I. Turgenev's story "Mumu": a characteristic of Gerasim

Written by I. Turgenev in 1852, the story “Mumu” ​​appeared in print only in 1854. For about two years, its contents were discussed only in private correspondence. The main reason for the ban on any mention of the work was the main character. This is an ordinary serf, which Turgenev depicted in close-up. Gerasim, according to I. Aksakov, became "the personification of the Russian people." Consider this image in more detail.

The real storyline

Varvara Petrovna, the autocratic landowner and mother of the writer, had a mute janitor Andrei. She noticed him in one of the villages and took him to her. The serf was distinguished by a heroic figure, great strength, diligence and calm disposition. Almost all of Moscow knew him. Once Andrei picked up a dog that the lady did not like. The hostess ordered her destroyed. The order was carried out by the dumb himself, who after all that had happened remained in the service. Turgenev in his story beat the final of the story, as a result of which the literary hero was more difficult than his prototype. This will show the characteristic of Gerasim.

characteristic of gerasim

The history of serfdom

The main character has been dumb since birth. Possessed tremendous power, any business argued in his big hands. Gerasim grew up in a village that he really missed in the city. It is no coincidence that the author compares him to a bull, which was torn from the lush grass and put on a rattling railway carriage. At first he did not know what to do with himself: a new job seemed like a game. Often fell to the ground and lay for a long time, tormented by longing. Gradually got used to the city, although he talked a little with the courtyard: they were afraid of him because of the enormous figure and strict appearance. This is the first characteristic of Gerasim.

After some time, the serf, accustomed to a new life, began to allocate the laundress Tatyana, whom he liked with a meek and timid disposition. He began to look after her, clumsily and clumsily. Others even noticed that the janitor had picked up a little. But the landowner gave the girl in marriage to Kapiton's drunkard. This was a huge shock for Gerasim. He did not resent, did not resist the lordly will. Only an even greater alienation from people and focus on work testified to his emotional experiences. So Gerasim lost the person to whom he became very attached for the first time. It is important to note that he did not get angry, he just became darker and morose than before.

turgenev gerasim

Gerasim and Mumu

The dog appeared at the janitor by accident: he, still very tiny, he caught in the river. He brought home, went out. He treated the puppy like a child, giving all his tenderness and love. A few months later, Mumu - this was one of the few words that the dumb could spell - turned into a beautiful dog. Gerasim and his pet were inseparable, and the whole life of the janitor focused on the dog. This continued until the lady - Mum was already more than a year and a half - accidentally saw her during a walk. An angry growl when meeting a stranger became the reason that the lady ordered to get rid of the animal.

Gerasim was not like himself when the butler secretly sold Mumu. His face seemed to be petrified, and already gloomy, he completely stopped paying attention to people. But when the dog returned - she came running with a piece of rope around his neck - he could not get enough of it. He thoroughly swept the whole yard, repaired the fence, in general, turned around all day, occasionally visiting his favorite, prudently closed in the room. Only at night did he decide to take her out into the street, not thinking that the dog could give himself out as a voice.

Gerasim and Mumu

Characteristics of Gerasim: a difficult decision

When it became clear that it was impossible to save Mumu, the janitor promised that he would "destroy" herself. He dressed festively, nourished the dog in a tavern, and headed for the river. Taking two bricks, got into a boat and sailed away from the coast ...

The character of Gerasim, firm and decisive, appeared at the moment when he fulfilled the promise. Unlike his prototype, the janitor could not come to terms with his lack of rights and the death of his most dear creature. Gathering things, he went to the village. This act testifies to the great strength of the will and courage of the serf, who dared to openly speak out against the atrocities of the mistress and the position of the serf.

What happened to the hero became an incurable trauma for him. Until the end of his life, he did not come close to any woman and did not stroke a single dog. Such is the characteristic of Gerasim from the story “Mumu” ​​by I. Turgenev.

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