Analysis for genital herpes - what and how to take it? The causative agent of genital herpes. Treatment and prevention of genital herpes

In the article, we consider what tests for genital herpes must be taken.

Genital herpes is considered one of the most common infectious pathologies that affects the mucous membrane and skin of the genital organs. The disease is equally common in men and women. In addition, the incidence rate does not depend on belonging to a certain age group. The mechanism of the development of the disease and the signs of its appearance do not differ from the virus, manifested in the form of a cold on the lips. The main causative agent of genital herpes, affecting more than 80% of all patients, is the herpes simplex virus of the second type. What is the rest of it? The remaining 20% ​​occurs against infection with the first type of hsv 1.

treat cold sores on the labia


As you know, the vast majority of people on the planet are carriers of the herpes virus. However, it does not always manifest itself and recurs, and not at all. Whether a person is infected with genital herpes or not depends on the state of the body's immune system. Many infected people may not be aware of the presence of the causative agent of genital herpes. Others, under certain conditions, may encounter unpleasant manifestations of this disease.

Provocative factors

The following factors affect the decrease in the protective qualities of immunity:

  1. Stressful situations. Staying in a state of psycho-emotional stress can affect the properties of immunity.
  2. Overstrain of the psyche. Violation of the central nervous system can also provoke a decrease in the protective properties of the body. What other causes of genital herpes are known?
  3. Excessive exercise. Overwork of the body causes hypoactivity of the immune system and reduces the ability to resist viral effects.
  4. Avitaminosis. Vitamins C, E and A are involved in strengthening the immune system, the deficiency of which leads to a weakening of the protective qualities of the body.
  5. Unbalanced diet. The diet should be enriched with proteins and amino acids, which will allow the immune system to function in full force. The causes of genital herpes should be determined by the doctor.
  6. Taking drugs that suppress the immune system, which include steroids and cytostatic drugs.
  7. Autoimmune diseases.

All of these factors can provoke a decrease in immunity and, accordingly, a relapse of a viral disease.

ointment for genital herpes

Signs of genital herpes

In the case of the fairer sex, relapse occurs suddenly and is characterized by a number of specific signs:

  1. Itching in the perineum. Itching is pronounced and appears directly around the affected area. Small and large labia, as well as the mucous membranes of the urethra and vagina, are infected.
  2. The formation of vesicles and redness under the upper layer of the skin or mucous membrane. Bubbles can be either single or arranged in groups of several dozen formations. When bubble formation begins, the intensity of itching increases. It should be borne in mind that the liquid in the vesicles contains the highest concentration of viral cells, which makes a person during this period the most dangerous pathogen.
  3. Vaginal discharge. When the mucous membrane of the vagina is affected, moderate discharge of both mucous membranes and an admixture of pus is possible. What other signs of genital herpes are?
  4. Pain syndrome with mechanical irritation. The severity of pain during intercourse, with urination and any mechanical contact with affected skin, is enhanced. Pain occurs due to an inflammatory process that occurs in adjacent tissues or affecting the sensitive nerve endings located in the organs of the reproductive system.
  5. Natural opening of the vesicles and the further formation of sores on the surface of the affected area. Erosions heal after about a week. Sometimes an infection of bacterial genesis joins the pathology of herpes hsv 2, which delays the healing process of wounds.

In men, the process of genital herpes does not differ from a female disease. The appearance of the vesicles is also characterized by severe itching, then the formations open and ulcers appear in their place, which are subsequently covered with a crust. If urine enters the formed crusts, skin irritation and inflammation of the affected area can occur.

How does genital herpes infection occur?

How is it transmitted and leaks

The defeat of genital herpes virus occurs through direct contact with an infected person. Infection can occur during a kiss, when using a common towel, bedding and other personal hygiene items. It is important to remember that the virus is able to maintain an active state only in the presence of an aqueous medium.

Airborne herpes hsv 2 is not transmitted. The most common way to infect genitalia is through sexual intercourse. In this case, both genital and oral sexual contacts are equally dangerous.

hsv 2

Invasion of the nerve trunks

After infection of the human body, virus particles begin invasion into the sensitive nerve trunks. The innervation of the area in which the virus has occurred. After the introduction process is completed, the virus cells begin to advance to the body of the nerve cell. Next, the pathogenic DNA of the virus is inserted into the genetic apparatus of healthy cells. When a favorable moment comes, due to the weakening of immunity, viral DNA comes into an active state and provokes the proliferation of malicious cells. Transformed viral cells spread with blood flow through the human body and enter the external environment after opening vesicles on the skin.

Infectious herpes virus is a common disease. About 90% of the total population of the planet are carriers, so the probability of infection is very high. However, it is necessary to distinguish between infection with a virus that proceeds in a latent form and the active phase of development of genital herpes. In the latter case, we are talking about a serious damage to the body, which requires qualified treatment. Therefore, at the first signs of the manifestation of genital herpes, you should visit a doctor and take tests for genital herpes.


External manifestations of genital herpes are obvious and, as a rule, do not require additional examination. But there are also cases of a fuzzy clinical picture, as well as complications and additional infectious pathological processes.

A study in the conditions of laboratory diagnostics allows you to detect pathology in an active state and evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment.

Several laboratory methods are identified that allow to detect the presence of the herpes simplex virus of the first type hsv 1 and genital herpes:

  • Polymerase chain reaction or PCR.

This method is considered the most effective in detecting herpes virus. The analysis is carried out by repeatedly copying a viral DNA molecule to identify its type. Biomaterial for research can be used differently. The analysis is prepared within one week. The advantage of the method is the ability to detect the virus even if its concentration is low. Not everyone knows what analysis to pass for genital herpes.

  • Immunofluorescence reaction or RIF.

In this case, the material taken for analysis is processed with a special substance. Further, under the microscope, luminous antigens are revealed, which indicate the presence of the herpes virus in the body. Unlike PCR, this research method gives a result at a high concentration of viral cells. What other analysis for genital herpes surrenders?

  • Cultural research.

A method known for a long time and widely used. During the study, the collected material is placed in a special nutrient medium and examined. The type of herpes is determined depending on the behavior of the viral cells. The disadvantage of this method is the length of its execution - the results will have to wait about two weeks.

  • Another test for genital herpes is vulvovolpococervicoscopy.

This study is conducted only in women. The procedure consists in examining the vaginal walls and the uterine neck with a special microscope. This study reveals characteristic rashes on the genitals. The result is provided immediately.

hsv 1

Express methods

There are also a number of express methods based on blood tests, which allow you to get the result after 2-4 days:

  1. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay or ELISA. Detects the presence of antibodies IgM and IgG and determine their concentration. If there is a lot of IgM, then the virus is in an active state, that is, a person is either sick or has been sick recently. An increased amount of IgG indicates a chronic pathology.
  2. Serological examination. Detects the presence of antibodies G in the venous blood. It is carried out in the diagnosis of genital herpes caused by the second type of virus.
  3. The immunogram. It is essentially a check of the state of immunity. It is carried out in order to identify failures and violations of the protective qualities of the body.

Analyzes for the determination of herpes virus are given in almost all clinics, however, it is most optimal to get a referral for certain studies from your doctor.


We will figure out how to treat herpes on the labia.

Infectious herpes is a pathology that proceeds in a chronic form. The disease is cyclical in nature, which explains the alternation of the active stages of the manifestation of the virus and remissions. It should be remembered that after the initial infection, it is impossible to completely eliminate the herpes virus from the body. Any prescribed therapy involves only the prevention of relapse and a reduction in their duration. In addition, antiviral therapy helps reduce the likelihood of developing possible complications.

genital herpes pathogen

Most often, regular exacerbations of genital herpes are associated with weakened immunity. For this reason, therapy consists mainly in strengthening the immune system. Many people are interested in how to treat cold sores on the labia.

Antiviral drugs are considered the standard prescription for exacerbation of herpes infection. They stop the proliferation of viral cells, helping to slow down or stop the spread of herpes in a healthy cell.

Antiviral drugs

The following antiviral medications are most commonly prescribed:

  1. Ointment for genital herpes "Acyclovir".
  2. Ganciclovir.
  3. "Valacyclovir."
  4. Pharmciclovir.

The drugs are available in various forms for both oral and topical use. The specialist usually prescribes a combination of several forms, when along with the application of the ointment, tablets with the same active component are also taken. Any antiviral ointment for genital herpes should be applied to the affected areas of the skin with a thin layer up to six times a day.

Immunity strengthening

It is equally important to pay attention to strengthening immunity. For this, doctors prescribe immunostimulants. Interferon or thymus-based drugs help speed up the healing process and significantly reduce the likelihood of relapse. Thus, it turns out to achieve a long period of remission.

prevention of genital herpes


A key role in the prevention of herpes plays an increase in the protective properties of the body. To maintain immunity in good condition, it is recommended to follow the following recommendations:

  • Maintaining an active lifestyle, moderate physical activity, work without overwork.
  • Normal psycho-emotional state. Frequent stress and depression have a detrimental effect on the immune system. This leads to frequent relapses of herpes infection.
  • Compliance with the correct diet and giving up bad habits.

Prevention of genital herpes should be carried out without fail.


In addition, in order to avoid infection with genital herpes, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

signs of genital herpes
  1. The use of barrier methods of contraception. This does not give a 100% guarantee, but significantly reduces the risk of infection.
  2. If foci of herpes are detected, the current situation should be discussed with the sexual partner and together a solution to the problem should be found.
  3. Treatment of genital herpes is necessary for both sexual partners, even if one of them has no external manifestations.

Genital herpes is an unpleasant disease that indicates a lack of human immunity. Therefore, the key to solving the problem is to increase the protective qualities of the body.

We examined the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of genital herpes.

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