Recipes: Asparagus beans will enrich your diet.

Many housewives love and gladly implement recipes in which asparagus beans are present and add a twist. In general, it is a product rich in iron and folic acid. That is, it is able to favorably influence the condition of the liver, give strength and energy, and also improve the composition of the blood. Recipes in which asparagus beans are invariably present are in the culinary box of every self-respecting housewife. After all, such dishes are obtained not only tasty, but also hearty. Among other things, asparagus beans are successfully used by those who are on a diet or simply lead a healthy lifestyle.

Young beans, the recipes of which you want to implement, are more acceptable than mature ones. There is an excellent dish that promises to become an ornament of both a festive and everyday table. Take half a kilogram of young beans, three carrots, five fresh tomatoes, two bell peppers, 200 grams of sausage or sausages, seasoning for vegetables, sunflower oil, pepper and salt. Now rub the carrots on a coarse grater, chop the onion into small cubes. Fry it all a little in a casserole in warmed sunflower oil. The processed beans must be boiled in slightly salted water for about 10 minutes, and then decanted and put in a bowl. In addition, you will need to cut the tomatoes into slices, the straws - pepper and add them to the carrots with onions and beans. Last sausages, cut into strips, spices, pepper and salt. Now the contents of the cauldron should be mixed and put out a little more. The result is a very tasty and satisfying stew.

Salad with canned beans, the recipe of which is not known to everyone, is also an unusual taste dish. To prepare it, you will need one can of canned beans, 400 grams of any mushrooms, 200 grams of ham, onions, salt and mayonnaise. First, peel the onion, chop it and fry until golden brown. Mushrooms must also be fried separately from onions. Then mix all this, add beans, ham, diced, salt and season with mayonnaise.

The recipes in which asparagus beans play the main violin are truly diverse. Here is one of them: take 700 grams of asparagus beans, a tablespoon of tomato paste, five tomatoes, three cloves of garlic, salt and parsley. For bean pods, it is necessary to cut off the ends, then rinse it in a colander and cut it into pieces, four centimeters long. Now finely chop the tomatoes and chop the garlic with parsley. After that, fry the garlic in a casserole until golden brown, put parsley and then tomatoes there, add tomato paste and salt it all. Cover the cauldron with a lid and simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes. After that, pour the beans there and simmer the contents for another 15 minutes. When the beans become soft - the dish is ready.

Recipes in which asparagus beans successfully appear can be meat. For example, cook half a kilogram of beans, 300 grams of boiled beef and tomatoes, 150 grams of sweet pepper and carrots, 100 grams of onions. Fresh beans before cooking this dish must be placed in boiling water and boiled for five minutes. If you have frozen beans, then this is not necessary. Now, in a pre-heated skillet on vegetable oil, put chopped onions, fry it, put the beans there, fry it all for 10 minutes, stirring. Now you can add julienne meat, carrots and sweet peppers. From tomatoes, it is first necessary to remove the peel and cut into slices. You should salt, pepper and simmer the contents of the pan under the lid until cooked.

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