Solitary renal cysts: symptoms, treatment and prevention

Cysts are called benign formations that contain fluid inside. They can be found in most human organs. In appearance, a safe formation can sometimes become dangerous, degenerating into cancer.

For this reason, doctors keep these patients under strict control. Cysts are treatable, and if this does not happen, then they are removed surgically. Solitary cysts of kidneys in medical practice are found in 10% of the entire population. Consider the features of such formations.

solitary kidney cysts

Disease characteristics

In modern medicine, any cavity that has walls of relatively healthy cells is called a cyst. Its sizes may be different. For benign kidney formations, it is characteristic to have a different size - from a few millimeters to several centimeters. The location is the upper or lower part of the renal segment.

The term "solitary" refers to single cysts. Solitary cysts of the kidneys are also called simple. Their shape is round, sometimes elongated (resembling an oval). Such formations have no joints or constrictions. Inside is serous fluid.

The disease often affects men. Basically, a solitary cyst of the left kidney occurs, less often the right. She is easily diagnosed with ultrasound.

renal cyst


Simple kidney cysts are divided into:

  • congenital;
  • acquired.

Depending on the location of the kidney cyst, a solitary can be:

  • cortical (located in the cortical layer);
  • subcapsular (located under the capsule of the organ);
  • intraparenchymal (located in the thickness of the organ tissue);
  • sinus (located close to the pelvis, but does not connect with it);
  • multilocular (has many chambers, but this type of cyst is quite rare).

Development principle

Acquired and congenital cysts have the same development mechanism: it is based on a blockage of the tubule, which leads to its stretching. If we talk about congenital pathology, then here the connection between the forming tubules can be broken even with intrauterine development of the fetus. The acquired cyst develops due to a violation of the outflow of urine through the tubule. This disorder is provoked by various diseases that a person suffers throughout life.


Medical science, although it does not stand still, is still not exactly ready to answer the question: β€œWhy do solitary cysts of the kidneys form?” There are only assumptions from which they repel.

One reason is a congenital anomaly. Even in the period of intrauterine development, certain disturbances occur in the formation of the ureters and kidneys, which provoke the formation of a simple cyst.

If we talk about the acquired cyst, then the main reasons for its appearance are:

  • any kidney injury;
  • violation of the outflow of urine due to urolithiasis (stones do not allow urine to exit normally);
  • infectious diseases of the kidneys (some of them proceed secretly, without causing any suspicious symptoms).

Stagnation of urine for any reason leads to stretching of the walls of the kidney, as a result of which cysts form. They can develop rapidly, but a person does not feel anything.


Often, a solitary kidney cyst develops asymptomatically over the years. It is discovered by chance when an ultrasound of the internal organs is done to a person. If signs already appear, then in such cases, inflammation of the kidneys and at the same time a formed cyst are diagnosed. Symptoms depend on the size of the cyst, as well as associated diseases.

kidney solitary cyst treatment

Key features:

  1. When the cystic formation increases, it causes a person aching and pulling back pain (on the side where there is a cyst in the kidney), which tend to intensify after physical exertion. The same symptoms occur with any infectious kidney disease.
  2. When the cyst reaches a large size, this leads to stagnation of urine. As a result, the inflammatory process intensifies, which is accompanied by an increase in body temperature. A person feels severe pain in the lower back, lower abdomen, he is shivering. The allocated urine changes its consistency, becomes cloudy.
  3. A solitary kidney cyst is usually not accompanied by suppuration, but there are cases when the joined infection provokes the formation of pus. As a result, a person becomes ill, pains are localized not only in the lower back, but also spread to the stomach. The pain is very strong.
  4. If the amount of urine released has decreased significantly, or urination has stopped at all, then this is a signal for immediately contacting a doctor. Also, one of the dangerous symptoms is the appearance of blood impurities in urine.
  5. On the side where there is a cyst, swelling can be felt. But this is not always a 100% guarantee of the presence of a kidney cyst, sometimes this symptom indicates a true kidney tumor.

A solitary cyst of the right kidney causes the same symptoms as a cyst of the left kidney.


Solitary cysts of the kidneys and arterial hypertension are interconnected. AD of renal origin is one of the symptoms of a neoplasm in the kidneys.


A urologist is involved in this disease. Initially, the doctor should find out from the patient all the symptoms that worry him when they arose. The doctor studies the history of all diseases that a person suffered during his life. To make an accurate diagnosis, the patient is assigned an examination.

The main diagnostic methods:

  • general blood analysis;
  • urine examination for various indicators;

solitary cyst of the left kidney

  • Ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder;
  • X-ray
  • CT and MRI;
  • percutaneous puncture cystography.


A comprehensive examination helps to compose a complete picture, as well as to choose the necessary option for drug therapy. Sometimes the patient refuses treatment, because the formation in the kidney does not bring him any discomfort, does not interfere with a full life. But the doctor must explain to the person about the risk of developing complications that are very dangerous. If treatment of a solitary cyst of the kidney is not started on time, then it threatens with rupture or suppuration. Therefore, it is so important to adhere to all the recommendations and prescriptions of the doctor.

Drug therapy

If the patient is diagnosed with a solitary cyst of the left kidney, treatment of it, like cysts of the right kidney, should be started immediately. First of all, the patient is prescribed drugs that lower blood pressure, as well as relieve inflammation. A person feels relief from taking such drugs, because blood circulation in the kidneys is improving, and the process of outflow of urine is also improving.

When a bacterial infection is attached, antibiotics are necessarily prescribed. Such appointments are possible when the size of the cyst does not exceed 5 mm. The patient is under constant supervision. Also, drugs are selected individually for each, taking into account the general state of health and associated pathologies.

solitary cyst of the right kidney

Surgical intervention

The operation is indicated in cases where the cyst begins to grow or has already reached a large size, significantly worsens the state of health, the work of the urinary system. Surgical intervention is carried out depending on the situation, the location of the cyst (with a deep location of the formation, the kidney will be completely removed).

The main indications for surgery:

  • severe pain in the patient, which gives to the stomach and significantly worsens the quality of life;
  • the large size of the cyst (over 4-5 cm), even if the organ at the same time works fully;
  • the full functioning of the kidney is impaired;
  • urine became cloudy;
  • urine contains blood impurities;
  • rare urination;
  • the cyst increases in size, which threatens with its conversion to cancer;
  • parasites became the cause of the cyst.

Methods used to remove the cyst:

  1. Puncture. The fluid that is in the cyst is pumped out, and a special drug is injected in its place. It acts on the tissue in such a way that the cyst is reduced in size and at the same time sticks together.
  2. Laparoscopy. This is one of the newest and most effective methods. Small incisions are made in the abdominal cavity, through which special devices are introduced, with the help of which the removal of education is carried out.
  3. Standard operation. It is used in cases where the size of the cyst reaches a large size or suppuration is present.

solitary cyst of the left kidney treatment


Solitary cysts of the kidneys are not treated exclusively by traditional medicine. They come as an adjunct to drug therapy. It is important that the person does not self-medicate, but consults with the doctor about the possibility of using this or that method. Indeed, sometimes at first glance, harmless herbs sometimes cause irreparable harm to health (a cyst may burst).

Popular traditional medicine that positively affects the functioning of the kidneys:

  • decoction of parsley;
  • fresh juice from burdock leaves;

solitary cysts of the kidneys and arterial hypertension

  • decoction of rhizome of burdock;
  • decoction of rosehip root.

Now, in general terms, it is clear what a solitary cyst of the kidney is. Everyone should know the causes and treatment of such a pathology, because no one is safe from such a benign education. And in order to prevent the development of complications, rupture of the cyst, it is necessary to determine it in time. To do this, it is enough to do an ultrasound of the kidneys at least once a year , and also consult a doctor at the first suspicious symptoms.

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