Terrin - what is it? Chicken Terrine

There are many different ways to cook baked dishes of chicken, other meat, vegetables. In recipes, a word such as terrine is quite often found. The first impression is that it is something very complicated, and it’s better not to go deep into reading, since you won’t cook anyway. But this is not so at all. Terrin - what is it? This is a special way of baking, as a result of which a dish is obtained, something between a roll, casserole and paste, laid out in a ceramic or clay form.

Terrine Details

Just because of the recognizable shape, and even with the lid, in which the dish is not only prepared, but served, this name also happened. Terrin - what is it? This is food that is necessarily cooked in fireproof dishes of rectangular shape and monophonic bright colors. They make it from fish, poultry, meat, vegetables, offal, and also from sweets such as chocolate, cheeses, fruits and cottage cheese. The highlight of the terrines is the jelly “shirt”, which is always poured with minced meat from products. Thanks to this spicy crust, the dish does not dry out. Such yummy is sometimes prepared from mixed minced meat, when several types of meat, herbs, vegetables are added.

terrine what is it
As a result of such efforts, a real culinary masterpiece is obtained, which by its appearance alone stimulates appetite. The preparation of terrine is somewhat similar to the way the paste is made, but the mass is heterogeneous, which is how it differs from the latter, and what is its recognizable feature and advantage. Products for him are either cut into plates, or ground into minced meat, or combine both methods.

Terrine cooking technology

When asked: terrine - what is it, it is initially implied that this dish is an exquisite delicacy, but, nevertheless, it is not so difficult to cook it. There are two ways:

  1. Traditional, when the bulk of the process takes place in the oven.
  2. Cold - cooking is done without baking, and with the help of well-known gelatin.

chicken terrine
In the first method, with the help of a knife or a meat grinder, the products are crushed, then the jelly-releasing ingredients are added to them, put into a suitable shape, pressed with a lid and baked. The dish, prepared in this way, of elastic consistency, has a jelly crust, it is easily cut, it can be eaten both in cold and in hot form. As binding products use eggs, cream, soft cheeses, champagne, wine, broths. Top you can cover it with bacon or bacon. In the second method, the finished products also need to be crushed, then pour gelatin, mix lightly, send to the mold, close the lid and - in the refrigerator, for at least ten hours. As you can see, there is nothing particularly complicated.

Cooking Chicken Terrine

Such a delicious dish perfectly diversifies any festive table, and on the eve of the upcoming New Year is especially relevant. Our terrine will differ from the rustic classic in that it will turn out to be quite light, almost dietary. But you can always add smoked meats or bacon to it. Serving it on the table is recommended cold, with mayonnaise sauce or ordinary mustard.

chicken terrine
To prepare ten servings, we will need the following products: dried ham or jamon - six wide and thin slices, minced chicken - one kilogram, garlic - two cloves, dried tomatoes - three to four pieces, parsley - a small bunch, cut into small cubes of bacon - three tablespoons, nutmeg, hot paprika, black pepper, salt.

Cooking process

Chicken terrine is prepared as follows. Take a rectangular shape, line its sides and bottom with slices of ham, laying them with an overlap. That which does not fit inside, let yourself hang over the edges. Add minced greens and garlic, chopped tomatoes or fresh bell pepper to the minced meat, pepper, salt, season with a pinch of paprika and nutmeg, then mix thoroughly. In order to make the terrine more juicy, you can add fat bacon by cutting it into small cubes.

vegetable terrine
Now we put the minced meat in a form, level it on top and cover it with hanging ham. We cover the form with foil and cook it for 180 minutes in a water bath at 180 degrees. Remove the foil and bake for another 20 minutes. Turn off the oven and do not get our dish from there to cool completely. Then we send it to the refrigerator for at least three to four hours, crushing it with a load. Chicken terrine is ready, remove it from the mold, cut into slices and serve.

Eggplant Terrine with Brynza

We’ll tell you another recipe for a delicious, fresh, completely dietary dish. Which, by the way, is preparing relatively quickly - only 40 minutes.

Necessary ingredients: two large eggplant, three multi-colored bell peppers, two tomatoes, five cloves of garlic, a bunch of dill, 400 grams of feta cheese or cream cheese, 50 grams of vegetable oil.

cooking terrine
And now we are preparing vegetable terrine. Step by step recipe:

  1. Peel the peppers. Each housewife has her own way in store, for example, bake until lightly burned in the oven, and then - in a bag until cool.
  2. Fry eggplant in vegetable oil until golden brown, let cool.
  3. Cut pepper into petals, tomatoes into thin circles.
  4. Finely chop the greens and garlic. Please note that garlic needs to be processed in this way.
  5. Knead feta cheese with a fork or tiny hands.
  6. We collect terrine. We take a small rounded salad bowl and line it with culinary film, and put the eggplant on the lap on the bottom. Their edges should hang down.
    cooking process
  7. Next, we collect the layers, ramming each of them: a little feta cheese, crush dill, a layer of tomatoes, sprinkle with garlic, pepper, again feta cheese, and so on.
  8. We finish everything with eggplant, bending their hanging ends up. We do the same with the film, put the load on and put it in the refrigerator for two to three hours.
  9. We bend the film and turn our finished dish onto a plate. We do it very carefully.
  10. Cut, like a cake, into pieces and serve.

Some cooking tips

The answer to the question: terrine - what is it, - finally received a few recommendations that will make it as tasty as possible:

  1. Until you master the whole process very well, try to clearly adhere to the recipe and observe all its proportions.
  2. To make the terrine juicier, lay it in layers, and coat them with oil or line with bacon.
  3. To give a bright and unusual look, add prunes, carrots, green peas, pistachios.
    finished terrine
  4. The resulting minced meat or mass should be a little thinner than for cutlets.
  5. So that the dish does not burn during cooking, it is recommended to cook it in a water bath.
  6. It is advisable to stand at least ten hours in the refrigerator before cutting the terrine. In this case, the slices will look neat and do not fall apart.

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