Description of the drug "loratadine". Indications for use

The medicine "Loratadine" (tablets) belongs to the category of antihistamines. The medication has antiexudative, anti-allergic, antipruritic effects.

allergy loratadine
The drug selectively blocks histamine H1 receptors, preventing the effects of histamine on blood vessels and muscles. Decreased capillary permeability, exudation, erythema and pruritus are also among the beneficial properties of Loratadine. Indications for use include pathologies of an allergic nature. Therapeutic efficacy is observed half an hour after taking the drug. The maximum effect is observed after eight to twelve hours and lasts a day. The drug does not affect the central nervous system, sedative and anticholinergic effect. The drug has a slight bronchodilator effect. When taken orally, rapid absorption is noted.


Recommended drug "Loratadin" for allergies of seasonal and year-round type. The tool eliminates the symptoms of rhinitis, hay fever, conjunctivitis. A medication is used for idiopathic chronic urticaria, dermatosis, angioedema. In bronchial asthma, the drug β€œLoratadin” is also recommended as an additional remedy. Indications for use include reactions to insect bites.

Dosage regimen

The product is intended for oral administration. For patients from 12 years of age, 10 mg is prescribed once a day.

loratadine indications for use
For children from two to twelve years, five milligrams is also recommended once a day. With a child weighing more than thirty kilograms, 10 mg is prescribed.

Side effects of Loratadin

Indications for use are one of the reasons for choosing this or that medication. However, experts recommend remembering about the likely negative consequences during treatment. The effectiveness of therapy depends on the tolerance of the drug. Means "Loratadin" rarely provokes undesirable consequences. Only some patients experienced nausea, gastritis, dry mouth, and headache. In a number of cases, nervousness arose, and excitability in children increased.

loratadine tablets
In adults, in isolated cases, visual impairment, tremor, depression, skin rash were noted. Likewise, experts include liver necrosis, jaundice, cramps, tinnitus, blepharospasm, lacrimation disorders, and visual functions as potential side effects.

In what cases is Loratadin not prescribed?

Indications for use include a relatively wide range of diseases. In this case, the restrictions on the appointment of funds are the minimum amount. In particular, the drug is contraindicated in case of intolerance and under the age of two years. The advisability of using the medication by pregnant or lactating patients is established exclusively by a specialist.

additional information

In case of an overdose, side effects increase. In particular, the intensity of headaches increases, drowsiness and tachycardia are likely. There is no specific antidote.

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