Severe sinus arrhythmia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

The human heart is an important organ. Health and life depend on its proper functioning. A large number of diseases of this organ are known. Sinus arrhythmia is a pathology that causes a lot of controversy among doctors. On the one hand, it is caused by psychological reasons and does not affect health. It is worth adjusting the psycho-emotional component, as the symptoms go away. But there is a pronounced sinus arrhythmia, which threatens with certain negative consequences. What is this disease?

A person’s heart beats with a certain frequency, which is normally 60-80 beats per minute. Sometimes, under the influence of some factors, the pulse quickens or, conversely, becomes less frequent.

Sinus arrhythmia of the heart: what is it?

This is the disordered work of the heart when the gap between beats is constantly different. Sometimes the heart beats more often than it should, sometimes less. The heart can normally disrupt its rhythm, but most often it happens under the influence of physical activity, and in a calm state, the manifestation of arrhythmia is a pathology. Often there is respiratory arrhythmia, in which the heart rate increases with inhalation and decreases with exhalation.

severe sinus arrhythmia

On the ECG, the teeth of the QRST complex remain unchanged, that is, their shape and duration do not change. The QRST complex is preceded by a scar P, also this is manifested by constant PQ (T) intervals, while the RR intervals are shortened if the rhythm is quickened, and, conversely, lengthen if the rhythm slows down. All these intervals are closely related to breathing.

Sinus respiratory arrhythmia is diagnosed more often in people at a young age, after infectious diseases. Also, against the background of neurocirculatory dystonia, this type of arrhythmia is detected.

Types of Arrhythmia

There are two main types of arrhythmia:

- moderate;

- expressed.

Moderate arrhythmias most often affect children and adolescents. Well-being is not particularly affected. Severe sinus arrhythmia most often occurs in older people. Its manifestations are very noticeable. But it happens in adolescents, this form of the disease, it all depends on the degree of development of violations.

Causes of Sinus Arrhythmia

Sinus arrhythmia of the heart - what is it? This is a deviation from the norm of the heart. There are several factors provoking the development of pathology:

1. Violations in the composition of the blood. Not enough electrolytes, calcium, potassium, magnesium are not supplied in the right amount. The heart muscle suffers, as a result, changes. Without potassium and magnesium, it becomes relaxed, loses elasticity. This is fraught with various malfunctions of the heart rhythm. Lack of the right amount of calcium leads to cardiac edema, as excess fluid accumulates in the body. It is important to monitor the diet, which provides the right amount of useful trace elements.

2. Failure of the node responsible for the rhythm of the heart. Due to age-related changes, the heart muscle is depleted, which leads to arrhythmia. Diseases that cause heart complications also lead to problems with the sinus node.

3. Hypoxia, or lack of oxygen in the blood. The heart does not receive the necessary nutrients.

4. Arterial hypertension, or high blood pressure, leads to wear of the heart muscle.

5. Too much oxygen in the blood, as well as its lack, negatively affects the heart rate.

In addition, sinus arrhythmia occurs with coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, myocarditis, heart failure, cardiomyopathy, and heart defects. Various diseases can cause an ailment, such as bronchitis, asthma, diabetes mellitus, contribute to the development of pathology and disorders in the thyroid gland.

Only using special research methods is it possible to establish the true cause of sinus arrhythmia. Only a specialist can do this. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of a malfunction of the heart, you need to see a doctor.

sinus arrhythmia of the heart what is it

Two types of rhythm disturbance

The heart rhythm, as already mentioned, can slow down or accelerate. These processes are called bradycardia and tachycardia, respectively.

Severe sinus arrhythmia in adults can be represented by these two types.

Consider the main causes of tachycardia:

- the amount of hemoglobin in the blood is reduced, resulting in anemia;

- hormonal background is violated (as a rule, this applies to the female half of humanity);

- the human body can overheat, for example, in extreme heat or in a steam room;

- excessive physical or emotional stress;

- taking medications that have a negative effect on heart rate.

Doctors often diagnose sinus bradycardia with severe sinus arrhythmia. What causes this form of pathology? Bradycardia can occur under the influence of the following factors:

- in the same way as with tachycardia, taking medications can affect the heart rhythm, they only cause it to slow down (bradycardia);

- excessive cooling leads to a decrease in the frequency of the sinus rhythm;

- the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones;

- in professional athletes, the heart rate decreases;

- weakness of the sinus node leads to bradycardia;

- retirement age provokes a slowdown in heartbeats.

Many are faced with extrasystole - a sharp contraction of the site or the entire heart muscle. This provokes a malfunction of the heart rhythm. There is a pronounced sinus arrhythmia.

severe sinus arrhythmia in a child

Causes of extrasystole

We will name the main factors:

- abuse of coffee and tea;

- constant stress, which has a negative effect on the nerves and heart;

- lack of minerals, in particular potassium;

- failure of the heart muscle.

How does extrasystole manifest itself?

Most often, a person with this pathology complains of the following conditions:

- the heart seems to freeze, and then begins to pound harder;

- constant fear, and causeless;

- feeling of lack of air.

Sinus arrhythmia, moderately expressed, occurs when the heart deviates from the rhythm in one direction or another by about 10%. There are disruptions in the rhythm when changing the position of the body, especially sharp. If the body reacts in this way, it is considered a variant of the norm. But with frequent repetitions of extrasystole, it is better to play it safe and undergo an examination. Let the cardiologist analyze the results and recommend treatment, of course, if he considers it necessary.

Symptoms of a pronounced form of arrhythmia

Severe sinus arrhythmia is manifested by various symptoms:

- with tachycardia, a strong pulsation is felt, especially in the temporal region;

- discomfort in the left side of the chest;

- deterioration in well-being with increased load;

- a constant lack of oxygen;

- dizziness (more often present when the heart rate slows down);

- headache;

- weakness (with bradycardia).

We have listed the main symptoms that accompany such a pathology as severe sinus arrhythmia of the heart. What is the danger of this disease?

With severe arrhythmias, fainting can occur, because blood circulation is disturbed, and blood does not reach the brain in full. If this happens, you should immediately consult a doctor.

severe sinus arrhythmia in adults

Arrhythmia attack

An arrhythmia attack can occur suddenly. A person will experience the following symptoms:

- shortness of breath;

- sweating;

- noise in ears;

- dizziness;

- cotton legs;

- A strong heartbeat of more than 140 beats per minute;

- darkening in the eyes;

- nausea;

- fainting state.

If a person is experiencing all this, you must try to calm him down and call an ambulance.

Severe sinus arrhythmia in a child

Children and adolescents also quite often suffer from sinus arrhythmia. Often this is due to an incorrect respiratory stereotype. But it happens that congenital heart defects, VVD, as well as changes in the hormonal background in adolescence affect.

How can a child describe his condition? He often complains of a painful sensation in the heart, weakness, excessive fatigue, lack of air. The doctor listens to the pulse of a small patient, examines the skin. Prescribe ECG, ultrasound, halter. Sometimes only one research method is prescribed, especially if the sinus arrhythmia is moderate.

But severe sinus arrhythmia of the heart is quite dangerous.

If deviations are found, consultation with a pediatrician, pediatric cardiologist, endocrinologist, neurologist will be required. With pathologies of the nervous system, cardiovascular can suffer. For children, treatment is selected according to their age. It is necessary to think over the mode of work and rest, it would be nice to visit the sanatorium.

sinus bradycardia with severe sinus arrhythmia

Regulation of nutrition is the main task of parents. High caffeine, fatty and sugary foods are excluded from the diet. A large number of fresh vegetables and fruits will help provide the body with fiber, as well as the necessary vitamins.

The emotional background of the child will help restore the therapist. The child needs to be protected from stress.

The main danger with sinus arrhythmia is complications - the occurrence of heart failure and heart dysfunction.

What can be done so as not to encounter such a disaster as severe sinus arrhythmia in a child?

Prevention of sinus arrhythmia in children

The main preventive measures are as follows:

- good nutrition;

- balanced mode of rest and work;

- feasible physical activity;

- intake of vitamin complexes, which include essential amino acids;

- stress management;

- refusal of bad habits (smoking and drinking alcohol in adolescents);

- diagnosis and treatment of any diseases that will help to avoid heart complications.

Diagnostic Methods

Of course, a person himself can detect abnormalities in his heart rhythm. But sometimes, under the influence of psychological factors, these sensations can be subjective. That is, a person feels sick, although in fact the rhythm of his heart is within normal limits.

In order not to be in constant fear for your health, you need to undergo a full examination. What are the ways? The simplest is an ECG. Severe sinus arrhythmia is easily determined.

The cost of the study is minimal, and in municipal institutions it costs nothing at all. It is carried out quickly at the time of treatment. The result can be decrypted by a cardiologist. After decryption, a diagnosis is made.

The ECG is conducted as follows: sensors on suction cups are attached to the arms, legs, chest, due to which the heart rhythm is read. If a deviation is detected with a normal ECG, a load test may be prescribed to the patient for a more accurate diagnosis. A special device reads the rhythm during physical exertion. In addition, daily monitoring of heart rate is often recommended. Then a monitor is attached to the person who measures heartbeats at home around the clock. In this case, the patient should record his feelings in a special journal.

These research methods are more informative, because in a conventional study, a malfunction may not be noticed. It also very often makes sense to do an ultrasound of the heart, during which the causes that contributed to the development of severe sinus arrhythmia will be identified. Treatment will be discussed below.

severe sinus arrhythmia of the heart

Diet for arrhythmias

With sinus arrhythmia, foods rich in trace elements useful for the heart are recommended. So, for example, buckwheat, spinach, avocado, beans contain a large amount of magnesium. There is a lot of potassium in bananas, dried apricots, cabbage, potatoes, raisins, parsley. Sources of calcium are seafood, milk and all kinds of dairy products, fish, corn, beets, seeds and artichokes. Useful for sinus arrhythmias of beet tops and carrots, as well as algae. But salt and sugar are detrimental to a person with arrhythmia. You need to eat five times a day in small portions. It is unacceptable to fry food; all dishes must be steamed or baked in the oven.

Nutritionists have developed a special table number 10. In this diet, the main people are lean meat, fish, omelettes, low-fat dairy products, soups on vegetable broths. Low-brewed tea is acceptable from drinks, it is better to exclude coffee altogether, but if this is impossible, then it should be weak. Rosehip broth is very useful in violation of the heart rhythm. In addition, it contains a lot of vitamin C. For the heart, a decoction of hawthorn will be useful.

The diet for sinus arrhythmia is built on the following principle:

- proteins - about 100 g;

- fats - about 70 g;

- complex carbohydrates - 350 g.

Freshly squeezed vegetable juices - carrot, beetroot, cabbage, tomato, are useful for the heart rhythm.

If you adhere to proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, the effect occurs after 2 weeks. This diet significantly reduces the burden on the heart.

The use of alcoholic beverages is unacceptable, smoking must be quit.

Every day you need to do gymnastics, it is useful for strengthening the heart muscle. Cholesterol levels must be strictly controlled.

Do not take uncontrolled medications, especially diuretics. They should be prescribed only by your doctor.

A person who decided to take up his health closely should definitely show willpower. After all, it’s quite difficult to deny yourself fried food or a piece of cream cake. But without this, it will not be possible to achieve a positive result. Especially if there is a pronounced sinus arrhythmia.

pronounced sinus arrhythmia

Pregnancy and Sinus Arrhythmia

Pregnancy is a crucial period in a woman’s life. The body is under tremendous strain. The heart is no exception. Its rhythm changes, since the amount of pumped blood almost doubles. It is during pregnancy that there are frequent cases of cardiac arrhythmia. The most likely extrasystoles.

A woman feels interruptions and begins to worry about her health and the health of her baby. And although it is harmless, but it causes certain inconvenience. Recommendations here may be a decrease in physical activity, as well as the removal of psychoemotional stress.

It is also necessary to adjust the diet, remove harmful products from the diet, such as tea, coffee, chocolate.

Pregnant need less worry, more rest and spend time in the fresh air. It also requires constant medical supervision if there is sinus arrhythmia of the heart. What is the disease dangerous? Various complications.


Mild sinus arrhythmia does not require treatment as such. Extrasystoles are in almost all people. But if the pathology turns into a pronounced form, causes discomfort, therapy is necessary. It is also necessary to be treated then in order to avoid serious consequences, such as poor blood supply to the brain, constant loss of consciousness. Therefore, it is important to equalize the sinus rhythm. Severe sinus arrhythmia can manifest as bradycardia.

If a person has this deviation from the norm, then they can install a special device (pacemaker), which will increase the number of heart contractions. This device is small, embedded under the skin. The electrical pulses that he sends to the atria and ventricles help the heart contract. This is required for those people who suffer greatly from bradycardia, mainly they are tormented by constant fainting.

what does pronounced sinus arrhythmia mean

And in cases when the heart beats slowly, but the rhythm is within the acceptable limits of the norm, then there is no need to establish a pacemaker. Then the doctor can choose a therapy that is effective. This is done depending on the causes of arrhythmia.

So, if sinus arrhythmia caused constant stress, then the treatment will be aimed at calming the nervous system. Of the drugs prescribed “Novopassit”, tincture of valerian and motherwort, “Corvalol”, “Glycine”.

These medications help relieve nervous tension, normalize sleep. In especially severe cases with nervous and mental disorders, the help of a psychotherapist who will prescribe tranquilizers and antidepressants will be required.

Special vitamins for the heart muscle are also often prescribed: potassium, magnesium, and calcium preparations. Effective herbs, such as chamomile, raspberry leaf. Physiotherapeutic procedures have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart.

Now you know what pronounced sinus arrhythmia means. We also described the treatment methods. Adhere to a healthy diet, lead a normal lifestyle, do not abuse alcohol and visit a doctor on time at the slightest suspicion of a malfunction of the heart. Be healthy!

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