Pain in the forearm in the hand: causes, treatment

One of the most durable bone joints is the shoulder joint. Due to its structure, it can withstand quite large loads and at the same time maintain its functionality. But even he has a certain limit, upon reaching which inflammatory processes begin, as well as the subsequent destruction of bone and cartilage components. The fact that a certain process is developing that requires treatment can be notified by pain in the forearm in the arm.

pain in the forearm in the hand

What conditions cause pain?

Pain in the shoulder region can be divided into several types:

  • Pain that occurs when exposed to nerve endings on the shoulder or in the cervical spine. The main cause is osteochondrosis. With the development of this pathology, the outer walls in one of the cartilaginous disks that connect the vertebrae to each other are destroyed. As a result of this, the nucleus protrudes and forms a hernia between the vertebrae. In this case, compression of the roots of the nerves that go from the cervical spinal cord occurs. Then there is a response of the body, that is, pain in the forearm of the right hand or left.
  • With inflammation of the joint itself, for example, due to the deposition of calcium salts in the tendons and muscle tissues of this bone-cartilage structure. Very often this happens already in old age, when the structural elements of the joint wear out. Subsequently, blood circulation and nutrition of muscles and tendons are disturbed. With the further development of the disease, small-scale destruction occurs with pathological calcification. The causes of this phenomenon have not been sufficiently studied.
  • Disorders affecting the joint capsule on the shoulder or its synovial membrane, for example, with adhesive arthritis. In this case, in addition to the occurrence of pain in the forearm of the left hand, there is a violation of the motor ability of this articular joint. This pathology can occur after an injury, with hormonal or endocrine diseases.
  • Injury to both the joint and the muscles surrounding it. The nature of the pain depends on how severe the injury is.
  • The presence of a malignant tumor with localization in the structure of the bone of the shoulder joint or cervical spine.
  • Pathological conditions of internal organs. For example, heart pain can be given to the left shoulder.

When the forearm of the left hand hurts - what should I do?

pain in the forearm of the right hand

If there is pain in the forearm of the left hand, the causes can be very different, so it is best to consult a specialist. A logical question immediately arises, and which doctor in this case should be consulted? As we can see from all of the above reasons for the appearance of pain in this area, it is best to start with a local therapist. If the forearm of the right hand hurts, what to do, he can also tell.

The therapist will perform an initial examination and referrals to specialized specialists: a neurologist or traumatologist. After the survey and examination by a doctor, the nature of the pain will be established, and only then, based on the information received, it will be possible to suggest possible causes and make any preliminary diagnosis.

What diseases can be suspected depending on the nature of the pain?

pain in the right forearm of the right hand

If there is pain in the forearm in the hand on the left side, starting from the elbow to the shoulder, with any movement of the neck, it only becomes stronger, and there are also complaints about the reduced tactile sensitivity of the skin in this area, then we can confidently talk about the presence of osteochondrosis.

With aching constant pain in the left shoulder, and sometimes its sudden intensification, especially at rest, tendonitis can be suspected. In addition, if such a pathological process occurs, then immediately the mobility of the joint becomes sharply limited.

If the patient says that he has severe pain in the forearm in his hand, the joint area is swollen, and with any movement or touch, intolerable pain occurs, then we can talk about arthrosis or arthritis.

If neuritis of the shoulder occurs, the joint itself will not be damaged, but due to irritation of the nerve endings, there will be a feeling of pain that extends into the arm.

Capsulitis of the shoulder joint is manifested by sharp painful sensations not only in the joint itself, but also extending to the shoulder, forearm or neck.

With injuries of varying complexity, pain also occurs.

Some of the diseases of the internal organs can manifest themselves as painful sensations in the area of ​​the left arm. For example, it can be heart disease. In addition to severe pain in the chest area, patients complain of the irradiation of pain in the scapula and numbness of the arm on the left side.

The appearance of myositis

As a rule, this disease is manifested by the fact that there is pain in the right forearm and arm, which can intensify if you put too much pressure on them or move your hand intensively. Unwanted movements will be suppressed by the affected muscle, which will make the pain even stronger and reduce mobility not only in the forearm, but also in the elbow joint. Myositis is very easy to diagnose, as redness and swelling begin to appear on the skin over the affected area of ​​the hand. In addition, a progressive disease manifests pain not only during movement, but also at rest. Very often, pain can occur when the weather or season changes. In the final stages of myositis, muscle atrophy may occur .

pain in forearm when raising arms

Myositis can be treated well even at home. But you definitely need to know exactly what caused its occurrence. As a rule, so that there is no pain in the muscles, the latter must be fixed. To do this, it is best to use kinesiotape.

Shoulder pain from overload

Another reason that causes pain in the forearm when raising the arm or moving it can be a frequent and intense load on the muscles. Usually, if you do not give your forearm any rest, the pain can only become stronger, especially with a sudden movement or a new load on the muscles. At the very beginning, pain may appear slightly below the elbow, and only then are transferred to the forearm. Very often, such pain is chronic and appears in people with certain professions. If you do not pay attention to such pains in time, then dystrophy can begin to develop. Ultimately, this can lead to the fact that you simply can’t squeeze your fingers into a fist or grab and hold an object in your hand.

Cramps and muscle cramps as a cause of pain

These causes can also cause pain in the forearm when raising a hand. Cramps are the involuntary contraction of one or more muscles, which occurs very painfully. It causes very severe pain in the forearm of the hand. As a rule, cramps appear in the lower part of the limbs, but there are exceptions to the rules. Causes of seizures can be improper blood circulation in the arm, severe overwork in the muscles or metabolic disorders. Cramps or cramps are characterized by the appearance of a strong, sharp, cutting pain that appears and disappears suddenly.


Stretching in the muscles, undoubtedly, is the most popular reason for which there is pain in the right forearm (right arm). Stretching can be obtained in sports or even in everyday life. As a rule, very often tennis players suffer from this ailment. The first pain sensations begin to be observed almost immediately after exertion and persist for 12 hours. In this case, the forearm swells, swells, swells and seems heavy. A person has constant pain in the right forearm of the right hand (or left), which becomes stronger when you click on the muscle. Pain can persist for several days or even a week. To make the pain a little less, it is best to use the Kinesiotape tool, which can reduce swelling, relieve inflammation and improve muscle condition.

pain in the forearm of the left hand

Muscle tear

In some cases, the muscles can not just stretch, but tear. In this situation, the symptoms are exactly the same as when stretching, only the pain in the forearms of the hands will be several times stronger. It looks more like strong direct blows to the arm and does not pass for a very long period of time. Sometimes pain can pass immediately, but appear with movements, and a hematoma appears on the skin. If you feel the injured place, then the pain in the forearm of the right hand will become stronger. In addition, you can also feel the swelling caused by hemorrhage. In rare cases, but it still happens that the muscle is completely separated from the tendon. In such cases, under the fingers you can feel the gaps. Injuries of this kind are limited to movement and unpleasant sensations that do not pass for a long time are caused.

What is needed to clarify the diagnosis?

In order to more accurately make a diagnosis, the attending physician issues a referral to a retgen, an electroneuromyographic study, CT and MRI. When conducting these studies, the nature of the disorders in the joints or spine will be determined. With the help of clinical blood tests, it will be possible to most accurately determine if there is any inflammatory process in the tissues or is absent. Based on the obtained analyzes, as well as relying on the results of a medical examination, the reasons will be established, due to which there are pains in the forearm in the hand, and then it will be possible to prescribe some specific treatment.

forearm pain

How to cure shoulder pain?

First of all, based on laboratory blood tests, drug treatment is carried out or a diet is prescribed. This is necessary to restore the balance of vitamins, salts, trace elements, proteins, fats, carbohydrates and other metabolic elements.

Constantly, when there is pain in the forearm in the hand, it is necessary to experimentally choose a position of the limb that ensures the absence of unpleasant sensations or minimal discomfort when immobilizing the hand, if necessary.

During sleep or resting in bed, take this position and adjust the height of the pillow, as well as the body itself so that pain does not occur. If this cannot be achieved, then at least they can be minimized. In addition, it is imperative to ensure that the spine is not twisted, distorted, but is straight and retains cervical and lumbar physiological lordosis (local forward bending).

Already upon reaching the subacute period, it is necessary to develop a sore arm, perform most of the work with it and move all joints in the same way as before the onset of the disease. For such a thing you need ingenuity and constant attention. It will be very convenient to help with the other hand. But in some situations, the situation is saved only by another person or a special device. In this case, one should not try to overcome the pain in the hand and work with it. Be sure to carefully choose the angle of movement, its strength, amplitude, as well as the degree of assistance. The warm water of the pool helps to develop the hand very well, since the limb in the water weighs less, and the blood circulation becomes better.

It is very important that from the first days of the illness the patient should prevent the occurrence of restriction of movements, in particular in the shoulder area. As soon as the first signs appear, everything possible must be done to eliminate them, since a running restriction is very difficult to cure. Here in some cases you have to work, even overcoming some pains, in order to increase the amplitude of movements.

Gymnastics for treatment

One of the main methods of treatment is special physical education. Its main task in this case is the prevention of muscle atrophy, since due to muscle immobility it can develop very quickly. Physical education improves blood circulation, the nervous system. At the same time, do not forget that even the most active training should not cause overwork or muscle exhaustion. But it will be necessary to work a lot - several times a day for half an hour with long breaks for rest. The intensity and pace of work should gradually increase.

Self-massage and accurate movements that do not deliver pain are of great importance in the treatment of pain.

It is also useful to regularly engage in pulsed gymnastics, including electro-pulse. This is especially true for pains that appear with active and passive movements in the joints.

It is also advisable to apply various ointments that help warm the muscle, improve local blood circulation. With caution, you can try mud therapy. If there is no negative reaction, then it will be possible to continue it.

In situations where the exacerbation is not the result of trauma or acute overstrain, in the first couple of days you can apply local cold, but not lower than +4 degrees, so that there is no hemorrhage in the tissue.

pain in the forearm of the left hand causes

What else helps reduce pain?

Very often, thermal procedures help reduce pain. You can use heating pads, but so that no burns occur. It is also useful to use half-alcohol or vodka compresses at night.

Reflexology is the oldest method of treatment, it will be especially effective when working with an experienced specialist. It can be used in the form of acupuncture, electronic acupuncture, etc.

Physiotherapy can be used for injuries and stresses after about three to four days, and in other cases - from the very first day of the disease. The appointment of electrophoresis with various medications is also useful. However, such a procedure should be applied only in extreme cases and no longer than five days.

Massage for diseases of the shoulder or arms has its own characteristics. The joints themselves can only be ironed gently. The rest of the massage is applied to all areas above and below the joint.

With a significant reduction in pain, in order to completely remove them, it is necessary to add to the complex of exercises twists and turns of the brush in different directions to the limit with the arm straightened and bent at the elbow (5-20 times).

It is also worth mentioning that the sore arm and shoulder must be protected from hypothermia, fatigue, overstrain and stress.


Pain in the arm and elbow can appear for a variety of reasons, ranging from a simple bruise to a violation of the internal organs, such as the heart. Therefore, to make the correct diagnosis, you should definitely consult a specialist to prevent possible diseases and cure them.

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