What is an emo? Popular Russian emo groups

The "emo" style came to Russia in the early 90s and found its supporters. Most domestic bands perform tracks under the brand name "emo band". Russian teenagers and youth find pleasure and a special highlight in their works.

Emo - what is it?

Sometimes the older generation shrugs in disbelief and ask what kind of direction this is, why young people listen to such music.

Emo is a term that characterizes a particular style in music and singing, which is characterized by increased emotionality of song performance and complete or partial randomness in music, or lack thereof.

In the singing of an emo vocalist, corresponding sounds are traced that convey strong emotions and experiences of the vocalist: roar, screech, whisper, moan, cry.

The emergence of a new culture

Emo originated in the 90s on the basis of hardcore punk and indie rock. The style is divided into two areas: emo core and emo rock

A peculiar manner of performance is alien to music lovers of the older generation, but among young people, foreign and Russian emo groups are becoming popular. The deep emotions of the vocalists, which are expressed in music, help teens open up and find a way out for their own feelings, feelings and anxieties.

List of Russian emo groups

Among the musical ensembles developing in the direction of “emo”, youth distinguishes several groups popular among the followers of this style:

  1. “Ocean of my hope” - the group made itself known in 2006 and immediately stood out with its special style of performing songs and music. A large trend of fans supported the propaganda emo culture and elevated the "Ocean of My Hope" to the rank of popular performers. The songs of the group tell about love, despair, hopes and disappointments. The soloist of the collective emphasized that all the texts are autobiographical in nature and tell the audience about the feelings experienced by the participants.
    Russian emo groups list
  2. "Dreams Come True" - a group with an optimistic name could not but make a splash among music lovers and lovers of emo core. At first, the guys from the musical collective were lost in what style they should play, but the creation of music and songs went by itself. Subsequently, the group acquired its fans and the status of "bright cool Russian emo group."
  3. "Line" is a musical composition that, like a diverse style in music, has undergone a change. The group conveys the atmosphere of the emergence of emo style, and is very loved among fans of this direction.
    emo core russian groups
  4. Kasatka is a Moscow emo band. The first concert of the team was held in an abandoned dash. The guys have few songs, but all of their tracks are wonderful pieces, pierced by undisguised emotions.
  5. "Origami" - a Russian emo-rock band began its existence in 2001. In one of the videos, the soloist defiles on stage in a modest dress, which further emphasizes the emotional feelings expressed in the song.
    emo rock bands russian
  6. "Lighthouse" - a team created from Moscow musicians. Calm songs, simple clips bring a bit of naivety and nostalgia to the emo culture.
  7. "The Day After Tomorrow" - the group’s charisma and energy attracts its own crowd of admirers of the talent of these guys.
  8. 3,000 Miles to Paradise is a St. Petersburg group founded in 2005. The Russian group of emo-cor direction plays quite hard alternative rock. Soloist Ilya Lazarev performs hits with the corresponding sincerity and heartbreaking notes in his voice. The names of the songs convey the fullness of experiences inherent in young people: "To love is more difficult than to kill love," "Minus me," "When I will not be around."
    Russian emo groups
  9. "30 days of February" is one of the most striking groups of emo style. A loyal audience, numerous performances and frequent rehearsals elevated the group to the rank of "the most impudent, able to make everyone empathize with the anguish of unhappy love."
  10. “Those days are past, they cannot be returned” - the name of the collective sounds like a line of a song and conveys the desperate atmosphere of hits performed by the guys. Beautiful lyrics and bright melodic rock do not leave this collective unnoticed.

Emo is a worthy topic.

The list of Russian emo groups is much more extensive than the one presented above. Emo culture is developing and every year the number of its adherents is increasing.

Russian emo groups are distinguished from other directions by soulful lyrics and high emotionality of vocalists. In vain this current is subjected to some criticism. Emo music is songs about love, hope, friendship, others, about gray everyday life and celebration in the soul, about hope that helps to live.

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