How to salt cabbage. Some recipes

Salting cabbage has become traditional in many families. These traditions are passed down from generation to generation, as are the recipes themselves. Therefore, many housewives know how to salt cabbage and have their own secrets and features of this simple process. There are many salting recipes and each of them is good in its own way. Let's talk about a few of them.

Salted cabbage is used not only as a separate dish, but also as an ingredient in other culinary creations. It contains a large number of vitamins of group C and B. But you need to know how to salt cabbage. Only in this case it will turn out delicious, crispy and juicy.

Here is one of the recipes. We take about 6 heads of medium-sized cabbage. Cut them into strips and spread the cabbage into a large container, such as a basin. Carrots need to be peeled and grated. We take the amount of carrots at will. Now this amount of chopped cabbage will need about one handful of salt. Pour it into the basin and mix well. Only after that add grated carrots. Now you need to shift the cabbage with carrots and salt into the barrel. If there is no barrel, use an enamel pan or bucket. Press on top with any load. Cabbage is salted for two days. Periodically, you need to pierce it with a knife or other convenient object. This is necessary to remove the gases generated during the fermentation process. After this time, move the salted cabbage to a cooler place. Many are interested in how to salt cabbage in a jar? Similarly, only salting volumes are significantly less.

And now a few words about how to salt cabbage with larger pieces and even heads of cabbage. Usually for pickling cabbage take late varieties, which are better suited for this than other species. We remove the upper leaves of dark green color. For pickling cabbage, heads are better to take a small barrel. We put in it prepared heads of cabbage. The green leaves that we removed do not throw away. They cover the bottom of the barrel and leave a little to cover the cabbage from above. When all the heads are laid, you need to cover them with a napkin, put a circle or a large lid from the pan on top and bend. We take 400 grams of salt per one bucket of water. Pour the cabbage with the prepared brine and leave to salt. In the process, you need to remove the foam and plaque from above, if they appear. About 10 kilograms of cabbage takes about a bucket of brine.

For lovers of unusual recipes, I propose the following recipe for spicy cabbage. You need two heads of medium size. We clean them from the upper leaves and cut each into four parts. Put them in a pan. Cooking brine. For 4 liters of water you will need about one glass of salt. Fill the cabbage with brine and leave for three days at room temperature. Cabbage should be soft. If this does not happen, then leave it in the brine for another day.

Now take one kilogram of carrots and three on a coarse grater. Add to it two red hot peppers, which we cut as small as possible. We do the same with 5 cloves of garlic. All ingredients are mixed very carefully. We get the cabbage from the brine and squeeze a little. Rub the cabbage with a sharp mixture. We also lay it between the leaves. We rub very abundantly. Put the cabbage in a pan. We boil the remaining brine and fill it with shredded cabbage. We put it in a cold place for two days. Spicy cabbage is ready.

And finally, a few words about how to salt cauliflower. To do this, we disassemble it into inflorescences and boil it in slightly salt water for 4 minutes. Then we cool it in cold water. We put it in a pan and fill it with brine. For brine we take one liter of water and 50 grams of salt. We put oppression on top of the cabbage. When the fermentation process begins, the brine will become cloudy and a coating will appear on top, put it in a cool place.

Now you know how to salt cabbage, and you can please yourself and loved ones with a delicious and healthy dish.

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