From the very birth of a person, various diseases and ailments are haunted. If your baby is crying for more than an hour, pulls his legs to his stomach, and none of your manipulations help, you can say that he has colic. Where they come from, and how to get rid of them once and for all, is not known for sure today. The universal cure for colic for newborns has not yet been invented.
They appear and disappear on their own. However, there are some means that can alleviate the condition of the child.
Usually, the first colic appears around a month old and goes to four. In these three months, your life can turn into hell if you do nothing. First of all, pay attention to what you feed your baby. If he is breastfeeding, then you need to adjust your diet. Exclude strawberries, beans, chocolate, spicy, spicy foods, coffee, and green tea. Switch to a more strict diet, and the baby will be much easier.
Artificial feeding does not guarantee that there will be no colic. The child may be tormented by the gases caused by refined sugar or lactose. Cow's milk is also contraindicated for newborns. If you give your child water, then you should not add sugar to it. After each feeding, raise the baby in an upright position so that he burps. This will help get rid of excess gas in the stomach.
A good remedy for colic is heat. A warm heating pad is applied to the tummy. Lay it on a diaper or towel. It is very useful to spread the baby on the tummy. Swing and vibration will help the baby.
It is possible that after such manipulations you will not need a cure for colic for newborns.
If no physical effect helps, and the child is still crying and acting up, then you will have to resort to the help of various drugs. The most famous cure for colic for newborns is dill water. You can buy it at any pharmacy or cook it yourself. Vodichka is an infusion of fennel seeds, previously crushed to a powder state. He is bred with boiling water and insisted hour. The child is given the resulting tincture with teaspoons up to three times a day.
If colic does not go away for a long time, you should contact your pediatrician.
He will prescribe a cure for colic. There are a lot of suitable drugs today. The most famous are the drops "Espumisan", "Baby Calm", "Subsimplex", "Bebinos". They act very gently and are great for fragile baby tummies.
A cure for colic for newborns may be useless in some cases. You should not worry much about it. Try to calm down and distract your baby. Be patient and think that your torment will be over very soon. This period will have to endure.
Keep in mind that if a child has already grown up, and colic is still bothering him, then perhaps the reason is more serious than you thought. Be sure to consult a doctor, take tests and go through an examination.