Homeopathic suppositories for hemorrhoids: name, purpose, composition, indications and contraindications

Treatment of hemorrhoids, as a rule, is complex. In addition to traditional drugs and methods, homeopathic remedies are also used. The essence of the treatment of hemorrhoids with homeopathy is not only to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but also in the complex effect on the patient's body in order to establish a new mode of its functioning. It should be borne in mind that only certain forms and stages of the disease can be treated with homeopathic medicines. Also, despite the myth of the relative safety of these drugs, you should consult a specialist before starting therapy.

treatment of hemorrhoids homeopathy

Advantages and disadvantages of homeopathic remedies

The treatment of hemorrhoids with homeopathy is not strictly aimed at eliminating the existing disease, it is designed for the work of the whole organism. Experts in this field are convinced that the body must overcome the pathology that has arisen, and treatment only pushes the patient, helps to activate various healing processes.

Homeopaths often talk about the need to treat the like with the like. This reveals the essence of the methods they use and resembles the common saying about “wedge-wedge”. Treatment with homeopathic remedies cannot be called standard or classic. Many adherents of conservative therapy find homeopathy a more presentable way to use the placebo effect. This is especially true for drugs that are aimed at treating systemic diseases.

Even the classics of medical practice have much more confidence in homeopathy against hemorrhoids for topical application. Attracts to them the safety and naturalness of the composition, as well as the lack of systemic effects on the body. These drugs are really capable of solving a particular problem by acting on it locally.

homeopathy against hemorrhoids

Homeopathic suppositories: a description of these medications

Homeopathic suppositories for hemorrhoids are made on the basis of natural components and act locally. The composition of the candles includes components of animal, vegetable and mineral origin, which are combined according to a certain technology and with strict adherence to the recipe. In some cases, independent use of suppositories is allowed, but only as an addition to the therapy prescribed by the doctor. The best option is to consult with a specialist about the use of any drugs.

Properties of drugs of this group

Homeopathic suppositories from hemorrhoids in a mild form affect the body, while differing in a prolonged action. Using this group of drugs, it is possible to achieve the following results:

1. The elimination of the pain syndrome resulting from an exacerbation of the inflammatory process with hemorrhoids.

2. Stopping irritation in the anus.

3. Facilitation of the bowel movement, complicated by hemorrhoids or constipation.

4. Elimination of puffiness and pathogenic microorganisms that provoke suppuration of damaged tissues.

Most often, for the production of homeopathic suppositories for hemorrhoids, natural extracts of various plants are used, for example, sea buckthorn, aloe, chamomile or wormwood. They have anti-inflammatory, astringent and regenerative effects.

hemorrhoid homeopathy for women

The use of homeopathic suppositories for hemorrhoids will have the greatest effect when applied at the initial stage of the development of the pathological process, when it is not complicated by symptoms such as anemia, hemorrhagic syndrome and prolapse of the nodes.

Suppositories with anti-inflammatory effect

So, let's look at some of the remedies for homeopathy for hemorrhoids for women and men.

Candles can have a different spectrum of action. Anti-inflammatory suppositories are released, which relieve swelling of the tissues and prevent the recurrence of the disease. The most commonly prescribed among them are:

1. Candles with belladonna extract or belladonna. These suppositories are effective for exacerbated hemorrhoids. The drug reduces the intensity of the pain syndrome, relieves vasospasm. This effect allows you to restore blood flow in damaged tissues and relieve inflammation. Indications for the use of suppositories are complicated or exacerbated hemorrhoids, as well as the progression of existing hemorrhoidal nodes - both external and internal. Contraindications for the use of suppositories are: the presence of glaucoma, as well as hypersensitivity to belladonna herbal extract. The drug affects the speed of psychomotor reactions, therefore, it is prescribed with caution to patients whose work requires an increased concentration of attention. The standard scheme for the use of suppositories involves the introduction of up to four times a day during the exacerbation period with a decrease in dosage after relief to two suppositories per day. Treatment is carried out in a two-week course. What other homeopathy remedies for hemorrhoids are effective?

2. "Propolis DN". Suppositories include cocoa butter and propolis. These components help relieve swelling, eliminate burning and itching in the anus. In addition, suppositories have a hepatoprotective property. The main indication for the appointment of suppositories is the presence of cracks in the sphincter, which do not heal for a long time. You can not prescribe the drug with intolerance to the components of suppositories, including in the presence of allergies to pollen of plants and beekeeping products. Candles are applied one per day for ten days.

suppositories for hemorrhoids homeopathic remedies

3. "Anti-K". The composition of suppositories includes tea tree oil and various plant extracts. The main component is a powerful natural antiseptic. Tea tree oil disinfects wounds and prevents the spread of pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, suppositories accelerate the recovery of intercellular metabolism, which also contributes to tissue regeneration. "Anti-K" is prescribed for healing sphincter fissures, as well as to relieve swelling and inflammation. As an adverse reaction to the drug, an allergic reaction may develop. “Anti-K” is prescribed for 1-2 candles every day, the duration of the course can be up to one month.

4. Nova Vita. The composition of the candles is multicomponent, including sea buckthorn, propolis, ginseng and healing mud. The drug effectively restores the damaged mucous membrane, as well as the soft tissues of the rectum and sphincter. Suppositories also affect metabolic processes in cells. Against the background of the use of suppositories, cracks heal faster, and the restoration of the integrity of the rectum accelerates. Nova-Vita is used at any stage of hemorrhoids, even in a complicated form, as well as with paraproctitis. Contraindication for the use of suppositories is an allergic reaction to the components. The dosage is one suppository per day.

5. Hemoprost. These suppositories have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. The composition includes a number of plant extracts that have an antiseptic effect, and also contribute to the resorption of nodes, normalize blood circulation, strengthen the vascular walls and relieve inflammation. Indications for the use of suppositories are hemorrhoids in acute or chronic form, as well as the presence of cracks in the anus. Candles are used for a month no more than one per day.

Antibacterial Homeopathic Suppositories

Quite often, against the background of hemorrhoids, infection of the resulting tissue damage occurs, which requires the use of special suppositories with an antibacterial effect. Their use is especially relevant for a wetting type of hemorrhoids, as well as for non-intense bleeding and cracks that do not heal for a long time. The most popular antibacterial suppositories are as follows.

Homeopathic Sea Buckthorn Candles

They are used for exacerbations of hemorrhoids at any stage of development as an adjuvant. Sea buckthorn oil has an antibacterial and regenerative effect. In addition, oil prevents suppuration of wounds. Suppositories effectively repair tissues, eliminating cracks, abrasions and ulcers. You can not use candles with sea buckthorn oil against a background of diarrhea and with increased sensitivity to the components of the drug. It is necessary to put candles in the morning and in the evening for one week.

hemorrhoid homeopathy reviews

Homeopathic medicine "Calendula DN"

It is made on the basis of a plant extract of calendula. The plant has bactericidal properties, stimulates regenerative processes in cells. Candles are used with severe irritation of the skin in the anus and in the presence of cracks, as well as to eliminate ulcers in the rectum. You can not use "Cadendula DN" under the age of 18 years, as well as with sensitivity to the components of the drug. Candles are placed after bowel movements before bedtime. Treatment lasts from two weeks to a month.

Homeopathy for hemorrhoids in adults can be very effective.

Candles with tonic effect

The action of these drugs is aimed at strengthening the vascular walls and increasing the tone of capillaries and veins. The use of suppositories can increase the elasticity of capillaries and venous walls, which leads to normalization of blood flow and prevents the formation of blood clots. Among the suppositories from hemorrhoids (homeopathic medicines with tonic properties), the following stand out.

Medicinal homeopathic remedy "Hemo-Pro"

The composition of the drug includes sea buckthorn, rue, propolis, St. John's wort, as well as therapeutic mud. The action of suppositories is aimed at increasing vascular tone, as well as disinfecting and stopping the growth of pathogenic microflora in the rectum. Suppositories are prescribed for the resorption of hemorrhoidal nodes, relieve inflammation, eliminate obstruction of veins in the rectum, as well as strengthen capillaries. Candles are used one per day before going to bed for one month.

homeopathy for adult hemorrhoids

Medication "Prostopin"

The composition of suppositories includes royal jelly and propolis, they have tonic properties. These components strengthen the walls of the capillaries, increasing their elastic properties and eliminating stagnation of blood in the veins. Candles are used to treat hemorrhoids in both acute and chronic form, as well as for healing cracks. Candles should not be prescribed to patients with a tendency to an allergic reaction to beekeeping products. Suppositories are put one at a time for no more than a month.

Medicinal homeopathic preparation "Immutil"

It has a restorative and tonic effect. Thanks to the use of candles, the regenerative property of tissues and cells is increased, the healing process of cracks is accelerated. The drug is prescribed to eliminate wounds, ulcers and erosion resulting from damage to the intestinal walls by feces. Suppositories are applied one per day in a ten-day course.

homeopathy for hemorrhoids

Reviews on homeopathy for hemorrhoids

Many patients are skeptical of treatment with homeopathic remedies. However, even adherents of traditional therapeutic methods cannot deny that with hemorrhoids such suppositories really turn out to be effective.

The suppositories listed above find many positive reviews on the treatment of stage 4 hemorrhoids with homeopathy.

Many consider them safer because of their plant composition than chemicals of chemical origin. The analgesic and wound healing properties of homeopathic suppositories are not called into question. Thanks to the use of these drugs, it is possible to significantly accelerate the treatment process, so herbal suppositories often complement the classic drugs.

Negative comments about these suppositories

Most of the negative reviews about homeopathic suppositories from hemorrhoids are associated with the need for their long-term use. No less complaints from those who used suppositories for complicated and advanced forms of hemorrhoids. The drugs either did not help them at all, or they removed the intensity of the symptoms, without completely eliminating them. In any case, one should listen to the opinion of the attending physician, only he can choose the most safe and effective treatment for hemorrhoids.

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