Margarita Volodina - biography and films

Today we will talk about who Margarita Volodina is. Biography and major films with her participation will be described below. This is a Soviet film and theater actress.

Margarita Volodina

Childhood. The beginning of the creative path

Margarita Volodina is an actress who was born in 1932 in Leningrad. At the same time, he was named in 1938 in various biographical notes. But in an interview, the actress repeatedly noticed that when the war started, she graduated from the 3rd grade of school at the age of 9. The girl spent the entire war in occupation.

When the victory over the Nazis was won, Margarita Volodina began to engage in the drama circle of the House of Cinema, which was directed by M. G. Dubrovina. She also studied the artistic word in the Leningrad Palace of Pioneers. She studied in Moscow at the Moscow Art Theater School on the course of V. K. Monyukov. She graduated in 1959.

From 1959 to 1961 she worked as a member of the troupe of the Sovremennik Theater, and also worked in the Theater of the Soviet Army. After she changed her place of business. In 1961 - 1993 she played on the stage of the Theater-Studio of the film actor.

Margarita Volodina actress


Margarita Volodina from 1957 began to actively act in films. Played about 20 roles.

Her best work on the big screen is the role of the commissar, which the actress played in a film called "Optimistic Tragedy." This tape is an adaptation of a play by V. Vishnevsky. For 13 years she was married to Samson Samsonov - the director of this film. She starred in many of his paintings. In marriage, a daughter, Maria, was born.

Margarita Volodina was married twice more. With the second chosen one she lived for 5 years. He turned out to be a swindler. The third husband, a pediatrician, unfortunately, passed away a year after the wedding. In 1994, she left for France to her daughter. To this day lives in Paris. She wrote a book called Confession of the Actress.

In 1987, voiced Inga in the work "This strange moonlight." In 1964, she was named the best actress according to the results of a survey conducted by the Soviet Screen magazine. Honored and People's Artist of the RSFSR.

Margarita Volodina biography


So, we found out who Margarita Volodina is. Films in which the actress took part will be given later.

In 1957, she played Katerina Gavrilovna in the film Fire Flames. In 1960, she received the role of Nina Polonskaya in the film Sleepless Night. She played the role of Ani in the film "Peer of the Century." In 1961 she appeared on the screen in the image of Obolenskaya Irina Alexandrovna in the film "Two Lives". Then she participated in the work on the painting "Amphibian Man". In 1963, the film “Optimistic Tragedy” was released with actress Volodina as the commissar. In 1964, she played Masha in the film “Three Sisters”. Then she took part in the films "Rage", "Arena".

In 1969, appears in the image of Luda in the film "Every Night at Eleven." In 1975, receives the role of Julia Pavlovna Tugina in the film "The Last Victim." In 1978, he worked on the films “And You Will See the Sky” and “The Procession of Golden Beasts”. In 1979, starred in the films "White Mazurka" and "Late Meeting." In 1984, the film “The Time and the Conway Family” was released with her participation. In 1985, starred in the short film "The Secret of the Earth."

Margarita Volodina movies

"Time and the Conway Family": plot

Margarita Volodina is an actress who played the role of Kay in the film Time and the Conway Family. The film takes place in the English town of New Lingham, which is located near London. The story tells how it was after the end of the First World War.

The Conway family celebrates the maturity of a daughter named Kay. All relatives gather for the holiday. Mrs. Conway was recently widowed. The war is over. All children are filled with bright hopes for a brighter future. Madge wants to fight for justice. Hopes to bring Gerald, a family friend, to this. Kay wants to become a writer. Carol is the youngest, dreams of being an actress. Beauty Hazel predicted a successful marriage. Robin, a war hero and mother’s favorite, wants to do business. Alyona is expected to have a successful career. Gerald brings Ernest Beavers, a novice entrepreneur, into the house. Exactly 18 years pass. The whole Conway family gathers in the house, with the exception of Carol, who died. The reality is harsh .... The film, of course, will appeal to fans of the drama genre. All the actors, including Volodin, did an excellent job and played their roles perfectly!

Margarita Volodina, who left the country in the prime of her life, could have played many more wonderful roles. But for unknown reasons, she was no longer invited to the cinema. What was the reason? Either human envy or male cunning of a rejected admirer? What to guess now. Now the actress lives a serene life in a cozy apartment on the outskirts of Paris and devotes herself to caring for her daughter and granddaughter.

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