken with caution.

pills for painful periods

Simple tips for relieving pain without medication

Many women are forbidden to take pills for health reasons. What to do? Pain during menstruation makes itself felt constantly and interferes with working capacity and vital functions. The following simple tips will come to the rescue:

  • attach a warm heating pad to the lower back and lower abdomen or make a compress from a flannel fabric heated on a battery;
  • try to stretch the lower back according to the rules of exercise therapy - this will temporarily distract from the pain and reduce its intensity;
  • a warm infusion of mint, buckthorn, calendula can also reduce pain to some extent (although it does not completely relieve them);
  • it is not recommended before menstruation and during it to take hot baths, bathe in dirty reservoirs - these actions can provoke even greater pain;
  • nettle infusion can affect the amount of secretions (reduce the amount of blood) and relieve pain, for the best effect it is worth starting to take the infusion three days before the onset of menstruation, half a cup before each meal.

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