Corvalol overdose: symptoms, treatment, consequences

An overdose of Corvalol is often noted. This is a popular drug that many people take with stress, insomnia, heart pain and tachycardia. Such a tool can be found in any home medicine cabinet. Often patients find this drug completely harmless. But in fact, taking excessive amounts of Corvalol can lead to severe poisoning. The drug contains not only herbal ingredients, but also a potent sedative component.

The composition of the drug

The composition of the drug includes peppermint esters and valerianic acid, as well as phenobarbital. It is the latter substance that leads to severe intoxication. Phenobarbital is a potent sedative and anticonvulsant. If the permissible doses are exceeded, poisoning occurs, accompanied by severe inhibition of the central nervous system.

Composition of Corvalol

The drug "Corvalol" contains a very small dose of phenobarbital, it is less than 2%. However, if you take too many drops, intoxication may develop. In addition, barbiturates are addictive. Some people become addicted to the drug and are taking larger and larger doses of the drug. This category of patients is most susceptible to poisoning. Many patients mistakenly believe that Corvalol is a harmless and safe drug and forget about the presence of a potent active component in its composition.

Each patient needs to know about the symptoms and consequences of an overdose of Corvalol. Poisoning can occur not only with a single excess of the permissible dose. If a person systematically abuses this medicine and takes it uncontrollably, then chronic phenobarbital intoxication is possible. This substance is able to accumulate in the body. Chronic poisoning is noted with too long a drug.

Toxic dose of medication

Compliance with the dosage of Corvalol

It is recommended to take no more than 60 drops or 3 tablets of 7.5 mg per day. This amount of medicine is divided into 3 doses. However, with severe tachycardia or a heart attack, up to 120 drops or 6 tablets of this remedy can be consumed per day. Acceptance of high doses of the drug should be under the supervision of a doctor, especially when it comes to the elderly.

If the above amount of the drug is exceeded, manifestations of an overdose of Corvalol may develop. How many drops cause intoxication? For adults, a dose in excess of 150 drops or 7-8 tablets per day is dangerous. In a child or an elderly person, more than 80-100 drops or 4-5 tablets per day can lead to poisoning.

A fatal outcome in case of an overdose of Corvalol is also possible. If 100 mg of phenobarbital is taken per 1 kg of a personโ€™s weight, then heart failure is rapidly developing, which causes death. A personโ€™s life may be in danger after taking 200-250 ml (4-5 bottles) of a liquid form of the drug or 30-50 tablets.

Sedation poisoning

If a person uses the drug for a long time, then a fatal outcome can occur when taking smaller doses of the drug. This is due to the accumulation of phenobarbital in the body. The toxicity of Corvalol increases sharply when taken with alcohol or other sedatives that potentiate the effect of the drug.

Symptoms and degrees of overdose

Symptoms of Corvalol overdose depend on the amount taken. There are several degrees of intoxication:

  • Easy. The patient is growing weakness and lethargy. He feels very drowsy. The patient becomes apathetic. His speech becomes blurry and fuzzy, coordination of movements is frustrated.
  • Medium. A person falls into a long and deep sleep. After a very short awakening, the patient falls asleep again. There is a drop in blood pressure, increased saliva and a decrease in urine output.
  • Heavy. The patient falls into a coma. He has no reflexes and consciousness, and his breathing is disturbed. Signs of heart failure are increasing - tachycardia and bluish skin color are noted. When listening, wheezing in the lungs is noticeable. Blood pressure is sharply reduced. This is an extremely dangerous condition, which often leads to death from impaired cardiac activity and pulmonary edema.
Drowsiness is a symptom of an overdose.

Chronic intoxication

An overdose of Corvalol in drops or tablets can occur in a chronic form. This is observed with excessively long medication and with a slight, but systematic excess of the permissible dose.

In this case, signs of intoxication are not pronounced. Chronic overdose of Corvalol is expressed in a constant feeling of weakness and drowsiness. The patient has reduced activity and performance. There is a systematic depressed mood. These phenomena disappear after discontinuation of the drug or a decrease in its dose.

Combination with alcohol

Corvalol is not compatible with alcohol

Alcohol can enhance the effect of the drug. As a result, an overdose of Corvalol is observed even when taking an acceptable amount of medication. Alcohol and drugs with phenobarbital are categorically incompatible.

The combination of alcohol with phenobarbital creates a great danger to the cardiovascular system. Alcohol increases blood pressure and heart rate. "Corvalol" acts as a hypotensive drug, it helps to slow down the pulse. Such an opposite effect on the body leads to the development of acute heart failure.


Exceeding the recommended dose of the drug is fraught with the development of complications. Even after treatment of intoxication, the consequences of an overdose of Corvalol can affect the body for a long time. Complications are often noted in patients with chronic diseases and poor health.

People with low blood pressure after poisoning may experience angina attacks and cerebrovascular disorders. Also, hypotonics often develop acute heart failure during intoxication.

In patients with hepatitis or cirrhosis, liver failure may result from an overdose. In sick kidneys, intoxication is complicated by a violation of the function of excretion and a decrease in the amount of urine. Against the background of such symptoms, renal failure may occur.

With severe overdose, neurological disorders can persist for a long time. Patients have impaired coordination of movements and clarity of speech, a shaky gait and asthenic manifestations are noted.

First aid

What to do in case of Corvalol overdose? Even if the excess dose was small, you must immediately call an ambulance. The sooner treatment is started, the greater the chances of a successful outcome. Before the arrival of doctors, it is necessary to provide the patient first aid.

In case of an overdose of a mild degree, it is necessary to rinse the stomach of the patient. For this, the patient is given a drink of about 1 liter of water, and then by pressing the root of the tongue they induce a gag reflex. After that, you need to take 20 tablets of activated carbon or 3-4 tablespoons of Enterosgel. If the child is poisoned, then half the dose of sorbents is needed. It is also useful to make a cleansing enema and give the patient as much non-carbonated mineral water as possible. This will help reduce the absorption of the components of the drug.

In case of moderate and severe overdose, gastric and enema lavage cannot be done. It may be dangerous. The patient is laid with his back on a hard surface, his head is turned to one side. It is necessary to open the window for the influx of fresh air and unfasten the patient all tight clothing. Need to check your heart rate. On the arm, it may not be detected due to a decrease in blood pressure. In this case, you need to feel the pulse on the neck in the region of the carotid artery. If the pulsation is not determined, then they do artificial respiration and an indoor heart massage.

Overdose treatment

Chronic overdose

In case of an overdose of Corvalol, the ambulance team introduces an antidote. This is Bemegrid. It reduces the toxicity of phenobarbital, normalizes respiratory function and cardiovascular activity, and also stimulates the nervous system.

A mild overdose is treated on an outpatient basis. With moderate and severe intoxication, the patient is placed in a hospital. Complex therapy of poisoning is carried out. For detoxification, the patient is given droppers with glucose and saline solutions. In severe cases, the blood is purified by hemosorption or hemodialysis. They inject drugs to maintain cardiac activity and respiration. In case of violations of excretory function, diuretics are prescribed.

If the patient is in a coma, then resuscitation is needed with the patient connected to the ventilator.

Resuscitation measures in case of overdose


Overdose prevention consists in carefully observing the recommended amount of medication. In childhood and old age, the allowable daily dose of Corvalol should be reduced. If the drug does not provide the necessary therapeutic effect, then this does not mean that the dose should be increased. In such cases, it is necessary to replace the medication with a more effective remedy.

Corvalol is not intended for long-term use, as phenobarbital can be addictive and addictive. Over time, to achieve the desired effect, an increasing dosage is required, which can lead to the development of intoxication. Take drops or tablets for a long time only under the supervision of a doctor. It is important to remember that Corvalol is not a safe drug, but a serious sedative.

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