The medicine "Bepanten" (ointment). Instruction manual

The Bepanten medication (ointment), the price of which is about three hundred rubles, refers to funds that accelerate healing. The medicine can treat different areas of the skin, including wet wounds, places covered with hair, unprotected areas (for example, face). The drug Bepanten "(ointment), the composition of which includes the active component - dexpanthenol (provitamin B5) - is absorbed in the skin cells. When penetrating the epithelium, it transforms to pantothenic acid. This component, in turn, is contained in coenzyme A and takes an active part in the synthesis of acetylcholine, acetylation processes, in stimulating the regeneration of the skin and mucous membranes, accelerating mitosis, normalizing cellular metabolism, and increasing the strength in collagen fibers. The drug is rapidly absorbed and biotransformed in the body, thus replenishing the endogenous resources of pantothenic acid. The medicine has a moisturizing, regenerating and slight anti-inflammatory effect. Pantothenic acid with feces and urine is excreted unchanged.

bepantin ointment composition

The medicine "Bepanten" (ointment). Indications

The drug is recommended for regular treatment of the skin of newborns, for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes for inflammation of the skin, diaper rash, diaper dermatitis in infants. The medicine "Bepanten" (ointment) is prescribed for the care of the mammary glands, to eliminate irritation and cracks in the nipples during feeding. The tool is indicated for processing the cover after exposure to chemicals, sunlight or other irritating factors. An effective drug to accelerate the healing process of small skin lesions. In particular, the medicine is applied to scratches, abrasions, burns. The medicine "Bepanten" (ointment) is recommended for the treatment of pressure sores, erosion in the cervix, ulcers on the skin, as well as damage due to transplantation of skin areas.

bepantin ointment

Method of use

For the purpose of prevention, when caring for babies, the drug is applied to the clean and dry skin of the newborn with each change of diaper or diaper. After each feeding, the drug is applied to the damaged area of ​​the nipples. Treatment of defects in the mucous membrane of the cervix, cracks in the anus, the product is applied once or twice a day to problem areas. With wounds and microfractures of the cover, the medicine is applied several times a day with a thin layer. The duration of use is set individually in accordance with the severity of the damage and patient tolerance to the drug.

bepanten ointment Price

Adverse Reactions Contraindications

When using the medication in some cases, allergic manifestations are likely. In particular, against the background of hypersensitivity, urticaria, redness, burning of the cover can develop. The drug is not prescribed for intolerance. It is allowed to use the medication during pregnancy according to indications and with medical supervision. When treating nipples during lactation before feeding, there is no need to wash off the drug from the skin. Against the background of local use, an overdose is unlikely.

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