Eye drops "Middan": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

In the article, we will review the instructions and reviews about the eye drops of "Middan".

This is an antiviral drug widely used in the field of ophthalmology. Drops for the eyes have an immunomodulating effect, adversely affecting the pathogen. The drug is used both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in the treatment of eye diseases of infectious origin. The drug should be dispensed in pharmacies after providing a prescription from a doctor. Store eye drops "Half-open" is necessary in the refrigerator. The drug is prescribed not only for adults, but also for children.

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Release form

The medication is in the form of a lyophilizate powder, intended for the preparation of drops. The solution must be prepared immediately before use. The resulting eye drops are a white liquid. Lyophilisate is available in 5 ml bottles, and the package is equipped with a special dropper for ease of use of the drug.


The effectiveness of "Half-Dan" is due to its composition, which includes a set of amino acids. They are inducers of the production of interferon endogenous type. One bottle of the drug contains 100 units of polyuridyl and polyadenyl acids. In addition, the composition of the "Middan" supplemented by auxiliary components.

The ribonucleotides contained in the preparation are extracted by the biosynthesis method, they retain all the therapeutic properties, as well as the immunomodulating and antiviral effects. The medicinal properties of the drug are due to its ability to have a stimulating effect on the body’s immune system, as well as endogenous type interferons, killer cells and other substances that can recognize and eliminate harmful microflora.

After instillation of the eyes with “Poludan”, the active components of the drug are rapidly absorbed into the eye tissues and begin to affect the infectious focus. The concentration of the drug can be detected in tear fluid and blood serum. The production of endogenous type interferon occurs three hours after instillation. With the regular use of drops, a stable immune defense is developed in the body, which remains during the entire course of therapy and is eliminated after its completion.

half-eye eye drops instruction


The action of eye drops "Poludana" is aimed at eliminating diseases of a viral nature in the field of ophthalmology. Indications for the use of eye drops are the following diseases:

  • Keratoconjunctivitis, the appearance of which is provoked by an infection of a herpetic or adenovirus type.
  • Iridocyclitis.
  • Keratitis
  • Optic neuritis.
  • Uveitis.
  • Keratitis of the deep type.


The drug cannot be used to treat bacterial infections of the eyes. "Half-dan" is effective only against pathological processes caused by a virus or inflammation. Self-medication is not allowed, since only a qualified specialist is able to accurately determine the nature of the disease and prescribe the correct therapy.

half-eye drops

Eye drops "Poludan" are considered a relatively safe drug, it contains polyribonucleotides of natural origin, so the drops are allowed to be prescribed for children. Indications for use in childhood are similar to those listed above, these are viral and inflammatory processes localized in the eyes.

Quite often, “Midday” is prescribed to women during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. However, such an appointment will require caution when using drops, since there is no complete amount of data on the use of the drug in pregnant and lactating women.

With regard to contraindications, according to the instructions for the eye drops "Half-open", they can not be prescribed only in case of an individual reaction to its components.

Instruction manual

During the treatment of ophthalmic pathologies that arose against the background of a viral lesion, the lyophilisate "Poludan" is used to prepare eye drops. For this, the contents of one bottle with the drug is diluted with 2 ml of injection water. The resulting solution must be used within a week. It is necessary to store the preparation in a prepared form in the refrigerator.

Adults are prescribed instillation of the solution, one drop in each eye, up to eight times a day. Even if pathology affects one eye, drops must be instilled in both conjunctival sacs. With the appearance of positive dynamics in treatment, it is allowed to reduce the frequency of use of the eye drops of “Poludan” up to four times. If during the week the use of the drug did not give positive results, therapy should be discontinued and consult a doctor.

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When the lyophilisate is dissolved, 2 ml of the solution is obtained. For children, the drug is also instilled 1-2 drops in each eye, only the frequency of use changes - four times a day. When positive dynamics appear, the dosage is reduced to instillations in the morning and in the evening. If there is no effect during the week of treatment, the actions are similar to the adult therapy regimen.

For pregnant and lactating women, the dosage and frequency of use of the solution for the preparation of eye drops "Half-open" is selected individually, depending on the nature and severity of the lesion.

Adverse reactions

The most common negative consequences of the use of drops of "Poludan" are local allergic reactions, accompanied by itching and burning in the eyes, a feeling of the presence of a foreign body, intense lacrimation.

In some cases, follicles were found in the lower transitional skin fold. Occasionally, an increase in pressure inside the eyes and minor hemorrhages were recorded against the background of instillations of the "Half-Open". All of the listed adverse reactions are mild and mild. They do not require specific treatment, but pass on their own after discontinuation of the drug.

midday eye drops instruction reviews

Drug interaction

It is not recommended to simultaneously use "Poludan" and preparations based on enzymes, as this can provoke the destruction of interferon and reduce the effectiveness of the therapy. “Poludan” can be combined with antibacterial therapy and other antiviral drugs, which allows it to be included in the complex treatment.

The appearance of adverse reactions to eye instillation with this agent may require discontinuation of the drug. To date, no overdose of drops has been reported.

Analogs of eye drops "Half-open"

A number of drugs with a similar therapeutic effect are distinguished. The most common among them are the following:

  • Okoferon. Drops are made on the basis of human interferon. The release form is the same as that of Poludan - lyophilisate, which is diluted to obtain eye drops. The drug has an antiviral and immunomodulatory effect. The main difference from the original is a contraindication for use by women during the gestation and in the lactation period, as well as in childhood. We will not consider in detail the instructions for analogues of eye drops "Poludan".
  • Ophthalmoferon. This drug is a combination agent. In addition to interferon, diphenhydramine is included in its composition. The spectrum of activity of Ophthalmoferon is somewhat wider than that of Poludan, in particular, drops help to anesthetize and relieve inflammation. However, it can also not be assigned to children.
  • Aktipol. It is made on the basis of para - aminobenzoic acid. The drug provokes the synthesis of interferon and activates the body's immune properties.
half-eye preparation for eye drops

It should be borne in mind that when replacing a drug with an analogue, you should consult a specialist, since each generic has a number of features in use and contraindications.


On the Internet, there are quite a lot of reviews about the eye drops of "Middan". They are both positive and negative. Quite a lot of comments are left by those who treated conjunctivitis and keratitis with it. Due to the viral origin of these diseases, both eyes are affected, which greatly affects the quality of human life.

When using drops, it is quickly possible to eliminate unpleasant manifestations of viral lesions, such as itching and burning, redness and swelling, soreness and lacrimation, as well as purulent discharge. Many in the comments on the drug write that they managed to achieve positive dynamics when using the drops already on the first day of therapy.

In pediatric practice, the drug is also often prescribed for therapeutic activities in the field of ophthalmic diseases of viral origin. Parents reviews are usually positive.

half-eye eye drops instruction analogs

There are also reviews with negative content. Most complaints about the weekly shelf life of the finished solution. Some also express the idea of ​​selling the drug in a diluted form. Manufacturers explain this form of “Middan” by the fact that they do not have to add preservatives, which makes the drug safer.

The lack of effect from the therapy can be explained by the incorrectly established nature of the disease, for example, it had a bacterial origin.

We have reviewed the instructions for use for eye drops "Middan".

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