Anabolic is what? What is their effect on the body?

anabolic is
Not only women want to have a beautiful body - many men are also reverent in their appearance and work hard in gyms. In order to not only get a toned figure, but also to increase muscle mass, gain relief forms, some men take special supplements, in other words, anabolics. Anabolic is virtually any drug that promotes muscle gain.

A little physiology

In ordinary life, the human body continuously destroys and eliminates old cells and tissues, replacing them with new ones. Doctors call this process catabolism. The opposite process to catabolism is called anabolism, it is characterized by the production of young, new cells. Special nutritional supplements have a similar effect and contribute to a rapid increase in muscle mass. These are anabolic steroids for rapid muscle growth. They are made on the basis of the hormone testosterone, the production of which is more common in men. These drugs are available in the form of tablets or capsules, and are taken orally according to a special scheme. There are also anabolic steroids for muscles that need to be taken for a long time. They are issued in the form of injections.

What are anabolics for?

anabolics for fast muscle growth
Anabolic is a drug that enhances metabolism, and also helps to absorb faster those substances that are responsible for the renewal of body tissues. First of all, it improves protein and mineral metabolism. Given that testosterone is the basis of anabolics, this type of supplementation contributes to the formation of a muscular male figure. Anabolics for muscle growth are sometimes prescribed by specialists for medical purposes, for example, with severe exhaustion of the patient, after serious injuries and serious illnesses. Doctors prescribe these substances when the human body itself cannot cope with the development of new cells. But most often, absolutely healthy people - athletes and bodybuilders - acquire muscle anabolics for muscles. And they do not take these substances for medical purposes, but to obtain relief muscles and increase physical strength.

Why do athletes take anabolics?

muscle growth anabolics
Anabolic is, in fact, doping, and in big sport it is prohibited. But all the same, bodybuilders, bodybuilders, sprinters and other athletes actively use the substance mentioned to enhance their results. At the same time, the dosage of anabolics taken by athletes is significantly different from those doses prescribed by doctors for medicinal purposes. When these supplements just started to appear (in the 60s of the last century), they were not yet able to determine their presence in the blood of a person, therefore there was no ban on anabolics at that time. Now they are included in the list of drugs prohibited in sports, and a test for the use of anabolic steroids is carried out not only in competitions, but also during training.

What is the danger of taking anabolics?

Regular intake of anabolic steroids ensures the formation of a beautiful muscular body and rapid growth of muscle mass. But these substances are not harmless at all, because it is not in vain that they were included in the list of prohibited substances. As we already mentioned, anabolics are related to doping, therefore their use to improve sports success is prohibited. In addition, they thoroughly undermine human health and lead to disruptions in the functioning of internal organs and systems. The insidiousness of anabolic steroids lies in the fact that a malfunction in the work of an organ is not detected immediately, but after some time. Therefore, in most cases, the disease is detected when it is already running, and its treatment requires considerable effort and money.

The consequences of taking anabolic steroids

Regular intake of anabolic steroids leads to the following side effects:

  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • vomiting, loss of appetite, up to refusal of food;
  • irritability, aggression.

muscle anabolics
Representatives of the male often experience impotence, inflammation of the prostate gland, sperm activity decreases, and difficulties arise in conceiving a child. The use of anabolics by women leads to menstrual irregularities and increased hair growth (the influence of the male hormone on the female body). In addition, representatives of the fair sex often have a rough voice. Adolescents are especially dangerous to take anabolics, because, in addition to disturbances in the functioning of all systems and organs, this leads to a cessation of growth. Often the effect of the substances in question on a fragile young organism is so strong that there is a delay in its development. Very often, eating anabolic steroids leads to increased injuries. The reason for this phenomenon is that from the abuse of steroids, the muscles rapidly increase in size, but the ligaments and bones remain in the same state and can not withstand such a load. The faster the muscles grow, the greater the risk of tendon rupture, but this is the flip side of the coin. As a rule, in pursuit of a muscular body, people do not think about this. Or they simply don’t know about all the consequences of taking anabolic steroids. The insidiousness of these substances also lies in the fact that performance, a surge of strength and muscle growth occurs only with the use of the above additives. If their reception is stopped, then everything returns to its original position, which forces a person to take drugs again and again and even increase their dosage. And abandoning anabolics can be difficult, as a person simply becomes addicted to the drug.

Is there an alternative?

natural anabolics for muscle growth
But not all anabolics are harmful. There are plants with a mild anabolic effect. Due to their natural origin, they do not upset the balance of the body, but contribute to the growth of muscle mass. Natural anabolics for muscle growth are celery, dill, wild garlic, parsnip and horseradish. Although their consumption does not increase muscle mass as fast as synthetic drugs, they do not undermine human health, do not lead to side effects, and are not forbidden to use in sports. Therefore, before taking anabolics in order to build muscle as soon as possible, carefully weigh the pros and cons, and consult your doctor about the possible consequences of using such drugs. After all, an anabolic is not harmless vitamins or whey protein, but substances that have a strong effect on the body and therefore require strict control and use at the recommended dosages, which are not recommended to be exceeded.

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