Potato casserole with minced meat - the most hearty dish

Potato casserole with minced meat is one of the simplest dishes. Every housewife from time to time cooks baked potatoes with meat, and a casserole with these ingredients is a leader among the hostesses favorite recipes. Such dishes can be from anything and with various fillings.

For example, you can cook pasta casserole with cottage cheese filling, from various types of friable cereals, as well as semolina with the addition of candied fruit, raisins and other dried fruits. In most cases, cooks are advised to prepare sauce or gravy for the main dish recipe. After all, most casseroles turn out a little dry, and the sauce or gravy will be a wonderful addition to this delicious dish.

Potato casserole with minced meat is prepared from products such as potatoes, egg, minced meat, seasonings, cheese. Of course, this is not such a casserole that we are all used to eating in childhood, but its somewhat modified version

Potato casserole with minced meat: a classic recipe for cooking


Chopped meat





Wash the potatoes thoroughly under a stream of cold water, then peel and wash again. So that the root crop is cooked faster, it can be cut into cubes. While the potatoes are being cooked, peel the onions and cut into several parts, pass through a meat grinder or blender, add to the minced meat. Fry the prepared meat until cooked in a pan, do not forget that you need to pour seasonings. Knead the cooked potatoes in mashed potatoes with a fork or beat with a blender. Then it is cooled to a temperature of forty degrees and add the egg, stirring. On a gauze soaked with cold water, spread a thin layer of potato mass. The potato layer should be about one centimeter. From above we lay the fried minced meat and with the help of gauze we tightly wrap it in a roll. Place the roll on a baking sheet and grease the surface with a beaten egg. We send it to the oven for baking at a temperature of about 200 degrees, until a crust forms.

We prepare milk sauce for the casserole . Bring the milk to a boil, add seasonings and flour fried in a pan without butter and wait until it thickens. Cut the casserole into portions and serve with the sauce.

Potato casserole with minced meat: a recipe for cooking with paprika



Minced meat




Hard Cheese

Green bow feather for decoration




Wash the potatoes, peel and rinse again. Boil until cooked and cut into circles. Add finely chopped or rolled onions, egg and all seasonings (except adjika and paprika) to the prepared minced meat, mix. On a baking sheet, previously well oiled, and also sprinkled with breadcrumbs, put the circles of potatoes. Sprinkle a little paprika on top and grease adjika. Stuff the minced meat on top of the potatoes. The last layer is again laid potatoes. Now we lubricate everything with adjika and sprinkle with paprika. Sprinkle casserole on top with cheese grated on a fine grater.

To make a potato casserole with minced meat even more juicy, with cheese on a potato, you can put several thin plates of butter around the entire perimeter. Bake in the oven until the mince is ready. No gravy is required for this casserole; it is itself very juicy due to the meat juice that will stand out from the raw minced meat. Divide the finished casserole into portions and decorate with onion feathers, sprinkle with herbs. In addition, you can add tomatoes and black pepper to the casserole, as well as other additives as desired.

Potato casserole with minced meat is a heavy, but nutritious and high-calorie food that is ideal for people who do heavy physical labor.

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