What should I do if my kidneys are cold? Symptoms and Recommended Treatment

Curing the kidneys can be very simple, but the treatment of the disease is not so easy. It is enough to wet your feet or sit on a cool surface, as it immediately turns out that your kidneys are cold. Symptoms, in principle, are similar, but can be partly individual.

congestive kidney symptoms

The main signs of the disease

What can clearly signal kidney inflammation? The main alarming symptoms can be: sharp or aching back pain, impaired blood pressure, fever, thirst. In addition, frequent and, on the contrary, rare urge to urinate are often worried. There is a possibility of detection of blood impurities in the analyzes, the color may change. If your kidneys are cold, symptoms of frequent urination often occur at night. Also, after sleep, the eyelids and limbs become edematous, although this symptom is not required. A rash appears on the skin as a result of an increase in the amount of toxins in the blood. The taste also undergoes changes, a faint smell of ammonia can be felt from the mouth. There is a visual impairment, fever. Sometimes the disease is accompanied by a partial decrease or complete loss of appetite, nausea. Due to these reasons, weight can decrease dramatically.

kidney pains froze

What can trigger the development of the disease?

Does your daughter have kidney pain? She caught them, most likely, in a draft or sitting on a damp surface. Very often, such hypothermia, especially in young people, can cause serious health problems. Another common situation is the freezing of the legs. You may have been exposed to rain or frozen severely in the cold. What urgent measures should be taken in these cases? You should warm yourself up first. At the same time, put on dry warm socks, and be sure to wrap the lumbar region with a woolen scarf. If possible, refrain from walking in cold weather, trying to avoid hypothermia. With weakened immunity, you should not walk barefoot on the icy floor. Each case is individual, and if your kidneys are still cold, the symptoms will constantly make themselves felt. Therefore, specialist advice is simply necessary. We must not forget that the cold of these very tender internal organs is not a temporary disease, but a process of inflammation, which requires mandatory clarification of the diagnosis and, accordingly, proper treatment.

how to treat kidneys

How to treat kidneys? How to prepare for a specialist appointment?

  1. First, you should take tests. Then it is advisable to have an ultrasound of the kidneys. Only after all studies of the body, the doctor will prescribe therapy. For kidney treatment, you usually need to take antibiotics and, of course, do not drink any medications as you wish.
  2. Herbal decoctions (renal or urological collection) will not interfere . But do not forget that allergic reactions can occur to any medications. Therefore, start with small single servings.
  3. In the absence of temperature, it is advisable to steam your feet or make a sedentary hot bath with decoctions of herbs, and then go to bed and put on warm socks. It is advisable to do warming procedures for 10-15 minutes. Favorably before going to bed, foot baths with the addition of a small amount of mustard are added to the water.
  4. Under the back at night, it is recommended to put a warm heating pad.
  5. At the end of the course, you should re-take the tests. After all, if the kidneys were frozen, the symptoms often β€œhide”, although the inflammation does not disappear. And of course, a second appointment with a urologist is required.

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