"Life of Alexander Nevsky": a summary for the reader's diary

Entries in any reader’s diary will allow the student to recall the contents of the book he has ever read. Mainly there should be described a short plot, dates of major events, characters. Consider the story "The Life of Alexander Nevsky." A summary for the reader's diary should have a plan. From it one can easily understand what the story is about.

Life of Alexander Nevsky summary

"The Life of Alexander Nevsky." Summary. Plan

In order to consistently describe the events of this work, the student will need a plan in which it is necessary to highlight several important points.

1. Creation date and author.

2. Description and portrait of Prince Alexander.

3. The Prince's appeal to the Lord for help.

4. Vision.

5. The battle with the Swedes and Germans.

6. The battle of the ice.

7. The death of Alexander.

"The Life of Alexander Nevsky." Summary. Author

The story "The Life of Alexander Nevsky" was created in the XIII century. The author of this unique ancient historical work, most likely, was the monk-scribe of Vladimir Metropolitan Cyril, who came in 1246 from Galicia-Volyn Rus. This author claims that he not only personally knew the prince, but also with his own eyes saw his deeds and exploits.

Life of Alexander Nevsky summary plan

Description and portrait of Prince Alexander

So, we turn to the text of the work “The Life of Alexander Nevsky”. A brief summary can immediately begin with a description of the prince himself, as in the original of this historical story. Alexander was born to a pious princely couple, Yaroslav and Theodosius. He was very beautiful, his voice sounded like a trumpet, his face was vaguely reminiscent of the courageous face of Josephus from the Holy Scriptures, he possessed a force frantic, like Samson's, wise was like Solomon, as brave as Vespasian, who conquered the whole of the Jewish land. So Alexander won and was not defeated.

Life of Alexander Nevsky summary plan

Upon learning of such a ruler, a nobleman by the name of Andreash came to him from a Western country, who, having seen the Grand Duke, said: "I went through many countries and did not see such a king among kings and a prince among princes."

Prince's appeal to the Lord for help

Rumors about the military prowess of Prince Alexander reached the king of the Roman country of the northern lands. And he decided to fight him and moved his huge army, in which he gathered his best soldiers and ammunition. Maddened by the beauty of the Novgorod lands, he stopped on the Neva River and sent messengers to the prince with a message that he should defend himself, for he who would destroy them came to his lands.

Life of Alexander Nevsky summary author

Alexander, learning about the impending threat, went to the church of St. Sophia, fell to his knees and began to tearfully pray to the Lord for help and protection of his land from foreign enemies. Emboldened, he told the squad: "God is not in power, but in truth." Without notifying his father and not waiting for reinforcements from him, having received the blessing of Archbishop Spiridon, he rushed towards the enemy.

So continues his story "The Life of Alexander Nevsky." The summary in the reader's diary must necessarily contain the main events from the life of the saint.

Life of Alexander Nevsky summary for children


A night guard was sent to those places, led by the brave husband Pelugiy. All night he did not close his eyes and suddenly heard a splash and the sound of water, and then he saw a floating boat, and on it stood the holy martyrs Boris and Gleb. They had a worthy conversation, and the guard heard: "Brother Gleb, we will help our relative, Alexander!" Pelugii was numb and when meeting with the prince he told all this. For Alexander, this was a great encouragement. And in the early morning the enemy fell. Six brave sons were killed from Alexander’s regiment: Gavrilo Oleksich, Sbyslav Yakunovich, Yakov, Mesha, Sava and Ratmir.

Their exploits are described in great detail in the story "The Life of Alexander Nevsky." A summary in the diary can describe only a few facts.

Life of Alexander Nevsky summary

Battles with Swedes and Germans

The next year, uninvited guests from a Western country came again, looking for wealth and land in Novgorod. The prince, without thinking twice, went and destroyed their city, and hung some, had mercy on the kindness of the soul of others. He won victories one after another, and took the city of German Pskov. He put some Germans behind bars, and interrupted others. But the impudent Germans did not forgive him for this and decided to unite. Their army of many thousands moved into battle.

Life of Alexander Nevsky summary

Battle on the Ice

Prince Alexander was also ready for battle. His father - Prince Yaroslav - sent to him in support of his younger brother Andrei with his brave squad. And they went to their enemies on Saturday, and Lake Peipsi was covered with many dead bodies, on the one hand, on the other. The Russian prince always fought with prayer, and therefore received unexpected help. There were eyewitnesses of how the army of God in the air helped him. And he won this glorious battle, and glorified his people.

The death of Alexander Nevsky

Russia remained under the yoke of the Batu Khan horde. Delighted with the victories of Alexander, he invited him to his place. After honoring him with dignity, he released the prince. But later Batu was angry with his younger brother Alexander and completely ruined his possessions, the lands of Suzdal. Alexander had to rebuild cities, churches, and dispersed residents to gather home.

Generous and kind was Alexander Nevsky, God filled his land with wealth and glory and extended his days. Priests of Great Rome wanted his people to accept the Catholic faith, but the prince was adamant.

Life of Alexander Nevsky summary for the reader's diary

Returning from the Horde, Alexander Nevsky fell ill and, having received monastic tonsure, received the name Alexei, peacefully rested. He was buried in the city of Vladimir in the Church of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin.

Before putting the holy body of the prince in the tomb, Metropolitan Cyril and Savastian-ekonom wanted to put a letter in his hand, but the prince himself extended his hand behind it, as if alive. Confusion swept over them. Thus the Lord Jesus Christ himself glorified his saint.

Life of Alexander Nevsky summary for children

This ended the historical story "The Life of Alexander Nevsky." The summary for school children in their reading diary will forever leave an indelible memory of the Great Novgorod Prince Alexander Yaroslavovich Nevsky.

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