Validol is probably a medicine known to everyone. The older a person becomes, the more often validol is next to him. What is it about this inconspicuous bottle whose design has not changed for several decades? Why did he migrate from the last century to the new with extraordinary ease?
This is probably because he was once the number one medicine for heart pain. He was carried in a purse by half the female population of the USSR, and during stress in a panic they asked who Validol was with him. He was considered an instant aid for heart ailment and was used as a sedative . Why is he so popular?
Validol has the following effects:
- eliminate mild heart pain, which appeared as a result of severe stress, more often neurosis,
- remove various manifestations of headache.
He has another, very important application. It is an excellent remedy for nausea caused by sea as well as air sickness.
In fact, the effect of validol is preventive, well-calming. Doctors say that with virtually no contraindications, you should not drink it at very low pressure and for patients who are diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. For diabetes, capsules or liquid validol are suitable, and tablets contain unwanted sugar and in large quantities.
Here it is, Validol. Its composition is simple: it is menthol and isovalerianic acid. On visual examination, it is a colorless oily liquid with a rich menthol flavor or large round white tablets. It is impossible to confuse this smell with any other, even children can say for sure that it is Validol. Its composition and form of release have remained constant for many years. Despite the fact that this is a fairly simple remedy, modern medicine does not refuse it and does not try to offer an alternative. After all, it has not only a positive effect on the heart, but also calms the human nervous system, and practically has no side effects.
As noted by cardiologists, Validol has a slight vasodilating effect, so it is unsuitable for severe heart pain. In these cases, it is recommended that the main pathology be treated strictly as prescribed by the doctor.
How to take this medication? It is no secret that many patients prescribe it for themselves, since it is affordable and sold in pharmacies without a prescription. However, not everyone knows how to take a medicine called Validol. Instructions for use states that for 1 dose you need to use 5 drops for minor heart pain, neurosis, as well as for attacks of nausea. Usually a piece of sugar is used, which is dripped with drops and held in the mouth for a long time until the sugar is completely dissolved. At this time, the person should be relaxed.
If you are traveling, it is inconvenient to use the drops, so take Validol tablets or capsules with you. The instruction for use reports that 1 tablet of this medicine contains the same dose as 3 drops of a liquid form. Pills are currently the most used form of this essential medicine. Validol capsules are also convenient. Instructions for use indicate that such a form of the drug should be kept under the tongue until the shell and the substance inside it are completely dissolved. Adult doses are 1-2 capsules at a time.
If the malaise does not go away, the daily intake of Validol increases. Instructions for use will tell you further actions. In case of severe pain in the region of the heart or with an already diagnosed "angina pectoris", medical consultation and a completely different approach are required. Improper use of Validol can lead to myocardial infarction, as the pain will subside slightly, while the disease will progress.
This medicine is not intended to relieve pain caused by vasospasm. In this case, other stronger drugs are prescribed. That is why, in case of severe heart pain, do not delay the visit to the doctor, and save Validol for easier cases.