Sprained ankle: photo, signs, treatment

The joints of the legs take a huge load, since they have to withstand human weight when moving. Injuries are different, but quite often ankle sprain occurs. Almost every person at some stage of life is faced with this problem. The severity of the resulting damage may vary significantly.

Features of the anatomical structure

Frequent stretching of the ankle is due to the fact that the joint is extremely mobile and has greater freedom of movement. According to these indicators, it can be compared with the shoulder joint. However, it carries a more impressive load. And this despite all its mobility.

  • The skeleton of the ankle is made up of bones that are connected motionless through the interosseous membrane. They are combined in the form of a fork. Between them is the talus.
  • The entire structure is held together by ligaments, which are divided into three large groups. Some are intended to strengthen the internal surfaces of the joint, others - external. Third of them perform restraining functions.
  • Muscles are used to control the joints. They are attached to the bones with the help of tendons, which are most often damaged.
Diagnosis of ankle sprain

It is because of the complexity of the structure that the ankle is often stretched. The photo fully reflects the anatomical features. The variety of joints leads to damage when the load increases.

The main causes

The ligamentous apparatus of the foot is not injured by a small application of force. It is designed for sufficiently high loads, so damage appears only in extreme cases. Sometimes injuries appear due to a sedentary lifestyle. However, most often they are associated with improper load distribution when moving in space.

  • Often the outer edge of the foot tucks up. In this case, the entire body weight falls on the lateral group of ligaments. They prevent increased supination of the lower leg.
  • If body weight loads the front, the back is injured. The Achilles tendon receives significant damage.
  • Peroneal ligaments are injured with excessive extension of the lower leg. Stop in this case is fixed.
  • During rotation in the joints, internal or external ligaments may suffer.
The mechanism for obtaining ankle sprain

Types of injuries and severity

Before treating ankle sprain, doctors determine the level of damage received.

  • The first degree of severity is characterized by a slight break in the fibers. In such situations, the movements are practically not disturbed. Symptoms are rather mild. The patient may step slightly on the injured leg.
  • The second degree of severity is characterized by an impressive amount of torn fibers. The pains in this case are very strong. It becomes impossible to step on the foot.
  • The third severity is characterized by a complete rupture of one or several ligaments at once. Symptoms of ankle sprain may resemble a fracture, as the leg stops moving.

In the first cases, we can talk about disability for about 5-10 days. If a third degree injury is received, then the recovery period may be delayed for a sufficiently long period. Damage usually occurs by tucking the foot out or in.

How is the symptomatology manifested?

If the ankle sprain is slight, then during the first day the motor activity is almost not reduced. Only a day later, a small edema occurs, sometimes a hematoma forms at the site of damage. The pain gradually begins to intensify when moving.

The appearance of a tumor with an ankle sprain

In more serious cases, discomfort is felt immediately. Pain is pronounced. Swelling may last more than a week. Over time, an impressive hematoma forms, which descends directly to the sole. Her hue may turn yellow.

What needs to be done before visiting a doctor?

You should know what to do when stretching the ankle before contacting a specialist, so as not to worsen the condition.

  • The first thing you need to fix the foot to ensure maximum immobility. For these purposes, an elastic bandage is quite suitable. If you can’t find it, then you can use tall shoes with tight fixation for a while. The bandage should tighten the joint tightly, significantly limiting its mobility. It is best to apply an elastic bandage in the form of a figure eight.
  • It is recommended to apply a cold compress to the place of injury. You can make it with an ice warmer, frozen foods, or regular snow. In sports medicine, packages with a special cooling agent are often used.
  • It is advisable to put a damaged leg on any elevation so that the lower leg is slightly higher than the hip joint. This is necessary to improve venous outflow. Edema in this position somewhat decreases, so the pain becomes less pronounced.
Ice is applied to the stretch

You also need to know what you can not do when stretching the ankle. Firstly, rubbing with alcohol-containing substances is contraindicated. Secondly, the implementation of thermal procedures is prohibited. Thirdly, it is not allowed to do massage until the pain completely disappears.

Diagnostic research

Having identified characteristic symptoms as a result of a visual examination, the doctor without fail sends the patient for radiography. This method is recommended to rule out a possible fracture. Diagnostics, as a rule, is carried out simultaneously in two projections.

X-ray is only one of the research methods. Other diagnostic measures may be prescribed, especially if there are additional symptoms that have nothing to do with stretching. With edema, ultrasound is often done, with the help of which the degree of rupture of the fibers is established.

In especially difficult situations, when surgical intervention is necessary, MRI can be prescribed. This option allows you to accurately determine the state of bone tissue.

Conservative therapy

Most often, ankle sprains are treated at home. Only upon receipt of a third-degree injury can hospitalization be prescribed. For simple injuries, ice must be applied to the sore spot during the first day. In total, about 6 procedures are performed with a duration of no more than 10-15 minutes. For 7 days, the leg is pulled together with an elastic bandage.

Sprain Ankle Fixation

Of the medications intended for external use, the most effective is anti-inflammatory ointment. In the presence of severe pain, pain medications are used. If the swelling lasts a long time, then heparin ointment, which acts as an anticoagulant, is used. Instead, you can use the tool "Indovazin". The ointment is applied to the injured leg with light movements directly to the knee.

The duration of the therapeutic course should be determined by the attending physician. He can roughly say how much the ankle sprain will heal. It is not worth it to self-medicate and prescribe yourself any drugs because of the possible negative consequences.


Together with traditional methods of treatment, auxiliary options can be used. Therapy should not be carried out only with their help. They can act as a supplement.

To quickly treat ankle sprains at home, it is recommended to add folk remedies.

Rehabilitation ankle massage
  1. Onion compress is superimposed on the damage site. It is necessary to take several medium-sized heads and grind them thoroughly. The resulting slurry should be put on cheesecloth. Salt is added to it. The compress is fixed with a bandage for about 5 hours.
  2. Clay helps with such injuries. It is diluted in water until a creamy mass is formed. The resulting mixture is applied to the sore spot for approximately 3 hours. To get rid of edema, often only two procedures are enough.
  3. In the process of treating ankle sprain, you can use a potato compress. The tubers must be grated. The resulting mass is placed in cheesecloth and applied at night to a problem place.
  4. Propolis ointment is quite effective. It speeds up healing to a large extent. For cooking, you need to take 100 g of petroleum jelly and soften it in a water bath. After this, add 15 g of propolis to it. The resulting composition should cook for about 10 minutes. The filtered and cooled mixture is applied directly to the place of stretching.
  5. Ointment from olive oil and comfrey root has a positive effect in the treatment of ankle injuries. With its help, a sore foot to the knee is lubricated daily. It’s best to do it at night. For 100 g of comfrey root, 50 ml of olive oil is required. You should also add wax in an amount of 40 g. Castor oil 200 ml is introduced into the prepared composition. It has a positive effect on the skin. At the last stage, add 15 drops of essential oil.

The composition of these funds does not include aggressive substances, so they act on soft tissues very delicately.

Surgical intervention

In some cases, ankle sprain treatment is performed surgically. Conservative methods are not always the best way out. During the operation, an incision is made to connect the ends of the ligaments. Such a radical method is rarely resorted to when there has been a separation from the bones.

After the operation, the patient should wear plaster until the injured limb completely heals. Along with this, a course of conservative treatment is being carried out, which allows to accelerate tissue regeneration. Vasodilator drugs are sometimes prescribed.

Rehabilitation process

Immediately after stretching the ankle, a recovery period is required, the duration of which will depend on the degree of damage. Physiotherapeutic measures are recommended to speed up recovery.

Ankle sprain pain
  • Ultrasonic exposure helps the outflow of lymph, thereby improving circulation at the micro level. The beneficial substances of the ointments used are then absorbed much better.
  • UHF has an anti-inflammatory effect, allowing you to accelerate metabolic processes in the tissues.
  • Magnetotherapy is intended to increase internal energy reserves. With its use, pain is reduced. Magnetotherapy has a calming effect on the nervous system.
  • Electrophoresis is necessary to relieve edema and inflammatory processes within the tissues.

In addition to physiotherapeutic procedures, patients with ankle sprain are recommended to perform certain gymnastic exercises to strengthen ligaments and muscles. However, they should be done when the pain completely disappears, and the swelling disappears.

For minor injuries, recovery begins with walking. At the initial stage, jumping and running are excluded. The pace is moderate. Doctors recommend walking at least 3-5 km a day. The load increases gradually. After walking, it is advisable to douche the legs.

Sock lifts are added over time. Each movement must be performed very slowly so that there is no repeated damage. Next, run is entered. First it should take 5-7 minutes. Gradually, the time interval can be increased. At the final stage of rehabilitation, you can master jumping. To do this, it is recommended to use a rope.

Possible complications

With injuries of the ankle, negative consequences can occur, although they are rare. They are detected not only at the stage of treatment, but also some time after rehabilitation. At the very beginning often there are dislocations or suppurations. In a later period, other complications may occur.

The lack of treatment for a tumor with an ankle sprain leads to changes in the bone structure. In some cases, flat feet develops. The transverse arch becomes flattened. Flat feet can be both longitudinal and transverse. Sometimes the above options are combined. In rare cases, arthrosis or arthritis develops. These diseases cause bone deformation.

Complications are usually caused by sprains of the second or third degree of severity. Light damage is not so dangerous.

Preventative measures

Stretching can be prevented even before occurrence. To do this, it is advisable to regularly train endurance and strength indicators of the muscles of the foot and lower leg. It is also recommended to stretch to develop elasticity. Go in for sports or physical labor should be in comfortable shoes. If you have to train, then you must do a warm-up.

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