What to drink with a hangover: pills and folk remedies. How to relieve a hangover quickly at home

What to drink with a hangover? The question that arises the next morning after a stormy, cheerful feast and requires an immediate answer. Terrible headache, dry mouth, refusal of the stomach to work, complete impotence - symptoms that directly indicate alcohol intoxication, called in the common people "hangover".

How does a hangover appear?

Why does a pleasant alcoholic rest in the morning for some turn into a terrible meal with headaches, nausea, sometimes vomiting?

hangover beer

Ethyl alcohol, which is an integral part of alcoholic beverages, causes an increase in coagulability and an increase in blood viscosity, which leads to the formation of blood clots with clots. Under the influence of alcohol, the vessels begin to narrow rapidly (expand), which can cause hemorrhage in the brain. The blame is acetaldehyde - the result of the body's processing of ethyl alcohol. It is he who ruthlessly attacks the heart, liver, brain, kidneys, liver, causes poisoning of the body with the subsequent consequences of a hangover morning and causes resistance: the liver begins to defend itself and produces a catalyst that can process alcohol into water or safe acetic acid. For many people, such protection is ineffective, which makes them suffer from the smell of alcohol alone. How to relieve a hangover quickly at home?

The first aid in this situation will be the administration of Enterosgel enterosorbent. The drug is a water-saturated molecular sponge made of organic silicon. The gel-like sorbent reliably binds toxic substances and metabolites in the gastrointestinal tract and removes them naturally. Unlike non-selective powder sorbents, Enterosgel does not linger on inflamed mucous membranes in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract and in the intestinal villi, therefore it does not aggravate inflammation and does not facilitate the reintroduction of ethanol decay products into the blood. The soft gel formula of enterosorbent has a selective absorbing effect, binds and removes only harmful substances, does not violate the number of useful intestinal microbiota.

Wedge wedge

One of the common measures aimed at getting rid of a hangover syndrome is the so-called continuation of the banquet - the re-use of alcoholic beverages. As the saying goes - "wedge by wedge." Indeed, 100 g of vodka or a cold beer with a hangover will significantly ease the onerous state, but is it useful? The circle closes, because alcohol treatment becomes the beginning of a new feast, which the next day again leads to a hangover syndrome. So begins the binge ...

Will strong coffee help?

Some hobbyists treat a hangover by taking a hot bath or going to the bathhouse. However, for the heart, which is forced to work with increased load due to alcohol intoxication, this measure becomes a new test, which significantly worsens the condition of the body. Hot tea and coffee with a hangover is strictly not recommended, since such drinks increase the heartbeat and dry mouth. In addition, tea enhances intoxication, causing fermentation in the stomach. Also, during the recovery period, smoking should be abandoned, which causes an additional narrowing of the walls of the blood vessels and an increase in the load on the heart.

Remove the hangover sound sleep

How to relieve a hangover quickly at home? Firstly, you should sleep well, thus giving the body a temporary head start on the restoration of strength. Moreover, it is recommended to sleep until the moment when a person feels completely rested. The body, which took on the eve of a huge portion of alcohol, at this time is actively fighting the effects of intoxication.

Fresh air

Also, a poisoned body that has absorbed excessive amounts of alcohol needs fresh air. Sick at least need to open the window, at most - go for a walk in the nearest park, because ventilation of the lungs causes an improvement in metabolic processes and eliminates the unpleasant smell of alcohol from the oral cavity. With an incredible desire to sleep, of course, it is better to stay at home.

Shower treatment

One of the active means that invigorate the body after excessive libation is a light shower. Water at room temperature completely flushes toxins released with drops of sweat from the skin. Clean skin absorbs oxygen more actively, which allows you to quickly get rid of a hangover.

Natural dropper for an organism - plentiful drink

What to drink with a hangover for a headache? After a good feast, it is recommended to drink a large amount of natural juices (lemon, orange, tomato) and dried fruit compotes. Such drinks, restoring the mineral-vitamin balance of the body, interfere with its dehydration. Mineral water with a hangover will help in combination with a small amount of honey.

You can be treated with cucumber pickle, rich in salt and vitamins and helping to relieve muscle weakness and relieve depression.

what to drink with a hangover

The vitamins B and C contained in the marinade (or brine) will quickly take over the β€œrepair” of the body, which suddenly failed. By the way, in a hospital with such symptoms, the administration of such vitamins is also carried out, but intravenously, using a dropper.

What to drink with a hangover? It is recommended to drink a weak tea, which is especially effective in combination with lemon, ginger, chamomile, mint, willow bark. It will alleviate the grave condition of milk or kefir, however, in small doses. Otherwise, to top it all, stomach problems can be added. Drinking plenty of water is a natural dropper for the body, rich in vitamins and minerals. The ideal diuretic and at the same time tasty is watermelon pulp, which quickly relieves weakness and eliminates the effects of intoxication.

Alcohol poisoning can be removed with a glass of water with 6 drops of ammonia diluted in it. A popular way to relieve alcohol syndrome is baking soda - a component of many solutions, the action of which is aimed at removing intoxication.

What is recommended to eat?

It is possible to alleviate a hangover if you eat eggs, rich in amino acids and protein, or soup (borsch), which contains a large amount of vitamins. It is this method of healing that will restore the normal functioning of the liver, which is a natural filter of the human body. Perhaps in the first stage of the disease with the presence of a feeling of nausea, you can refrain from eating. Sometimes, with very poor health, it is recommended to induce vomiting, which helps to remove excess alcohol. In this process, a decoction of European ungulates effectively helps. To cleanse the body, you can also apply an enema based on chamomile. After cleansing the stomach from the contents, you can drink beetroot juice diluted with boiled water. This will help the kidneys.

In the absence of appetite, it is recommended to eat some vegetables or fruits. A wonderful, simply indispensable tool is okroshka. This dish invigorates, refreshes, gradually restores strength. It is forbidden to use smoked meats and canned foods, which are a painful blow to the liver. Food should be washed down with a rosehip broth.

Folk methods for a hangover

There are a large number of folk methods that help alleviate the condition of the body on a difficult morning for him. Cardamom seeds are quite effective in this case. Two peas of such fruits, consumed three times a day, will help in the restoration of lost strength.

A good medicine is bananas, which contain a good portion of magnesium and potassium, which are simply necessary for a weakened body.

how to relieve a hangover quickly at home

Sweet fruit helps neutralize the effects of acids and suppress nausea. Also, the lack of potassium and magnesium will make up for beans, spinach leaves, green peas, sauerkraut and potatoes.

Citrus fruits work well in case of alcohol overdose . Especially useful is a drink consisting of 125 ml of orange fresh, 25 g of lemon, one egg white and a teaspoon of honey.

Honey is a proven remedy for the treatment of almost all diseases, including the hangover syndrome. Of course, you can use it provided that there is no allergy to this product. A daily dose of 125 g is recommended to eat all day in small pieces.

what kind of pills with a hangover

What to drink with a hangover? It will help in a short period to restore strength means based on mint and hops. For its preparation in 250 ml of boiling water should be added in half a tbsp. spoons of hop cones and mint leaves, insist for an hour. Drink 2 hours after drinking alcohol.

Homemade cocktails

In the fight against hangover, effective homemade cocktails can come to the rescue. A good effect is Tomato Bavarian cocktail. To prepare it, you should combine:

  • sauerkraut juice - 100 ml;
  • tomato juice - 80 ml;
  • caraway seeds - 1 teaspoon.

It is recommended to serve with ice.

juice with a hangover

Alternatively, you can prepare a Shock cocktail, consisting of 80 ml of tomato juice, fresh egg yolk, as well as pepper, salt and celery, taken with a pinch. 10 ml of ketchup and 2-3 ice cubes should also be added here. Drink in one gulp.

For help with medications

What hangover pills help? A good way to relieve alcohol poisoning is activated carbon, which neutralizes the action of toxic substances and prevents further intoxication of the body.

Perhaps it will alleviate the serious condition of β€œAspirin” with a hangover? Why not! In the absence of stomach problems, acetylsalicylic acid (the chemical name "Aspirin") lowers intracranial pressure, reduces swelling and effectively helps with a hangover syndrome. The main properties of the drug are:

  • anti-inflammatory effect aimed at reducing body temperature;
  • anesthetic effect, which consists in affecting the pain zones of the brain;
  • dilutes blood.
    aspirin with a hangover

It is strongly not recommended to use acetylsalicylic acid together with alcoholic beverages, as the consequences can be extremely serious. These are severe gastric bleeding, a violation of the blood formula, the occurrence of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including stomach ulcers. Taking "Aspirin" simultaneously with alcohol almost always leads to severe poisoning. In order to avoid a hangover, the drug is recommended to be used either 2 hours before the booze, or 6 hours after it.

Against the hangover "Aspirin Upsa"

The most common form of tablets for relieving alcohol syndrome are soluble pops, in particular Aspirin Upsa, in which acetylsalicylic acid is the main active ingredient. The action of this component is aimed at reducing pain symptoms and stopping the inflammatory process.

"Aspirin Upsa" must be dissolved in a large amount of water, which will stop the process of dehydration. Take the drug as well as simple tablet form - after 6 hours from the end of the feast or 2 hours before it begins.

Contraindications for use

Contraindications for the use of pops are:

  • asthma,
  • allergic reactions to these drugs and the like,
  • gastritis, ulcer, gastroduodenitis,
  • kidney and liver problems
  • treatment with glucocorticosteroids, enhancing the pathological effect of the drug on the intestinal mucosa and stomach,
  • age less than 15 years.

"Aspirin" with a hangover should be taken in strict accordance with the instructions; an overdose threatens nausea and vomiting. In the worst case, a malfunction in the respiratory organs and central nervous system is possible. And this, in turn, can cause an electrolyte imbalance and, as an aggravating condition, to whom. Therefore, you should not use an inexpensive medication to get rid of the effects of a hangover. It is better to use harmless home remedies such as kvass, brine, kefir.

Alka-Zeltzerom treatment for a hangover

The above methods help the body restore its normal form, but each of them requires a certain period of time. For a quick effect, you can, of course, use popular medications, but the guarantee of their safety for the body is minimal.

One of the common remedies in the pharmacy network is Alka-Seltzer for a hangover, consisting of aspirin, citric acid and baking soda. These components:

  • erythrocyte micro clots formed during the intake of alcohol are split - the cause of edema and headache;
  • level the acid-base balance in the body;
  • neutralize free hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

Alka-Seltzer tablets from a hangover also help with heartburn and headaches. Recommended dosage: 2 tablets dissolved in a glass of water, which must be taken before bedtime. The next morning, the hangover effect simply does not appear. Otherwise, if you feel unwell after waking up, you can take 2 more tablets. Drug treatment should not last longer than 3 days. The maximum daily dose is 9 tablets. The recommended interval between doses of the drug is at least 4 hours.

Will Citramon help?

Will Citramon help with a hangover? A common anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and painkiller will help to relieve headaches for a short time, while the causes of a hangover are intoxication and impaired water balance. Therefore, Citramon is not a winning option for relieving a hangover syndrome. It is better to look for another, more effective means. What to drink with a hangover?

For example, other countries

How to get rid of a hangover in other countries? In Germany, for example, they treat marinated herring and onions, in America they use hangover juice for alcohol intoxication, mostly tomato, with a raw chicken egg and a small pinch of salt added to it. In China, they prefer strong green tea - the universally recognized and favorite drink of all the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom.

what to drink with a hangover for a headache

In Thailand, the hangover syndrome is removed by eating chicken eggs served with chili sauce. The toxins contained in the sauce stimulate the release of endorphins, which positively affects the state of the body.

How not to fall into the power of a hangover?

How to protect yourself from the harsh effects of a hangover? Several effective recommendations will help rid yourself of such a serious condition of the body as a hangover syndrome.

First, you should never mix different types of alcoholic beverages. A couple of glasses of wine and a glass of vodka in the future will provide the next morning with a headache and poor health.

When drinking alcohol, you should not indulge yourself in sweets, because the combination of carbohydrates and alcohol at the exit gives you a loss of control over your behavior.

To prevent a hangover on the day of the feast (about an hour before its start), it is recommended to drink activated charcoal from a hangover or any other sorbent, and it is advisable to eat something before the first glass of alcohol. Let it be a toast with butter or a couple of spoons of salad.

In the process of taking alcoholic beverages, it is recommended to consume as much fruit juices and water as possible. Do not drink soda. It is also undesirable to smoke a lot.

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