Black walnut tincture - an excellent antibiotic and a unique medicine

Black nut tincture in folk medicine is known as a wonderful natural antibiotic, but this is not its only beneficial property.

Tincture Properties

This medicine has a huge range of unique healing properties: antimicrobial, antispasmodic, vasodilator, sedative, enveloping, analgesic, anthelminthic, astringent, hemostatic, tonic, diuretic. Also, tincture enhances the motor activity of the intestines and stomach, is able to get rid of warts or skin parasitic diseases, and lowers blood sugar levels.

Chemical composition

Tincture of black walnut is recommended by specialists for the treatment of various ailments. This can be explained by the fact that the nut peel used for tincture contains a huge amount of useful trace elements (especially iodine) and nutrients, vitamins B1, C, PP and B2, tannins, beta-carotene, dietary fiber, essential oils, organic acids, tannins , mineral salts and metal salts (iron, cobalt, etc.). All of these natural substances can help restore and improve the normal functioning of body systems and human organs.

Cooking tincture

To prepare the tincture of the nut, you need to take as a raw material a soft shell of a young black nut (unripe) and alcohol 50%. You can use whole nut fruits without cracking them, since the beneficial substances are mainly under the fruit shell itself. The tincture of black walnut is prepared as follows: thoroughly washed young walnut fruits are placed in a glass container, filled to the top with 50% alcohol so that the air space between the alcohol and the lid is minimal and does not oxidize the medicine. Withstand such tincture in a dark and dry place for two weeks, and store it in well-closed glassware, also in a dark place.


First of all, preparations containing this type of nut (tincture is no exception) are used to improve the quality of blood and its purification, as well as to reduce the risk of bleeding, lower blood pressure, stimulate the elimination of toxic substances and toxins from the body, to get rid of parasites, etc. .d.

The anticancer effect of the tincture is very important, so using it you can reduce the risk of cancer and treat them in combination with other drugs.

And since the tincture of black walnut is extremely rich in such a valuable natural element as iodine, it is recommended for people with endocrine system problems.

The use of this tincture for influenza, tuberculosis, bronchitis and other colds infectious diseases can be effective, because this tool is able to relieve sputum of the respiratory tract and slow down the development of infection.

In addition, the use of tincture helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (black walnut extract may be useful here) and thyroid gland, hemorrhoids, ulcerative colitis, rickets, gastritis, weakness, headaches and migraines, diabetes mellitus, various dental problems, diseases of the prostate, liver etc.

Often tincture of black walnut is recommended for those who need to get rid of viral or fungal diseases.

This medicine has been successfully used for nervous disorders, worms, and for cleansing after radiation injuries.

It will be effective in case of anemia, hypertension and hypotension, pyelonephritis, thrombophlebitis, diathesis, furunculosis, scabies, eczema, acne, psoriasis and even infertility.

Possessing a bactericidal effect, tincture helps to heal ulcers, wounds and frostbite, as well as stop hemorrhoidal bleeding. It will also help get rid of endometrial hyperplasia with severe bleeding, cysts in the ovaries, constipation, joint diseases, multiple sclerosis, and tincture is often used for irritable bowels, acute respiratory viral infections, sinusitis and chronic tonsillitis, gum and tooth diseases.

This unique remedy will also have a positive effect in the treatment of all types of oncology, including benign tumors, such as fibroma, mastopathy, prostate adenoma, tumors of the lymph glands (lymphadenitis) and the thyroid gland. Tincture is an unusually powerful immunostimulant and antioxidant. According to the world famous doctor H. Clark, this medicine is able to remove 100 species of various parasites from the body, and if you alternate it with wormwood and cloves, you can completely kill all the parasites and defeat the cancer.

Finally, this natural remedy can also be used as part of weight loss, because It has the properties of lowering blood cholesterol levels, and it is also able to prevent premature aging of our body.

If you decide to use the amazing properties of tincture of black walnut on yourself, do not forget to consult a doctor. He can also find out the doses of this drug for each specific case of the disease and contraindications. Health to you!

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