The film "Beginning": reviews of viewers, actors, main characters and plot

How can we conclude from the reviews of the film "Beginning", this creation of cinema makes an indelible impression on people. The film was created by director Christopher Nolan, who is known to the modern public for non-standard, atypical films, often confusing the observer. This is exactly the movie “Beginning”, the ending of which causes a lot of controversy. What is this film about and what does the audience say about it?

What do people say?

As you can conclude from the reviews of the movie "Beginning", almost all those who watched the picture were delighted. Particularly noted the impeccable game of the main characters, the charisma of Leonardo DiCaprio - the key star of the film. Viewers recognize that the plot of the picture is incredibly interesting, exciting, so while watching the tape it is impossible to come off even for a second, and each new plot twist is completely unpredictable. Especially strong admiration is expressed regarding the ending of the picture.

movie start caprio reviews

Not only reviews of the movie "Beginning" make it possible to understand how successful the picture came out. The box office is indicative, as well as the fact that to this day, although a lot of time has passed since the publication of the film, there are people who want to purchase it for their home collection. Indeed, such a ribbon is a real gem in the collection of a true connoisseur. But more about everything.

Plot and work

Some believe that the positive reviews about the movie "Beginning" are almost entirely due to the fact that the director of the picture was Christopher Nolan. Many experienced critics are convinced that this specialist is a real genius. Almost any Nolan movie gets incredible box office. This is largely due to the fact that viewers go to the movies with confidence, knowing that they will see something that they have never seen before. Every film is based on a unique idea that is not repeated in other works of art. Each of Nolan’s films surprises with the unpredictability of the script, and “Beginning” is perhaps the most typical example illustrating this feature of the director’s creations. Many people think that viewing such a tape is always a rest, during which a person kneads the brain, activates cognitive abilities. Indeed, the picture is beautiful and fascinating, but it makes you think almost every minute, and the ending leaves a lasting impression.

As you can conclude from the reviews of the movie "Beginning", some viewers find it difficult to immediately look into this feed. A similar situation develops with other works of the eminent director. Usually this is due to the scale of the main topic - this is exactly the case with the “Beginning”. Only at the conclusion of the film does the viewer understand how global the processes of mixing times and dimensions are. Many admit that they had to revise the film several times in order to get the most detailed insight into what they saw. Film critics know several interesting facts related to the picture. Having an idea about them, as many believe, it is easier to navigate what is happening inside the picture.

movie start viewer reviews

Curious moments

The plot of the film “Beginning” is very difficult to explain, because the director worked on it himself, and for many years. For the first time, the idea of ​​a painting came to him long before the start of production work. Nolan himself said that he wrote the script at the beginning of this millennium, planning to create a base for a horror movie. The resulting creation is a film filled with a huge number of metaphors. The plot is based on the structure of the film industry. In fact, each of the characters reflects a certain category of film workers. The role of the producer is played by the conductor performed by Gordon-Levitt. Paige plays an architect who corresponds to the executive producer working on the film. The actor’s metaphor went to Hardy, who plays the imitator. Murphy, the object, symbolizes the public, and DiCaprio is the director. This is how Nolan imagines his place in the film industry, having created an extractor that has become the center of a unique picture.

As Nolan himself admits, when he thought through the plot of the film "Beginning" in as much detail as possible, he did not resort to scientific sources. The author only created the script, starting from his own feelings. He concentrated on how he imagines a dream, how he perceives it, and embodied this in a tape. Nolan has repeatedly said that science can come into conflict with human sensations, but the primary thing should always be that the person is considered necessary - this is what should be done.

Work: not so simple

Telling about the features of shooting, plot, the end of the movie "Beginning" journalistic materials bring to the public the following funny fact. When Nolan was only coordinating his project, representatives of the studio felt that it would be difficult for the viewer to navigate the layers of dreams. The director was faced with a difficult task to come up with a solution that would not spoil the picture, but satisfy the requirements of the representatives of the film industry. As a way out we chose a change in the situation. You can see in the picture that one of the layers of sleep is rainy, the other is only indoors, and in the third night always reigns. Locations, time of day, weather - all these tools Nolan used to clarify the actions.

Actors of the movie "Beginning" are considered one of the most important factors that made the picture successful. If DiCaprio could not be invited to the shooting, the film would have lost a lot - almost all critics and viewers agree on this. The director himself said that for many months he talked with a key actor, discussing the features and nuances of the idea and plot. Thanks to the invaluable contribution of DiCaprio, the picture became especially clear, and as a result, beloved by the public. But Paige got to the shooting by chance. Moreover, she did not even have to go through a casting. A promising actress happened to be at the same party as a talented director. Just a week after this meeting, she already received the script.

movie start leonardo reviews

About filming

As you can conclude from the reviews of critics, the film "Beginning" consists of detailed scenes, each of which is masterfully executed both in terms of acting and technical aspects. Mostly the responses of all specialists are positive (although they could not do without those who put a low rating to the tape). To make every shot so perfect, Nolan was very meticulous about choosing a place to shoot. It is known that work was carried out in different parts of the world. So, the moment where the room is spinning was made in the UK. To take pictures in the mountains, the whole team had to go to Canada. In total, the group working on the tape visited seven countries. The director wanted to shoot materials so that later they would be shown in three-dimensional mode. The failure of this venture is due to lack of time for work.

Many of the good and bad reviews of the movie "The Beginning" include a mention of a scene with a truck falling. Some believe that it is flawlessly made and causes admiration from the point of view of technical performance, while others say that the frames look too “cinematic”. The film crew was given this moment with difficulty. It is known that they worked on it for several months. Every five seconds of the finished tape required at least a day of hard work of the whole group. Nolan sought to rule out special effects. To achieve the desired effect, a high-speed camera was used, on which all material was removed for further processing.

Curious moments

Many remember the composition under which the characters woke up. Nolan chose the song Edith Piaf. It is called Non, Je ne regtrette rien.

The end of the picture is the moment of the film that causes the most controversy and discussion. According to many critics, it was the fact that the most controversial scene was put last that made the tape so popular. The debate about what is the secret of the plot of the movie "Beginning" has not subsided to this day. Did Cobb wake up? Was he in a limb? Did he die? These questions worried the viewers so much that after some time Mike Kane came up with his own interpretation, wishing to explain what happened to the viewer in the tape.

movie reviews start

What did you talk about?

In the movie "Beginning," actor Kane played the role of Miles. In the story, he acts as the father-in-law of the main character, plays the role of a teacher. Kane shared with the public: when he first got acquainted with the script, he confused him. It was not possible to navigate what was happening and distinguish reality from sleep, so the actor turned to the director for advice. Nolan explained this as follows: the appearance of the hero Kane acts as a symbol that what is happening takes place in reality. Accordingly, at the final moment of the picture, what the character sees is in no way a vision, but a true origin.

And what about the movie?

The plot of the film "The Beginning" talks about characters living in the future. In this version of the development of our universe, people master the technologies through which they can penetrate other people's dreams, exploiting them for their own purposes and certain benefits. The picture tells of professional thieves; the head of the group is Cobb. The young man has an amazing talent in the field of dishonest acts. It is he who performs the world famous DiCaprio. The protagonist is stealing the secrets of other people. He is able to fall into the deepest layers of the subconscious, taking advantage of the fact that the victim is immersed in sleep. One day, Cobb gets a unique chance: management representatives contact him and ask for a service, for which they are ready to reward forgiveness. The hero’s task is to penetrate into the dreams of the son of a famous businessman, introduce false information so that a person is assured of false information.

film beginning actors role

Implementation aspects

As you can see from the audience’s reviews, the film “Beginning” makes a lasting impression. Of course, there were those who were not touched by DiCaprio's soulful game, as well as those who were not at all entangled in the plot for a moment. There were also those who were indifferent to the puzzle of the picture. However, such persons are a minority, and the main percentage of the audience was delighted with the presented tape. However, in order to get this well-deserved recognition, Nolan had to work hard - for more than ten years he has been finalizing the original idea, modernizing and complicating the script until it was completed in a form known to modern man. During this period, the director created a full-fledged fictional world - it is in him that the picture unfolds. The universe of the film is thought out to the smallest detail, and this is what makes the viewer believe in every frame.

To remove the tape, the group spent 160 million US dollars. The work was presented to the public in the summer of 2010. In the first weekend in the cinemas of America managed to gain 62.7 million dollars. Along with the abundance of positive reviews from critics, such a profit has become an obvious indicator of a successfully shot picture. As you know from statistical information, the only tape in the history of science fiction films that managed to collect more was Avatar. And today the reviews about the movie “The Beginning” with DiCaprio are surprisingly positive, although over the past years the public has been able to enjoy many difficult films with a twisted plot. Total collection of paintings amounted to 828 million. In the list of the best tapes IMDb work belongs to one of the top lines of the list of the best films of the world in history.

Curious observations

In reviews of the movie "The Beginning" with Leonardo DiCaprio, you can see interesting assumptions regarding the logic by which the plot unfolds. For example, some suggest starting from an idea with totems. The main character has a seemingly spinning top. As some attentive viewers note, one can call it more of a hero’s wife’s totem. To determine whether events occur in the real world or in a dream, you need to see if there is a ring on the finger - in reality there is none, but in a dream there is a feeling of the presence of a companion, thanks to which the ring appears. The final point is the scene in which the hero is without a ring, which means that there is no doubt that what is happening takes place in reality. It does not matter if the spinning top falls.

Not so simple. In the reviews devoted to the film “Beginning” with Leonardo DiCaprio, attentive viewers note that at the fourth level the hero releases his companion and no longer feels guilt, which means that the presence or absence of the ring can no longer be considered such an obvious signal about the reality of what is happening. Yusuf at the first level draws attention to the possibility of leaving Limb after the completion of the action of the medicine, and the hero calls Saito to go into reality. In the final scene, Saito wants to use a gun. This allows the viewer to suggest that the heroes killed themselves in order to free themselves from this plane of reality. At the same time, certain misunderstandings are due to the fact that Limb is a subconscious, and it is built on the basis of the aspirations of the heroes - and their main desire was to return to the real world. This version of the interpretation of what is happening involves the movement of the heroes even deeper in the fantasy world instead of the awakening that would seem to have happened.

the film began actors

Curious background

Invited actors, roles in the film "The Beginning", performed by eminent and experienced lyceums - in many ways this made the picture so successful. Initially, the idea to make a film came to the director long before the real work began. According to legends, in order to translate the desired into reality, Nolan needed the “Black Knight”. It was the fees received on the basis of this tape, and the desire to get even more by shooting a new film about Batman, that became the motivation for the studio to invest in another Nolan picture.

Nolan first presented the script in 2002. At that time, work on it was not completely completed, but it was planned to complete it in the next few months. As we know today, in order to deal with this, we had to spend eight years in total.

The actors who performed their roles in the film “Beginning” are very curious. In 2008, Page, Cotillard were nominees for an Oscar, and the second won him as the best actress. Another actor, more than once nominated for an Oscar, was able to get it only a few years after this work, which made him even more famous. It's about DiCaprio. As in many other films, in the film "The Beginning" he played the role of a guy losing his spouse. The whole film seems that this person will soon completely forget how to smile - and this is not surprising, given his "typical" image.

It is known that “Beginning” is the first (after the debut) full-length film that Nolan created in his own script. The rest of the tapes between the debut and the Beginnings were film adaptations and sequels.

A feature of what is happening in the film is the clarity of all events. The subconscious is traditionally portrayed as a space filled with vague images. In the Nolan film, this is a four-tier structure in which there is no place for complexes and nightmares, but there are people.

About DiCaprio

No less interesting than the description of the plot of the film "Beginnings", the actor, who played the main role here, causes the audience. Leonardo DiCaprio is one of the most successful, sought-after Hollywood actors. For many years, he enjoys the love of the general public around the world. An amazing breakthrough in his career was the main role in the film "Titanic". No less important and key is the image of Cobb in The Beginning, as well as the role played by him for the film Aviator. The actor was awarded the Golden Globe. In Berlin, as part of the film festival, his amazing merits were recognized by presenting the Silver Bear. In early 2016, Leonardo DiCaprio finally received the coveted Oscar. There were several nominations earlier, but none of them allowed to have this main award of cinema, which, as the public believed for many years, he fully deserved. Award received for Best Actor. The coveted figurine went to the world famous actor for participating in the film "Survivor" created by Gonzalez. Up to this point, once DiCaprio was nominated as a producer; five times as an actor.

The film started reviews from critics

About the biography of the actor

The full name of the outstanding person is Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio. Date of birth - November 11, 1974. Place of birth - California, Los Angeles. The mother of the future world star came here from West Germany in the middle of the last century, worked as a secretary. Father came from a mixed Italo-German family. George was engaged in drawing and selling comics. The actor’s grandmother on the female side is Russian, who moved to Germany.

The name of the child was chosen in honor of the world famous painter. Legend has it that at the moment when the mother of the future star was in the museum and admired the creation, she first felt the baby moving in her stomach. When the boy reached the age of one, his parents separated. The son remained with his mother, although he talked with his father - together they visited museums. As a child, he was fond of baseball and even put together a collection of thematic cards. No less love the child enjoyed the comics.

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